Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Faylene Thal


AgeLate 60s
SpeciesHuman (Savarian)
Height1.68 Meters
Weight54 kg
Force SensitiveYes
VoiceShohreh Aghdashloo

Faylene is an older, human woman of average height and build for her age. She has long, grey hair she typically keeps styled. She often wears mauve or violet colored robes. Her skin is a pale beige, denoting her roots on Savareen. On her forehead is a tattoo-like mark in the shape of a white, dotted spiral.





Faylene is a deeply intuitive and compassionate leader, known for her ability to connect with others on an emotional and spiritual level. She possesses a quiet strength that commands respect without the need for forceful authority. Her demeanor is calm and centered, but beneath that lies a fierce determination and an unwavering commitment to those she leads. Faylene is thoughtful and reflective, often seeking to understand the deeper currents of the Force and life itself. She values empathy and wisdom, often choosing to mediate conflicts with understanding rather than aggression, and she inspires those around her to see beyond the surface of things. Yet, she is unafraid to defend those she claims as her own, and the beliefs she holds dear.


Mystic: Throughout her life, Faylene was trained by both the Jedi and the previous head of the Aniseyan witches. She is a skilled practioner of Force techniques, especially in illusions and other mental feats.

Experienced: She is currently in her late 60s, and has all the wisdom that comes with age. She carries herself as one who draws upon what she knows instead of taking reckless actions.


Secretive: By the vary nature of her coven, she does not easily trust outsiders. She'll make accords if it means helping the continued survival of her people. But, she is always wary of potential threats who might attempt to harm them. She especially wary of Jedi, given the history between herself, her cult, and the Order.

Aged: Again, she is in her late 60s. While in relatively good health for her age, she is prone to fits of health issues typical of her age group. Mostly arthritis and lesser tolerance for strain than someone younger than herself.

Faylene Thal was born on the scorched plains of Savareen, a planet known for its tragic history and resilient people. From a young age, it was clear that Faylene was different from the other children in her village. Her connection to the Force was strong, and her abilities quickly drew the attention of a Jedi Knight passing through the Outer Rim. Seeing her potential, the Jedi arranged for Faylene to be taken to the Jedi Temple to begin her training.

However, the transition was anything but smooth. The teachings of the Jedi, which emphasized detachment and the suppression of emotion, clashed with the deep-rooted traditions and attachments that Faylene held from her upbringing on Savareen. She struggled to let go of the memories of her family and the culture she had left behind. Despite the Jedi Order's best efforts, it became clear that Faylene was incompatible with their ways. After several years of training, she was quietly released from the Order.

Now a young woman, Faylene took to the stars, becoming a spacer and living a life of adventure and uncertainty. She traveled from system to system, taking on various jobs, but never finding the sense of belonging she sought. It was during this time that she encountered a group of Aniseyans, a nomadic coven of Force-worshipping witches. Their beliefs, which emphasized the bonds between all life and a nuanced view of the Force that transcended the traditional light and dark dichotomy, resonated deeply with her.

Faylene chose to join the Aniseyans, immersing herself in their teachings and practices. Her natural affinity with the Force and her prior training as a Jedi made her a promising member of the coven. Over the years, she rose through the ranks, earning the respect of her peers and the attention of the coven's leader. Eventually, she was selected to become the personal apprentice of the leader, learning the deeper mysteries of their traditions and the responsibilities of leadership.

At the age of 25, Faylene underwent the Rite of Ascension, a sacred ceremony that marked her readiness to assume greater responsibilities within the coven. When her mentor passed away a decade later, Faylene was the natural successor and took on the mantle of leadership. As the current leader of the Aniseyans, she continues to guide her flock as best as she can, navigating a galaxy that oftens misunderstands and shuns their ways.
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[COLOR=#b675bc]“Come in, my child. We mustn't lurk in doorways. It's rude. One might question your upbringing”[/COLOR]

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