Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Tainted New Blood

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Besberra had no shortage of issues and problems in recent days, even with a reunited Sith Order starting to turn its gaze inward once more. The world was one of criminals, and deeply entrenched ones at that, that continually seemed to spawn new threats to the order and control that the Sith imposed upon it. There was one benefit to such instability and constant power grabs however, one that the Sith had quickly began taking advantage of.

It served as a very effective screening and training process for the aspiring soldiers and Sith of the order.

"Patrav Lanssut, the self proclaimed "Gladiator King", will be the target of this mission." Of course the training of such forces had fallen upon the more middling powers amidst the Sith, lesser known Lords and Knights mostly. Such as Alisteri for instance, a duty that he was admittedly decent enough at to warrant repeat requests for his services during training missions. Well, training missions with real enemies, weaponry, and objectives at any rate. "An old champion from the Besberra Arena, this particular crimelord has gathered a following of mercenaries and bandits to his banner with the claim of being the rightful natives of this world."

The masked Sith Knight paced before the assembled task force, a fairly large group of soldiers and even an aspiring Acolyte that would be using the 'Gladiator King' as their first assignment. A test of training and potential. "What has drawn our attention to his efforts has been his gang's recent takeover of a shipyard along the edges of the capital city. They have dug in and transformed it into their headquarters, intending to use it as their main point of resistance to our rule."

The shipyard in question could be seen in the distance, lit up like a beacon of defiance amidst the otherwise bleak industrial piping and factories that lined the edge of the city. The task force had been gathered along a narrow tramline that led directly to the shipyard, one that had been shut down since the takeover. "Now this normally wouldn't be too much of an issue, but that shipyard just so happens to house at least one semi-operational corvette and a few dozen more that could be made to work with time. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on how an enemy fleet right next to the capital city is a situation in dire need of correction." At least he hoped that he wouldn't have to.

"This tramline is our main point of entry, and they know it. As such we shall instead be using maintenance tunnels underneath the line to sneak into the shipyard, locate the Gladiator King and capture him either dead or alive, then execute what remaining gangsters that won't surrender." Alisteri finally stopped his pacing, standing before the rookie task force with his arms crossed behind his back and the shipyard only serving to highlight his silhouette. "Are there any questions before we begin our assault?"

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
After years of blood, sweat, and tears, Maerae Verdan was finally here. She finally had the chance to rise above the rest of her peers, aspiring Sith Acolytes, and secure herself a place in the Order. She wasn't sure why she'd been singled out for this mission, but Maerae wasn't one to question orders, or to bother with the question "why." It was not her place to do such things anyhow: an Acolyte quickly learned to keep her mouth shut, and do as she was told, lest she wanted to suffer and die.

So she stood among the soldiers, hands clasped behind her back, as Darth Stosius provided them with the details of the operation. It seemed that even the Sith Order had an issue with rampant crime, just like Hutt Space. But unlike her time in Hutt Space, Maerae now had the opportunity, and the strength, to crush those who engaged in organized crime. She'd never been one to enjoy wanton bloodshed, but the catharsis made her blood hum, eagerly anticipating what was about to happen.

Plus, the opportunity to put an end to a crisis before it began, so close to the capital... well, it was sure to catch someone's attention. So long as she performed well, this could be the day she was recognized by the Sith. These could be her first steps down the path to becoming a true master of the Dark Side of the Force.

These could be her first steps toward freedom, at long last.

As Darth Strosius asked for any questions, Maerae cleared her throat and spoke up, "my Lord, what do we know about the size of the enemy's forces and the equipment they have at their disposal, aside from the semi-operational corvette?"

While the corvette was a challenge they'd have to overcome, they had to actually make it to the ship first. Maerae wagered that she'd have a much better chance of doing that if she knew how many combatants she was engaging, and what they were armed with. Especially since she was fighting with nothing other than the vibrosword at her hip, and her command of the Force.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The masked man's gaze snapped to the Acolyte the moment that she cleared her throat, listening to her question as well as measuring it. This was meant to be a training assignment after all, keeping an eye on all those involved and judging their performances was simply part of his orders. Preparation was always a valued trait in any regard. "That is where the difficulty of our mission arises."

