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Character Tahlah Vizsla

Tahlah Vizsla

Tahlah Vizsla


NAME: Tahlah Vizsla

Black Hands Collective, The Enclave, The Deathwatch Crusade

RANK: Vod of House Vizsla of Roon

SPECIES: Nautolan

AGE: 16

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5 feet 5 inches

WEIGHT: 125 pounds

EYES: Black with a Blue tinge

HAIR: N/A -Nautolan Head-Tendrils

SKIN: Grey



  • Amphibious
  • Tendrils can sense emotional pheromones in others (works better under water)- good for diplomacy.
  • Mandalorian Combat Training
  • Staunchly Follows Mandalorian Philosophy
  • Grew Up Mandalorian
  • Loyal
  • Good Soldier To-Be
  • Desensitized to Violence (blessing and a curse)
  • Has gotten a slight Guardian Complex towards fellow clam members she is working with. This can be easily exploited.
  • Overly Headstrong
  • Lost Dominant Arm
  • Has a complex of wanting to "prove her worth" that could lead to some VERY poor decision making.

Lean, muscular, Nautolan female. Her head-tendrils are arranged to have one over each shoulder, while most are positioned down her back. There are black tattoos that adorn said tendrils. Always wear's her armor (helmet does reveal head tendrils, but covers her face). Reveals her face on occasions, but not often. Her face is blocky with a slightly rounded nature, and her eyes are very pronounced.

Tahlah has grown up as a Mandalorian for her whole life. Her clan found her as a tadpole, and took her in to raise as their own. The reason for why the took her was unclear, and the nature of her life before being taken in by the small band of Clan Vizsla Mandalorians was even more so. Nonetheless, she embraced the culture she was being raised into, and took to her training well. She naturally became strong in both mind and body from the life stye. She did not know much of the grander scale of the Mandalorian people though. Just the small scale mercenary work the band that raised her did. Growing up she just knew that the Mandalorians were among the best warriors in the galaxy, and that they made excellent mercenaries. She also learned of Clan Vizsla's "unique" history in comparison to other clans. Possibly the reason why she was just in a small band of a scattered, and seemingly shattered, clan. However, she took to that knowledge well. Probably too well for such a young kid.

When she became of age to become a full-fledged vod of her clan, she was ecstatic. She finally got to have some of the amazing armor not as a training set, but as hers and hers alone. On her 16'th birthday, she was gifted the title of vod and the armor she still wears today. The helmet was more of a headband with a mask of the helmet in order to fit around her Nautolan tendrils, but the rest was all the same as her brothers and sisters in arms. It was painted black with the Vizsla crest on the left chest plate. Nice and shiny for its brand new state. In celebration, the band went to Roon, where the Alor had territory for the clan staked out. The perfect place to celebrate her, and the others that just came of age in the band, coming of age. A small, improvised, but rowdy ceremony was conducted at a camp they pitched in the wilderness of Roon. The whole affair was a blur to her. The shear rush of becoming a true warrior among her clan was making it all dreamlike and euphoric. They swore loyalty to the clan, to Mandalore, and to live by the Code of Manda'lor. After that, Tahlah went out on her own to a town that was the farthest nearby could be to the camp. There, she drank some, and got a message for Aloy Vizsla, the clan's Alor. She had no clue if the small band she knew her whole life would take up this oportunity, and did not stick around or head back to camp to find out. Instead, she took the speederbike she used to ride to that town, and pushed it to the limit to get to the new home of Clan Vizsla. Her new life as a proper vod would begin there.

Upon meeting up with her newfound kin, Tahlah would follow the newly assembled group through a couple excursions in the wider galaxy. Her first operation with them was for the Enclave, where they were tasked with taking out a Yuuzhan-Vong planet ship that still survived the initial invasion. It was there she got used to fighting alongside her newfound family. From there, she served on the home world of her people, Mandalore, to take information from a former Sith fortress on Concordia before the Sith would come and inevitably take over the system once more. It was there she met the rival of her branch of Clan Vizsla, Appolyon the Betrayer. While in the tunnels beneath the fortress, she was captured as a hostage by The Betrayer's forces. Appolyon would then interrogate her, only to realize she was simply a grunt in the forces of the Clan, and had little to no valuable information to give. However, instead of killing her, Appolyon took out a vibrosword, and cut off Tahlah's right arm at the shoulder, and left her for dead in the tunnels. She was eventually found by her clan-mates and fitted with a prosthetic arm, and her shoulder joint was replaced with a detachable joint for said prosthetic in order to repair it if need be.

Losing a limb all of a sudden was one thing. That limb being the dominant arm is another. Then, to boot, going back into action not long after figuring out how to operate the cybernetic limb is borderline bravado-fueled stupidity. However, that was exactly what Tahlah did. She felt she needed to do better next time for her family. She could not allow herself to take her guard down like she did in the tunnels that allowed her to get captured so easily. So, in some strange effort to prove her worth once more.

Her time with the Black Hand Collective was sadly brief. During the time that organization was operating, Tahlah explored an old Republic Cruiser, where they found and recruited an old cryogenically frozen Clone named Volts. The dark derelect ship made her mind go back to the tunnels, but out of duty to her family, and for the sake of the mission's success, she pressed on with her tasks. After that, the group went to the lower levels of Coruscaunt, where they sought after an arms dealer they believed to have connections with Appolyon. They chased the little Rodian arms dealer and his goons through the streets while they were in a high stakes firefight with the underworld goons. However, one of them took the arms dealer hostage, and said, after much interrogation from her and her family members, that he was looking for Appolyon too. However, this time, as amazing as it had been for her, and how great it could have been, it did not last long as the Alor of Clan Vizsla of Roon, Aloy Vizsla, disappeared. After the disappearance of the Alor, the group went their seperate ways.

In the interim time, Tahlah went back to the band of Vizslas who raised her from a tadpole. It was good to catch up with them. It was not abnormal for any of the members to venture off for long periods of time, and her case was treated like no other. They were thrilled, and intrigued by some of the stories she told them. Of how she fought alongside the Alor, and met a whole other branch of the family. How she fought the Yuuzahn-Vong, and how she got maimed by The Betrayer.

Even after all this this time since her maiming, she is still getting used to the different feeling in her robotic replacement for her dominant arm. She has assumed a guardian-like role for those of the small band she has reconnected with as a result of her previous experiences. She yearns to go back out and explore the galaxy once more in grander persuits, but relatively small-time bounty hunting with her original branch of the family is certainly not a waste of time either.


  • DD6 Blaster Pistol (2 of them): Primary weapons. Good for close quarters and medium range fighting.
  • Neimodian Rifle: Long range weapon used for ambushes, scouting, and single target kills. Not necessarily normal combat usage.
  • Vibroblade: For actual close quarters combat.
  • Beskar Mandalorian Armor: Self explanatory in terms of usage.
  • Rocket Boots: Does not have a jetpack (yet). Good alternative until that comes her way.




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