Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Taiia Mataan



Physical Traits
Personal Attributes
FactionConfederacy of Independent Systems
PositionKnights Obsidian
Known Alias(es)None
Eye ColorGreen
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorRed
Force TrainedKnight
Skin ColorWhite


    • Martial Prowess - Highly skilled in the art of lightsaber combat
    • Heightened Reflexes - Fights with more emphasis on speed and agility than power, seeking opportunity to outmaneuver rather than overwhelm.
    • Balance - Views the force as a neutral entity neither dark nor light, and views dogmatic adherence one way or the other as flawed
    • Scholar - Has a great interest in the force and its history, seeking a greater understanding always, even into dangerous pursuits.
    • Lightsaber Forms - Taiia has nearly mastered Soresu (Form III) and is Proficient at Ataru (Form IV)


    • Speed over Strength - Not a heavy hitter in combat
    • Force Ability - Adept at the force but nowhere near her martial ability

  • Taiia is a young human female in her late twenties, she has emerald green eyes and shoulder length red hair. By most standards she has an athletic build but not overly so. Aside from her outward appearance Taiia is naturally inquisitive and always trying to learn something new.​

  • When Taiia was a child she was discovered to be strong in the force, though she was young the order took her to be taught in the ways of the Jedi. The memories of her life prior to the order were always vague snapshots of a life that was alien to her, it seemed so far away like it was not even her thoughts. To her she was a Jedi and a damn good one whatever she once was was in the past. At the temple she spent day after day sparring students and training with some of the masters her love of the lightsaber forms and combat was obvious and she excelled at it. She thoroughly enjoyed the sparring sessions, with each session she grew more aware, able to adapt more quickly to switch from feint to attack which such speed and precision. She focused primarily on the lightstaff but later grew fond of using dual blades as well in her time at the temple few padawans could match her with a saber.​

    But like all things, the season of calm at the temple did not last. As she grew older her views began to mature on the Jedi teachings. To her the teachings seemed arcane, old and unnecessarily restrictive. Where the Jedi taught restraint and caution they called the dark side, they saw darkness. She saw the force as it could be not as the Jedi taught it to her, in her mind the force was simply the force. Unknown to her she felt the pull of the will of the living force for her she saw not light or dark but grey to the Jedi this was unacceptable so she did the one thing she knew to do, to go where the force was calling her far beyond the reach of the Jedi Order.​

    She escaped the Jedi temple and stole a ship and disappeared into wild space leaving the life she knew behind and looking to start anew seeking answers from the force. Taiia found her way to Geonosis some would say by chance but she would tell you that she was guided by the Force, there she met a man by the name a Voph who introduced her to the Confederacy and a wider world of exploration of the Force that the Confederacy could provide her. She quickly became a part of the Knights Obsidian as a squire but at the same time she met the leader of the Mandragora, the Nightmother Vytal who opened up her understanding of the force even more Taiia embraced the teachings of both orders and sought to learn all she could. Through her training with the Mandragora, Taiia is able to summon a pair of convor familiars named Pleonexia and Eirene.​

    • Voph
    • Vytal Noctura

  • Artifacts:




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