Alisteri had no intention of hiding or avoiding the truth of the matter, not when it could mean life and death as well as the success of the mission itself. "This gang is relatively small in number, only boasting around three dozen members at most." A pause, one that betrayed a slight reluctance in one form or another. "However, they have shown a talent and eagerness to craft and deploy modified weaponry to win engagements that they would otherwise be ill-equipped for. Makeshift cannons and stolen starship weapons have been used by them before, and with a whole shipyard's arsenal I have no doubt that they will take full advantage of their engineering capabilities and resourcefulness."

Some of the soldiers seemed a bit put off by that, not an unexpected outcome but one that he noted nonetheless. "In addition the shipyard does come equipped with a small crew of droids to assist in ship construction. It is not unlikely to assume that these droids could be programmed and turned against us as well, possibly sporting such modified weaponry." They could also potentially be used in a variety of traps and self-destruction measures but that was better left unsaid.

"That is why our mission is infiltration rather than an outright assault, the gang could prove to be far more of a threat than anticipated and as such we shall treat them with utmost caution. Capturing or killing their leader and securing control of whatever defenses they may have prepared will ensure fewer casualties and a greater chance of success." There was always the chance of failure of course, risk was inherent in all things. That would be a crucial lesson that these trainees would learn today.

"Does that answer your question, Acolyte?"

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae was almost surprised that her question was answered so easily, without the usual disdain she'd come to expect from Sith who had to explain things to their lessers. She didn't let it show on her face, however, keeping her expression blank as she soaked in the information given to her. The Sith leading their mission was efficient in relaying the details of the task ahead of them, which the Acolyte appreciated. Such a thing was the mark of a good leader, which Maerae had unfortunately found to be a rare oddity amongst the Sith Order.

"Does that answer your question, Acolyte?"

"Yes, my Lord."

It was a tricky situation they were in: infiltrating a base of criminals known to think outside the box. This wouldn't be a routine raid, it would seem, not when there was a chance of the enemy deploying makeshift weaponry fashioned from a corvette. Maerae supposed that was why the Order had tapped a Sith Knight to lead the operation. Any other commander would have been enough, had this been a simple operation. Darth Strosius' mere presence was proof that it wasn't.

So be it. A Sith measured herself by the strength of her opposition. This was a worthy test.

Three dozen criminals stood between them and their goal: Patrav Lanssut. Then three dozen criminals would fall, unless they were actually smart enough to surrender to the Order. In Maerae's experience, most criminals fell into the sunk cost fallacy; the belief that they had already dug too deep a hole to climb out of, and so they may as well keep digging. Most likely, her blade would be painted in layers of red by the time Patrav Lanssut was dealt with.

She didn't crave such violence. But no true Sith shied away from taking lives.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri nodded at the confirmation and shifted his attention back to the wider group. "Anyone else?" There were a few nervous or anxious looks but no others spoke out. All the better that they didn't really, waiting around would only cause tensions to rise and flare before they even caught sight of the enemy forces. "Good, now I want you all to perform well and stick together. You are trained for combat and are expected to perform as such. You will follow my orders, you will not hesitate in the face of the enemy, and you will not seek your own glory at the expense of your comrades. There will be plenty of time for personal glory and valor in the future, but while you are under my command you will act as a single cohesive force."

Whether that last remark was aimed at the Acolyte or at the recruits was difficult to determine, if it wasn't aimed at each of them of course, but the Knight wasted no time in turning from the assembled force and kneeling down to open the maintenance hatch at his feet. A long, dark, and yet shallow tunnel awaited them it seemed.

"We will seek to preserve our advantage of surprise and stealth as long as we can, as such move quietly and keep your fingers off of your triggers for now. I doubt that we will be able to sneak right up to their corvette and capture their leader silently but the less time that we are fighting the better. Now follow me and keep low." Alisteri dropped down into the cramped tunnel and ignited his lightsaber to illuminate the path before him, mainly for the sake of his accompaniment and not himself. "Single file, steady and quiet. Let's move."

He didn't wait to see who came in behind him, nor even wait for them to drop down at all. He simple marched forward and expected them to follow. As long as no one made a fool of themselves and got them all caught then hopefully they could at least make it to the main hangar where the corvette, and their target, laid. After that it would be difficult, but they would simply have to adjust to whatever came their way until victory was assured. One way or another.

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae could feel the anxiety of the others through the Force. Their emotions, fear and trepidation, grated on her almost as if her skin was being rubbed raw. She could have blocked that perception, let her awareness return to her own body instead of feeling everyone around her, but to do so would be limiting. A Sith, any Force-sensitive really, who didn't reach out with their feelings... it was like a musician playing an instrument, but confining themselves to only a single note.

