Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Morality Policeman :)
Name: Tacitanya
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Apprentice
Species: [Tyrian] Twi'lek
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 1.56 meters
Weight: 47.5 Kg
Eyes: Lavender
Hair: N/A
Skin: Pink
Force-sensitivity: Medium
Dominant Hand: Left

Master: [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Street-savvy; self-sufficient and resourceful, with an artistic and inventive flair
+ Has a knack for sniffing out and retrieving the perfect materials
+ Nimble and stealthy with a superb sense of direction
+ Clings to the truth and does her best to maintain her integrity
- However, she has been known to falter on her standards and turn a blind eye when in desperate circumstances
= Anti-slavery zealot
= Wanderlusty
- Paranoid
- Has an obscure, unstable mental disposition that can be set off-kilter on occasion. Her socially isolated way of life compounds her condition, and she can suddenly and inexplicably become prone to fleeting, irrational impulses
- Physically small and unimposing

- Potential blabbermouth

Tacitanya was born illegitimately to her mother, Brisse'tsya (a former slave, until her master was murdered in a business deal gone south) on Nar Shaddaa.

She primarily grew up in alleys and basements and only attended school for a short time at her mother’s prodding, paying just enough attention to learn how to read. Through the literary medium and personal experience, she learned much on her own, developing curious skills and crafts. With plenty of free time to skulk around in the shadows of the Hutt entertainment palaces, she discovered she had a knack for mechanical tinkering.

Brisse'tsya died of glitterstim overdose when Tacitanya was 15, leaving her daughter with what could be considered her life’s savings and a request for her to attend boarding school in Corellia. Tacitanya submitted to her mother’s parting wish and grinded through a year of school, afterwards electing to remain on the pristine world instead of returning to her grimy birthplace. She thrived in the streets of Coronet City.

Taci set out to try her hand at her mother’s trade early on, but balked at it and never entertained the thought again. Inspired by Corellia’s landscapes, Tacitanya developed the skill of painting and entered into the invigorating tapioca smuggling industry.

Unfortunately, CorSec sniffed one of her associates out, and when she arrived at the designated meeting spot with a tapioca deposit, she was apprehended. Her illegal residency status was discovered, and she was deported back to Nar Shaddaa, where tapioca is not such a profitable commodity. These days, she constructs gadgets out of salvaged scrap and paints by The Promenade for a living--though she occasionally subsidizes her pitiful income through petty theft.

Personal equipment:
Easel, canvases, and artist utensils; Whistleflute blaster pistol; lightsaber

Cloak; artist coat for storing/hiding various items; leggings for mobility; recycled boots; fingerless gloves; mother's decorative head and lekku bands; lucky necklace

Simple, accumulated practical skills and resourcefulness conducive to her artistry, tinkering, engineering, and scrounging. Also an uncanny adroitness for boarding ships and slinking through cityscapes undetected.

Combat forms:
  • Lightsaber Form I
Force abilities:
  • Sight
  • Empathy
  • Breath Control
  • Speed
  • Telekinetics
  • Jump
  • Stealth
  • Electronic Manipulation

Twi'lekkun' Around
Third Time Lucky-ish - Taci learns she is Force-sensitive, and sets out on her path under the guidance of Asemir Lor'kora.
Why Did It Have to Be (Sea)Snakes? - Taci's first adventure with Asemir leads them to Kamino for a 'peaceful' mission.
These Things Just Happen - Taci bumps into Jedi Knight Kana Truden during a bout of wanderlust that brings her to Anaxes.
Two Twi'leks Walk into a Cantina - Tyrian twi'leks make friends at a bar!
A-Rangerin' We Will Go - Rangers are a thing.
Bottoms Up! - Might have been a Michael Bay movie filmed on Ossus.
Into the Deep End He Goes
A anti slavery zeloth, welcome join the club, Maybe you wil fid in wel in the GLC (galactic liberation collective), anyway realy nice caracter. [member="Tacitanya"]
[member="Rasu Gan"]
I SAW HER FIRST RASU!! *pushes out of the way then slicks back bald creepy Vong head* Hey there babeh, how'd you like to go back to my place and purge the galaxy of heretics if you know what I'm saying [member="Tacitanya"]


Morality Policeman :)
Krius Syonis said:
Nice character. Another god amongst NFUs. Welcome to our galaxy.
Hardly. I'd say I'm more into bringing balance to the Force.

Thurion Heavenshield said:
Looking good, Tacitanya! You got an idea whether you wanna go lightside or darkside?
I'm going to go with 'grayside'. :)

And thank you guys for the compliments. I really appreciate it.

Connor Harrison

Balance is good....I just strive for all Force Users to find their true potential without being controlled or restrained by others.



Morality Policeman :)
[member="Krius Syonis"] I'm all for that as well. I just think 'potential' varies per storyline, and I'm looking to build character over stats. :)

Connor Harrison

Oh of course! Character building is the core of this place, stories aside, and it's wonderful for it.

I'm always happy to RP as friend/for/in-between to develop characters and build on them! :D

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