The Artist
Intent: To create a cutting device easily accessible on the field
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Abrogation Inc.
Model: X-1
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel, power pack
Description: A foot long hunk of durasteel that looks a lot like a black, featureless lightsaber handle, this is a fusion cutter like no other. The tactical cutter was made for Xanthanatos for use when something needs to be cut, but placing a weapon down in order to draw a fusion cutter or lightsaber would just be plain impractical. As such, this device is made as an attachment to firearms sized carbine and up. When the button on the device is pressed and held, a blade of bright yellow plasma will erupt from the emitter and Pierce through just about anything within a foot and a half in front of it.
It's short range ensures enemies would have to be up close and personal (and less-than-sentient enough to stand right in front of a blaster), making it less of an effective anti-personnel device. It's high intensity would make it extremely dangerous to use as a backscratcher, toilet paper, nose hair trimmer, toothpick or for shaving, cutting hair or dicing onions
Classification: Fusion Cutter
Size: Handheld/Underbarrel attachment
Length: 1 ft
Weight: .5 kg
Other Features: Great birthday candle
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Abrogation Inc.
Model: X-1
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel, power pack
Description: A foot long hunk of durasteel that looks a lot like a black, featureless lightsaber handle, this is a fusion cutter like no other. The tactical cutter was made for Xanthanatos for use when something needs to be cut, but placing a weapon down in order to draw a fusion cutter or lightsaber would just be plain impractical. As such, this device is made as an attachment to firearms sized carbine and up. When the button on the device is pressed and held, a blade of bright yellow plasma will erupt from the emitter and Pierce through just about anything within a foot and a half in front of it.
It's short range ensures enemies would have to be up close and personal (and less-than-sentient enough to stand right in front of a blaster), making it less of an effective anti-personnel device. It's high intensity would make it extremely dangerous to use as a backscratcher, toilet paper, nose hair trimmer, toothpick or for shaving, cutting hair or dicing onions
Classification: Fusion Cutter
Size: Handheld/Underbarrel attachment
Length: 1 ft
Weight: .5 kg
Other Features: Great birthday candle