Maerae would rather deal with their overwhelming emotions, than limit herself in such a manner.

As Darth Strosius stepped forward to lead the raid party, Maerae stepped into line behind him. She kept her lips firmly shut, her footsteps as light as a mouse. She had grown up in the alleys of Nar Shaddaa, stealing to survive. She knew the value of silence; knew how to move without making a sound. She hadn't thought such things would serve her as an Acolyte, and in fact, had tried to forget those skills, so that she might deny the weak girl that she once was.

But if those painful memories could serve her goal of becoming Sith, then the pain of reliving them was worth it.

In a way it was funny: even traversing this cramped tunnel, with only Darth Strosius' lightsaber to light the way, reminded her of the ducts and crawlspaces she had hidden herself in as a girl. It was like this mission had been tailored to remind her of what she came from; remind her of her birthright: nothing.

It angered her-

A thumping from above broke her train of thought. It shook the tunnel they were in, hard enough that a part of her feared it might cave in on them. She looked up, seeing nothing but the roof of the tunnel of course, and wondered what above them could be making such a ruckus. Probably nothing good. And probably something that they'd have to deal with, thereby complicating their mission.

She had a bad feeling about this...

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The maintenance shaft proved to be useful for more than just pipework after all, at the very least Alisteri wasn't nearly as cramped and confined as he was when he had to crawl through ventilation shafts and ductwork. He idly made a note to try and locate more maintenance areas during his future infiltration missions. He could sense the Acolyte and soldiers at his back but prodded no deeper than merely confirming their presences. Rather he would instead focus on trying to keep track of the enemy as best he could.

The thumping did not cause him to falter or pause, if anything it made his movement forward all the more hasty and quick. What exactly caused it was nearly impossible to discern in their position but that fact did little to dissuade his advance. Hopefully their enemies were simply shifting around some cargo or materials and not arranging more defenses.

It wouldn't matter regardless, they still had a mission to accomplish.

Soon enough the Knight stopped before a ladder leading up to the other end of the maintenance shaft, the pipes that had been lining the small tunnel going up alongside it. "This is it, I will investigate and ensure a safe exit. Hold until my command." Alisteri's order went through the commlinks of the force as he shut off his lightsaber and returned it to his belt. He began the short climb up the ladder and slowly pushed open the hatch at the top. He peered around at the area and gave the confirmation signal to move forward as he hauled himself out of the maintenance shaft and into the shipyard.

The hatch led to what appeared to be a storage or cargo area, the hatch itself hidden amongst shelves full of intricate and complex machinery meant to serve as the inner workings of some vessel. The storage alcove would offer them cover as they entered but could just as easily serve as a semi-defensible corner if fighting broke out. "Squads Two and Four will hold here and take up defensive positions to cover our escape if need be. Everyone else with me, keep low and quiet."

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Darth Strosius didn't seem concerned with the shaking, and so Maerae returned her focus to following him step for step. What ever had been making such a ruckus, they couldn't do anything about it from down here. If the building they were under was really a ship yard, then the structural foundation would have been more than adequate to prevent a cave in down in the maintenance tunnels. A collapse was entirely unlikely.

The soldier behind her felt differently however, as he stopped completely, and the man behind him had to come to a grinding halt as to not bowl him over. Maerae turned her head once more to catch the man's fearful eyes. She saw the sweat beading down his temple; he had been one of the more anxious soldiers, whose emotions she'd felt so strongly. She didn't need the Force to tell her that he was close to panicking, not when he was shaking in his boots.

Was he scared of the thumps above, the mission in general, or was he just claustrophobic? She didn't know, and didn't care. All that mattered was that he kept his cool, and kept moving.

So when the man opened his mouth, Maerae slapped her hand over it, careful not to even let that make a sound. His eyes widened as she glared at him, willing him to be silent. Then she grabbed him by his collar, and dragged him back into step, allowing the single file line to continue to follow Darth Strosius. As scared as the cowardly soldier about their situation, he must have feared her more, as he kept quiet after she released him.

Soon enough, they came to the ladder that was to be their entrance. Strosius ordered that they stay put, and went up to check things out for himself. When he gave the all clear, Maerae was first to climb up, and was careful to keep a tight grip on the sword at her waist so that it wouldn't clang against the ladder.

The Sith Knight gave the order for two of the squads to stay put. Maerae noticed that the fearful man from eariler happened to be in one of those groups.

Smart, she thought, he'd have given us away.

