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Tacitus Zambrano

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

ALIAS: Tacitus Zambrano
FACTION: Credits and Schuttas
RANK: Bounty Hunter/Criminal/Addict
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.89m
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Rampant Min-Maxer: Due to Epicanthix heritage is immune to the efforts of mentalists.
+"Family" Connection: The Zambrano name allows him more connections and prestige
- Muggle: Cannot use the Force
- Just can't put it down: Struggles with gambling issues, Glitterstim Addiction, and Alcoholism

Tall for a human, short for an Epicanthix, middling frame with evidence of time at the gym, but not too much time at the gym.

"Tacitus" grew up in a lower-class home with a lower-class income on Pacanth. As the neighborhood went to crap "Tacitus" naturally became engaged in an environment of drugs and small-time gangs. With no access to higher education or decent jobs he soon found that he didn't have the necessary income to feed his extravagant lifestyle or illegal desires. So he picked up the cheapest blaster he could, and tried his hand at killing and wrangling up folk who pissed off the wrong people. After a successful stint here and there he decided to leave his home of Pacanth to get bounties that were larger than petty local criminals.

Travelling the galaxy our Epicanthix rogue found himself working for mid-level gangs and tracking much bigger bounties. It was all well and good until one month he bought way too much glit, and turned in way too little bounties. Captured by a Zotta the Hutt he was going to be tortured, killed, made an example of, except he was quick on his feet.

"You really don't want to do that. My father? He'll feth you and your gang up."

"I fear no man's Father."

"Well you should. Kaine Zambrano's not one to play around."

The hutt paused.

"Zambrano? You are full of poodoo. Why haven't I heard of this?"

"I'm kind of the blacksheep of the family. No magic and all. Everybody but good 'Ole Dad. He'll do worse than kill for me."

"Perhaps . . . perhaps I will grant you an extension on your loan. But if I hear of you getting any Glit before you repay me I will have you and your whole family flogged."

And thus "Tacitus Zambrano" was 'born'. Thusfar Tacitus hasn't met any actual Zambranos and his exploits haven't been great enough to warrant their attention. But the name recognition has gotten him new jobs, free drinks and sealed the occasional deal. Like most of Tacitus's plans it wasn't well thought out, and will probably catch up to him eventually. But for now? Tacitus is livin the life.

I'll figure out what he gets later.


[member="Larg'haree Ubehr"]

You went... and are pretending to be kaine's kid... you do realize how stupid that is right?

We should thread though, and don't worry, im Balaya the 14 foot Zeltron's kid... long story.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Brianne Zambrano said:
You went... and are pretending to be kaine's kid... you do realize how stupid that is right?
Of course I do. That's what's going to make this so much fun. After all bad decisions make good stories.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

Your offer temps me thoroughly.

Invicta Zambrano

[member="Larg'haree Ubehr"]

Not yet, my darling. Hopefully, within the next few days I'll be stumbling about in an Epicanthix body.

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