Tap tap tap
The noise of the caff cup meeting the table top reverberated round the caff. No one looked towards its source, instead they tried to talk over it, or stare into the stimulating liquid in their hands.
tap tap tap
Maybe it was because the source of the noise smelt slightly of wine. It wasn't nessecarily a bad smell, but it said well enough that this person was drunk, or sobering up. And no one likes to fight with either of those people, they make nasty opponanats, pain receptors numbed by alcohol fated to feel it all the more when the alcohol vacated their system.
tap tap tap
But this was Annaj, home of the Lords of the Fringe. There were a great many 'don't frak with me' names associated with this place. why would they fear a drunk? Maybe it was the way she was staring at them all, from beneath her hood, only the curve of her smirking lips available, tauning them. Daring them to fight.
tap tap tap
You're annoying yourself now, you realise that?
"Its annoying them more. Powerless and afraid of what might be. Of what could be."
You're actually looking for a fight?"
"I want them to look at me. I want them to see what has become of me. I want them to know that they are in danger now more than ever."
you've drank too much.
She laughed, a bitter and high laugh the she brought the cup down so hard it shattered. She picked a peice of the china from her palm. "Perhaps."
It was this that made the customers pretend she didn't exist. Who wanted to confront a woman who spoke to herself.
[member="Anders Sivas"]
The noise of the caff cup meeting the table top reverberated round the caff. No one looked towards its source, instead they tried to talk over it, or stare into the stimulating liquid in their hands.
tap tap tap
Maybe it was because the source of the noise smelt slightly of wine. It wasn't nessecarily a bad smell, but it said well enough that this person was drunk, or sobering up. And no one likes to fight with either of those people, they make nasty opponanats, pain receptors numbed by alcohol fated to feel it all the more when the alcohol vacated their system.
tap tap tap
But this was Annaj, home of the Lords of the Fringe. There were a great many 'don't frak with me' names associated with this place. why would they fear a drunk? Maybe it was the way she was staring at them all, from beneath her hood, only the curve of her smirking lips available, tauning them. Daring them to fight.
tap tap tap
You're annoying yourself now, you realise that?
"Its annoying them more. Powerless and afraid of what might be. Of what could be."
You're actually looking for a fight?"
"I want them to look at me. I want them to see what has become of me. I want them to know that they are in danger now more than ever."
you've drank too much.
She laughed, a bitter and high laugh the she brought the cup down so hard it shattered. She picked a peice of the china from her palm. "Perhaps."
It was this that made the customers pretend she didn't exist. Who wanted to confront a woman who spoke to herself.
[member="Anders Sivas"]