Maerae, not in Squad Two or Four, fell into a crouched step behind Strosius once more. The floor shook beneath them, that same clanging sound echoing off the walls for the third time. But this time, without a thick layer of duracrete to muffle the sound, it was almost deafening. Even as it ended, she began to hear more clanking, more scuffing. It was the sound of a busy warehouse, she realized. They really had no idea that they were being raided, and were going about chopping up corvettes as if it were a normal day. Well, normal for them, at least.

She wasn't sure if the gang would even be able to hear them over the sound of their work.

"Their own clamour should mask any sound we make," Maerae said softly, close enough to Strosius that he ought to hear her.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The sounds of banging, welding, sawing, and a dozen other tasks that were not at all out of place for a shipyard filled the air of the building as the last of the infiltrating soldiers filed out of the hatch and took up their positions. The two squads guarding the exit meant that their force was effectively cut in half as the moved into the shipyard proper but Alisteri knew that keeping their only real method of escape secure was necessary. If they did have to retreat then at least a way out would be assured that way.

The Acolyte's remark drew a nod of agreement from Alisteri, a good observation. "Still, we had better not push our luck. No blaster fire until I give the order, even a single shot is too distinct to be ignored as simple work noise." Thankfully vibroblades, albeit admittedly small ones, were standard equipment for this mission.

The Knight moved out of the storage alcove slowly, his head on a swivel as he stuck close to the wall that separated the alcove from the wider workshop. More alcoves lined this side of the shipyard, all facing the wide open floor littered with materials and half-built ship hulls alike. "Looks like they're scrapping and salvaging, should be plenty of cover lying around." A few cranes and other lifts could be spotted in the distance past the hull that provided cover from the exit of the alcove, occupied by what appeared to be several figures working on disassembling an engine.

Alisteri's gaze swept over the shipyard floor as he peered out from around the hull until finally he spotted it. "That would be our target." Sitting like the centerpiece of a museum was a Thanaton-Class Corvette, surrounded by scaffolding and workers. The corvette itself appeared to be mostly finished but even at a glance was lacking in finality. Armor plating was still being applied and it looked as though several power cables were attached to various parts, as though the onboard power system wasn't quite finished yet either.

The weapons that lined the ship's hull did seem to be operational however, although one or two welders still flitted about them to finish their construction. It wasn't ready to fly but it was very much ready to fight if need be.

The corvette was in the central bay of the shipyard, across the majority of the building from where they were now. "Alright, follow my lead and keep an eye out for patrols. We're going to use their discarded parts as cover for our advance. We can try and slip inside one of the sections that they're still working on when we close enough." Far from a perfect plan but with only a few soldiers and two Sith they would hopefully not be that easy to spot.

And so the advance began, from cover to cover.

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
"As you command."

Maerae found Strosius's orders to be sound. He was right, of course. Even in something as loud as an industrial factory, the sound of a blaster was too loud, and too recognizable, to be dismissed as something typical for the workplace. These workers, she reminded herself, were part of a gang. They'd know even better than the average person, just what a blaster going off sounded like.

Fortunately, Maerae was packing only a vibrosword. If she needed a smaller weapon to silently kill a few scoundrels, she'd take one from the many soldiers behind her. Or she'd find a more... creative way to kill them, if need be.

She followed the Sith Knight's gaze, as he pointed out the ship they were concerned about. It was an impressive vessel, one she recognized as typically found within a Sith Order fleet. It wasn't quite space worthy yet, it seemed, but it didn't need to be in order for those turbolasers to work. All the criminals had to do was fire one of those things in their general direction, and their entire task force would be reduced to a black mark on the floor of the factory.

Better to go unnoticed, then.

Strosius took the lead- not that he had ever relinquished it -and they began to advance from cover to cover, keeping low behind scrap metal, and only barely ducking beneath the view of the gang members on the factory floor. Maerae made a point of keeping close to Strosius, if only so that she wouldn't slip up and get herself seen. The last thing she needed was to give the Sith the wrong impression of her capabilities.

A problem arose, when one of the troopers on their mission banged their rifle against the sheet metal they were hiding behind.


Someone on the floor, an alien whose species she couldn't place, turned away from his welding and removed his protective mask. He started to move in the direction of the foolish trooper, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He was only a few steps away from discovering them, and then their whole operation would be ruined.

Maerae reached out with the force, visualizing the welder the man had just put down, and triggered it. It lit to life on the table he'd left it on, and the sound of the tool made the man turn around in alarm. He rushed back to the table and picked it up, inspecting it for a second, before disconnecting it from the hose it was attached to.

