To be confirmed by Supreme Chancellor [member="Popo"].
This is the -rough- draft.
Flag Officers
O7. Fleet Admiral
O6. Admiral
O5. Commodore
Senior Officers
O4. Captain
O3. Commander
Junior Officers
O2. Lieutenant Commander
O1. Lieutenant
Senior Enlisted
E7. Master Chief
E6. Senior Chief
E5. Chief
Junior Enlisted
E4. Senior Crewman
E3. Crewman
E2. Crewman Apprentice
E1. Recruit (for character background only - all personnel are crewman apprentice minimum by the time they reach their first operational unit)
Please check with [member="Popo"] or Alarice Mollari before assigning ranks and so forth.
Thank you.
This is the -rough- draft.
Flag Officers
O7. Fleet Admiral
O6. Admiral
O5. Commodore
Senior Officers
O4. Captain
O3. Commander
Junior Officers
O2. Lieutenant Commander
O1. Lieutenant
Senior Enlisted
E7. Master Chief
E6. Senior Chief
E5. Chief
Junior Enlisted
E4. Senior Crewman
E3. Crewman
E2. Crewman Apprentice
E1. Recruit (for character background only - all personnel are crewman apprentice minimum by the time they reach their first operational unit)
Please check with [member="Popo"] or Alarice Mollari before assigning ranks and so forth.
Thank you.