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Approved Tech Force Imbued Greatsword, Kta Dom Lya

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  • Intent: To make a force imbued Greatsword for future stories
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
  • Affiliation: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Songsteel, Force Imbued Leather, Kyber Crystal
  • Classification: Greatsword
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Blade of the Force: Kta Dom Lya is a blade imbued with the Force, thus able to channel it through the blade, and be used as a conduit of the user's abilities.
  • Winds of Change: Installed at the base of the blade, the crystal absorbs sith lightning, transforming it into Electric Judgement.
  • A Blade of Love and Honor: Forged by Jonyna for her mate using all the love she could muster, Kta seems to burn anyone of the Dark Side when they touch it, and extended contact seems to cause a weakening of Dark Side power naturally.
  • Lightning Rod: With it's inlayed crystal, the blade is able to attract Force Lightning to the blade instead of it hitting the user.
  • Cleaver: Kta, much like other Force Imbued Blades never seems to lose it's frighteningly sharp edge, giving it the ability to cut through things most would assume impossible for a normal blade.
  • Dark Side Bane: Along with being able to cut through most objects, it's construction allows it to cut through dark side spirts and apparitions
  • Plasma Repellent: Due to the construction of the blade, the blade is able to deflect both blaster fire and lightsabers.
  • Golden Slash: Inscribed on the length of the blade are runes in Catharese, written by Jonyna with the help of her mother during the forging process, allowing the blade to, with a mighty swing, let forth a golden beam of light that can inflict grievous burns against creatures flowing with the Dark, and even potentially disintegrate them with enough power behind it.
  • The Weight of Your Sins: The blade is bonded to Taam and Jonyna specifically, and any attempt to wield or even lift the sword by anyone else would entirely depend on their moral alignment. Those wicked would find the blade incalculably heavy, while those kinder in life would find only a blade of songsteel, not a mighty blade of the Force.
  • Requires Force to Work: Any form of Force Nullifcation would make the blade just another songsteel greatsword.
  • It Belongs in a Museum!: Given it's construction, repair work on it is incredibly expensive. any damage to the blade would cost a small fortune to fix.
  • Edge Alignment: Naturally, the blade suffers from the downside of every sword in history. It requires a great amount of skill and dedication to use it effectively, and missteps in it's use can happen.
With the relationship between Jonyna and Taam growing, Jonyna got to work forging a blade to give her mate the edge in future combats. Taking what she learned from Liz, her previous blade, Jonyna forged a new blade to fit her love's fighting style. Efficient, yet nowhere near as graceful as her. Forging a 4 and a half foot blade inscribed with abilities once thought lost to the ages, now brought to light again due to the knowledge instilled by Jonyna's mother.

The Blade of Light, Kta Dom Lya, is a force to the reckoned with.
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King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Taam's Force Imbued Greatsword, Kta Dom Lya
Link to Submission: Here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Fix Image

Submission Name: Taam's Armored Jacket
Link to Submission: Here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Fix Image

Submission Name: "Paul", Jonyna's Kyber-Blaster
Link to Submission: Here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Fix Image

Submission Name: Liz, Jonyna's Je'daii Blade
Link to Submission: Here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Adding Div to make it pwettier

Submission Name: GASP-35 Electro Fang
Link to Submission: Here.
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Fixing image
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Submission Name: Taam's Force Imbued Greatsword, Kta Dom Lya
Link to Submission: Taam's Force Imbued Greatsword, Kta Dom Lya
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Changing afflilation. Writer for Taam went AWOL, gonna keep the sword around for if he ever comes back, or repurpose it at some point.

Submission Name: Taam's Armored Jacket
Link to Submission: Taam's Armored Jacket
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Changing Affliation.
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