"I told them this damn thing was busted! I'll go make Soor give me a new one."

The man in question walked off in the opposite direction, "broken" welder in hand, and Maerae allowed herself a small sigh of relief.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
For the most part it seemed as if proper patrols weren't going around, at least not in this area, and as such the simple movement of workers and material was all that they had to concern themselves with for the most part. There were a few times where one or two of the gangsters lingered right next to where the infiltrators were hiding, almost close enough to touch and yet completely ignorant of their presence.

It was a feeling much like that of a predator watching their prey and waiting for an opportunity or need to pounce. Alisteri was familiar with it and comfortable with it by this point but the effect of it on the trainees was what he was interested in. A handful of them were confident and prideful at their seeming invisibility, others anxious still that the enemy was now so close. The Acolyte and a few others however displayed exactly what he was looking for. A calm and collected mindset, one that would see the mission through without paranoia or flights of fancy.

And a mindset that was put to its paces when one of the soldiers inevitably screwed up.

His attention snapped to the source of the noise, spotting the sheepish looking recruit and the offending blaster that had caused the small noise. Small, but enough to gain the attention of a nearby welder that they had nearly snuck around already. The masked man prepared to intercept the approaching gangster, his hand drawing his sword from his belt rather than his lightsaber, but right as he was about to leap from his cover to the man's right side the welder itself sparked to life suddenly.

It didn't take long for the gangster to retrieve his seemingly faulty tool and march off to replace it, leaving the infiltrators undiscovered and alone. Alisteri looked to the Acolyte as she sighed and gave her a nod of approval before he sheathed his sword and continued forward. There would be time for accolades and admonishment in equal measure later.

Now closer to the central bay, and the corvette as a result, the layout of the shipyard itself was apparent. On the far left where the maintenance tunnel had led was a storage area, albeit mostly serving as a graveyard for unused scrap for the time being. On the far right appeared to be a makeshift barracks and recreational area made from some offices and what must have been a small cafeteria for the building's traditional workers. It seemed like the gang took their duties in shifts from what the Knight could tell.

The rear of the building sported the main assembly lines and machines of the shipyard, although it appeared as though they lacked enough materials to function properly and as such were mostly being used to help assemble armor plating alone. The front held a defensive perimeter made from cargo containers and cobbled together barricades, with two patrols of five or so gangsters and a dozen modified droids serving as the wall's defenders.

The corvette was close now but there was a wide open area between the closest scrapped hull and the ship, not to mention the handful of workers that were tending to it. Alisteri clicked his tongue as he tried to think up a method of sneaking by them, at least enough to reach an open section near one of the engines, but nothing was sitting in his mind right. His gaze shifted back to the Acolyte once more and he gestured for her to move closer to him. "Tell me Sith, what is your method of attack at this very moment? When we are so close to our victory and yet barred from it like never before?"

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae narrowed her eyes at the fool soldier who had nearly botched the mission. She wanted to dress him down, but it was neither her place nor the right time to do so. This was Strosius's mission, and they were his soldiers; his instruments to do with as he saw fit. If this man was to be reprimanded, it would be the Sith Knight who made that decision. Her opinion was unimportant in this matter.

Darth Strosius gave her a nod, which she returned. If nothing else, the masked Sith approved of her quick improvisation. While it was reassuring to know that she had done well, most of her relief came from the simple fact that it had actually worked. Maerae had been damn near certain that their cover was about to be blown.

As they drew closer to the corvette, and Maerae spotted the wide stretch of open space between them and their target, she quickly realized that their cover was bound to be blown anyways. Perhaps Darth Strosius saw something she didn't, or maybe he had an adequate plan, but the young Acolyte wasn't sure how they were supposed to go unnoticed. Even so, she chose to keep her mouth shut, and wait for the Sith Knight to explain the plan.

The Sith Knight then asked her for a plan.

Though she was surprised that Darth Strosius would want her input, and surprised to be called "Sith," Maerae didn't let it show in her expression. She approached her superior as she was beckoned, and took a good look at the open floor of the warehouse. While there was cover to be found, it was sparse, and stretched out across too far of a distance. No way could they sneak the task force past here.

But maybe a few individuals could go unnoticed, if the gang's attention was drawn elsewhere.

