Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

- In a weakened state this acid is generally used to infuse syrups and water with a pleasant bubbly feeling, however in this case with the altered formula which accounts for a much higher PH value and much harder corrosive effect it can be added to water to form a environmentally friendly cleaning solution.
- Combined with high pressure washers, this acid becomes a very good glue and resin remover.
- In its pure and unfiltered, undiluted form, T86 Polycarbonic Acid or T86 PA for short, can essentially be used for dissolving slag, impurities within metal ore and removal of construction debris because of its highly effective dissolution and dissolving properties when it comes into contact with calcite, rust and other sorts of oxidation, and rigid organic compounds.
- Easily containable as a pressurized liquid, turns into gaseous state at around 20°C.
- [Diluted] Very effective in removal of dirt and residu
- [Diluted] Can be used as a rust or oxidation remover in pressurized cans.
- [Pure] Has a variety of industrial applications in terms of removal of construction debris/material and slag
- [Pure] Very good at absorbing radioactivity.
- [Diluted & Pure] Environmentally friendly
- Does not react with silica based materials or metals
- Not exactly useable as a weapon due to relatively mild acidic properties
While this is the sort of material you wouldn't see coming out of the laboratories of the N&Z in most cases, the T86-Polycarbonic acid was at first an internally developped compound specifically ment to be used in diluted form as a cheap, environmental friendly cleaning product to be used by the cleaning staff within most of the company's locations and assets. However, later tests with the pure variety have given enough reason to start a larger production of this compound, as it proved itself to be useful for many applications in both chemical and heavy industry, since it is capable of removing impurities within most metal ores and has the property of generally easily dissolving calcium and carbon based materials, it tends to have great applications for demolition, salvaging and refining.
A later test also made it clear that it has a very potent reaction with duracrete, where the sturdy material actually weakens to be more akin to wet clay in contact with the pure form of the acid. It also seems to be very good at absorbing and neutralizing hazardous radiation, which makes it a safe and environmentally friendly material to clean radioactive material, people working in radioactive places and radiated places and locations.
Out Of Character Info
to create a soft acid for large scale applications
Technical Information
N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Carbonite, oxygen, hydrogen