Active Member
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: TACS Corp. (Transportation Agency & Cargo Shipping)
- Headquarters: Nirauan
- Locations: Locations will be listed on the advertisement page @here
- Operations: Interstellar transportation and cargo delivery
- Parent Corporation: N/A
- Subsidiaries: N/A
TACS Corporation believes in free trade and travel throughout the galaxy, in times of war the TACS Corp. hopes to fill the role of a third neutral party allowing customers to ship persons and cargo without reprisal or threat. Though the TACS Corp. does hold a national allegiance to the NIO they believe in fair and unbiased service regardless of national citizenship and swears to refrain from actions on behalf of the stellar nation. This impartiality is reinforced by a system in which major company decisions are pushed out to everyone who own's a part of the company with their votes being proportionality applied to the amount they have invested. While a single person may not be able to effect a decision greatly the large portion of middle class investors keep the company true to its blue collar roots.
*Discrepancies believed in TACS decision making can be reported on form L1.1
Additionally fourty-six percent of TAC Corp profits goes outside of the company (Please see advertisement page for full breakdown). This money is sent to charities, development projects, Host Nation Associate Locations, and NIO government while there is a return on investing into the company the main purpose is to better the galaxy on the whole creating stability and order.
TACS is the brainchild of Jekadius Lawson, however it would have never been financially possible without the investment of everyday citizens, not only do each of these individuals receive a quarterly payout (apply to become a TACS shareholder with form S1.1) but they believe in the dream to create safe travel for persons and goods throughout the known galaxy and TACS part in protecting it. With the funds coming from everyday individuals of the galaxy and a significant portion of Jekadius Lawson's personal salary the policies are done much in the same way, the system listed above allows those in the related fields to best make decision making that will help the company from the employees front line expertise(Fill out your technical specialization form T1.1 for increased voting power on related decisions). This leaves the CEO Law to act as a figurehead, mostly leaving the corporation to run itself while stepping in occasionally to direct in unique circumstances or drop the final stamp of approval on new projects.
OOC: All links will be updated once the store page is finalized.