"My Lord," Maerae was careful to properly address Strosius first, "I see no way to remain undetected. There are simply too many of us, and there's not enough cover to conceal us. I would have us commit to an assault on the corvette, as a distraction. We'll draw their fire to one side of the shipyard, while you and a few hand picked soldiers continue on undetected. While we have their attention, you may be able to sneak onto the corvette and subdue Patrav Lanssut."

The soldiers committed to the assault would surely die, unless Darth Strosius was able to capture their target in a quick manner, and the gang was willing to stand down after their leader was pacified. Maerae didn't know how loyal these criminals were to their boss. Maybe they wouldn't surrender at all. But they were here to put an end to potential threat to the Sith Order. If they died, then their lives were well spent.

"I would volunteer to lead the assault team," Maerae said, casually agreeing to a suicidal charge, "as I am more suited to battle than infiltration."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
A distraction would give just enough of an opportunity to slip aboard while the gangsters were all running to grab their weapons and gun down the assault team. Of course even with ample enough cover, if one weren't quick enough to turn the corvette's guns on the gang then most if not all of the assault team could very well be killed by the gang. They knew the shipyard better than any of the soldiers after all so there wasn't likely anywhere that was safe from a flanking attack. It was risky, but it would accomplish the mission.

"I commend you for both your quick planning and your valiant offer, however I must modify your plan in order to ensure success." Alisteri nodded as he pulled his lightsaber and sword from his belt, one in each hand. "Infiltration may not be your strong suit but you will be putting it to the test today regardless Acolyte. You will take the two squads we have at hand and secure the corvette by any means necessary. I will draw their fire until you have gained control of the vessel and their leader."

It was not a suggestion nor a statement, the Sith spoke an order with his tone and he left no room for denial or argument. "Now do hurry, blaster bolts I can deflect but laser cannons are a bit trickier." It was an almost off-handed remark despite the situation.

Without warning or time for debate Alisteri leapt from the cover and landed behind where a couple of the, now bewildered at the sight of the Sith, workers had stopped to take a break from their welding. "Good evening, I'm looking for a Soor?" His lightsaber ignited and that was enough to shock the workers out of their stupor.

"Sith! A Sith is-AGH!" The one that began to yell and tried to run was cut down first by a simple step forward and impalement, his fellow gangster quick to try and use his welding tool against the Sith before his head was removed from his shoulders in one slice. Alisteri left the bodies where they fell and ran forward as the front defenders and the other gangsters across the workshop turned to face the commotion. He slammed into a droid that stood in his path, running his lightsaber through it and using it as cover as the wall's guardians quickly opened fire on him.

The workers across the shipyard were throwing down their tools and rushing towards the barracks, where their little armory lay in a modified cargo container. It was hectic and already shots were being fired from multiple directions as the Knight assaulted the barricade from behind, using bodies of gangsters and droids alike as cover while batted away blaster bolts with his lightsaber.

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae hadn't expected her plan to be put into place. Hers was more of an observation, accompanied by an implicit agreement to give her life for the Sith Order. So when Darth Strosius accepted it, even with a significant alteration, she was forced to hide her surprise once more. But it changed nothing. If the Sith Knight was ordering her to lead the infiltration, then his bidding would be done. She was more suited to brute force than finese, but the command of a Sith was law.

His tone made it clear he would broker no argument. Maerae had none to offer anyways.

"It will be done, my Lord."

With what sounded like sarcasm in his tone, Darth Strosius made a remark about deflecting turbolasers, and then he was off. Only moments later, Maerae heard the clamour and panic of dozens of surprised gang members, followed by the sounds of blaster fire and the hum of a lightsaber. It was a shame she had a directive to accomplish: she would have liked to see Darth Strosius in action.

"We have our distraction," Maerae remarked to the soldiers now under her command, "follow me."

Maerae led the two squads from cover to cover, using the distraction provided by Darth Strosius to cross the factory floor in great distances that would have otherwise been impossible without being spotted. With his furious assault masking their approach, the young Acolyte and her soldiers reached the unfinished gap in the hull near the engines. Though she would have liked to take her time to case the corvette before breaching it, even the Sith Knight running the mission couldn't hold out on his own forever.

With a single hand motion, Maerae beckoned the soldiers following to continue after her, and ran into the opening in the hull.

Immediately, she came upon two men holding blasters. Her sword was ripped from its sheathe, faster than either gunman could point a rifle in her direction. With a single upward stroke, she severed the arm of the first gunman, and then with a twirl, lashed out at the second one horizontally. Her blade, vibrating almost too fast for the eye to see, slashed through the second man's throat and spattered her with blood. Her blade whirled back toward the first man, now crying in pain, and cleaved downward through his skull, taking his life with a sickening crunch.

But though he was useless to stop her, his cry of pain was enough to alert the enemy that they were on board the corvette. Already she could hear footsteps hammering against the metal deck below their feet.

"Offer no mercy," Maerae commanded, "kill them to the last, but leave Lanssut to me."

With her orders spoken, Maerae launched herself into the next room, bloodied vibrosword in hand.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The two immediate gangsters were just the beginning of the hurdles it seemed, as the next room was filled with five of them by the time the Acolyte and the squads entered. "Put 'em down!" The criminals opened fire on the doorway without hesitation, but there was cover for the attackers. It appeared as though they had entered into one of the smaller holds, whether for ammunition or storage, and it was currently being used to store tools and spare crates of material alike.

While the squat crates and tool racks would not offer much in the way of protection, anything was better than nothing as the five gangsters spread out and took up positions behind loose panels and crates themselves. This bunch also seemed relatively unarmed compared tot he two initial gunmen or the other forces outside.

Most of them appeared to be workers and were only really carrying blaster pistols while a single one, the one shouting orders, carried a proper blaster carbine. They had nothing in the way of armor aside from simple maintenance gear meant for protection during welding and other industrial work. It was clear that they were outgunned and outnumbered by the infiltrators but they seemed more intent on simply holding the line instead of advancing and trying to kill the invaders, focusing on suppressive fire instead.

They were stalling and giving time for their comrades to prepare.

Suddenly the intercoms of the corvette clicked on with a slight echo reverberating throughout the shipyard. :"Sons and Daughters of the Arena, of Besberra, the Sith have finally come! Let's show them our trademark hospitality, kill them all!": Evidently the so called 'Gladiator King' had taken notice of the sudden fighting as well.

Outside of the corvette was a mess of blaster fire and bodies, with the former leaving dark scars across the floor and walls as the latter littered the defenses and workstations of the shipyard. Alisteri leapt from vagabond to vagabond and cut down all in his path, chaos and death being left in his wake. His movements were quick and evasive yet he did not hesitate to bury his blade into every gangster that he could. He paused as he dove behind a pile of armor panels, his hand tapping on his helmet.

:"Squads Two and Four break from the hatch and move to the corvette, there's an entry point near the engines. I want all forces descending upon that fething corvette now!": His order was punctuated by a quick dodge to the side, just in time as one of the corvette's cannons found his cover and blasted it apart.

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae was greeted by blaster fire, but it wasn't enough to deter her. She ducked under one shot, and avoided another by jumping into a tumble that left her crouched behind a tool box. The soldiers at her back returned fire, their bolts passing over her head as they ran for cover themselves. From the glance she'd gotten before they fired at her, Maerae thought that this group lacked the firepower of the two men she'd killed moments ago. They weren't guards, except maybe the one with the carbine.

They were probably just workers.

"Give me covering fire!" She ordered.

Her soldiers poked their heads from behind the boxes they were hiding behind, rifles filling the the room with the high pitched sound of blaster shots. The other men in the room tried to return fire, and managed to wing one of her soldiers in the arm, but two of them were cut down quickly. Maerae took advantage of the situation, vaulting over her cover and sprinting for the locker that the man with the carbine was hiding behind. Hearing her footsteps, he whirled around the locker, carbine pointed at her.

Maerae stepped to the side, mere milliseconds before he pulled the trigger. A blaster bolt whizzed past her, so close that she felt its heat on her cheek. Panicked, knowing that he had missed, the man tried to line up a second shot, but it was too late. With a furious stroke of her blade, vibrating steel severed flesh, tendon, and bone, and the man's head dropped to the floor. She turned to face the last two men, but found their fresh corpses on the ground, trailing smoke.

With a bold announcement, "the Gladiator King" made his intent clear. With a frown, Maerae realized that it would no longer be enough to merely subdue him. She would have to break him, sunder his crown so to speak, if there was any hope of getting him to call off his men. At least with Darth Strosius giving the order for the remaining two squads to reinforce, it would be slightly less of a challenge to reach Lanssut.

"There's no time to waste. Press forward." She commanded, and led the soldiers deeper into the corvette.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Despite the close combat and the grim order from their enemy's leader, the squads at the Acolyte's back were undeterred. Some of them did sport some glancing wounds but none that impeded them enough to stay behind, the promise of reinforcements and their victories thus far only seeming to embolden their advance. The next area was a simple hallway clustered with bulkheads that allowed access to other similar holds to the one that they had just left, with no enemies in sight.

At the center of the narrow hallway was a staircase that led up into the corvette proper and when the force drew close they could hear the muffled sounds of boots and harsh voices. Thankfully the distraction of the Sith Knight had allowed an almost entirely open space between the maintenance hatch and the corvette and as such the two remaining squads had quickly come and joined with the rest of the infiltration team that now waited at the bottom of the stairs.

The fighting below deck, no matter how brief, had certainly been heard by the rest of the ship's occupants and as such it was unlikely that they would be taken by complete surprise like the workers had been. That much was clear, their preparations for the attackers was not however.

The distinct sound of laser cannons and their heavier turbolaser counterparts could be heard throughout the hangar, all functioning guns aimed at putting down the red blade and it's wielder no matter where he attempted to dodge. How long it would take for them to hit him was also unclear, but based on the rapid firing that the team could hear from within the masked man seemed to still be active for the moment.

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan
Maerae stepped into a suspiciously empty hallway. She narrowed her eyes, looking for any obvious sign of a trap or ambush. As narrow as this hallway was, it would have been the perfect place to set explosives. It's what she would have done. But then again, doing so would cause the corvette to sustain damage, and it was clear that the Gladiator King wanted this ship to be operational as quickly as possible.

So when Maerae found no sign of an ambush, she beckoned the rest of the task force to follow her to the base of the stairs. The footsteps sounding above her told the young Acolyte where the rest of Lanssut's forces had chosen to hold out. They wanted to ambush them on the stairwell. A solid strategy, to be sure. If she had more time, Maerae might have tried exiting the ship, and breaching from the side of the hull. But the sounds of the corvette's turbolasers firing meant that she had to be swift and decisive.

Not even a Sith Lord could outlast a corvette for long.

A door at the top of the stairs separated Maerae and the task force from whatever defenses Lanssut's men had cooked up. One look at it told her that they had depowered it, and that she was going to have to open it manually. Another stall tactic.

"I will handle the door," Maerae said simply, "when it opens, I want stun grenades thrown into the room. We'll breach after they've gone off."

At her command, two of the soldiers took up positions on either side of the door, small cylindrical devices in hand. Drawing in a breath, Maerae closed her eyes, and reached out with her sixth perception; with the Force. Her arms stretched out, miming the motion of forcing the door open, and the metal responded by screeching on its frame. Power welled with in her, around her, and Maerae suddenly threw her arms wide. The door was forced open, the metal exterior crumpled and ruined, and a hail of blaster fire flew over her head.

A second later, she heard two distinct clicks, and the sound of two objects clanking against the floor of the ship. Those sounds were swiftly followed by another: a sort of snap with a high whine. The stun grenades had gone off.

Maerae pointed her sword at the doorway, "cut them down!"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The gangsters that had been lying in wait were thrown back by the two stun grenade explosions, most of them slamming into the walls with a bruising force. There were only four of them but they were properly equipped with blaster carbines and some light, yet homemade, armor like the one down below had been. That armor did little to protect them from the subsequent blaster fire that erupted from the doorway after the stun grenades had went off though, the troopers quick to gun them down before they could recover from the grenade blast.

The top of the stairwell lead to what appeared to be an auxiliary system control center, with terminals and displays that gave updates and status reports on the more minor yet still critical systems of the corvette. Most of them appeared to be disabled based on the readings though, either incomplete or in need of repair that had yet to be done. The defenders had been arrayed behind some of the terminal desks but the grenades had thrown them into the open and made them easy targets.

They may not have lasted long, but they were not alone.

Heavy footsteps and the whirring of stressed power cells could be heard behind the door at the far end of the auxiliary control room as the last of the ambush was put down. "Come and face your end Sith! Besberra will be freed!" Suddenly the door was pierced clean through as what appeared to be laser cannon fire tore through it to try and cut down anyone still standing in the rough center of the room. The door was kicked down as the Gladiator King himself stepped through it, clad in a heavily armored suit that seemed to be made from the same paneling as the corvette itself. A laser cannon that looked to have been torn off one of the ship's turrets was in his grasp as he strode into the control room, shrugging off the stray shots as the troopers ran for cover.

"Come and face the Gladiator King!"

Maerae Verdan Maerae Verdan

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