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Approved Species Tairuandyr

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  • Intent: I wanted to make Cervitaurs for Najarka as an indigenous species to the world, and to add some more lore to it.
  • Image Credit: Midjourney
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Cervitaur, Reindeer
  • Name: Tairuandyr
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Najarka
  • Average Lifespan: 150-200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Tairuandyr are an elegant and ethereal species indigenous to the planet Najarka. Resembling humanoid cervitaurs, they possess the lower bodies of deer or elk, covered in sleek, short fur that provides insulation against the planet's varying climates. Their upper bodies are humanoid, with slender builds and delicate features.Tairuandyr are characterized by their large, expressive eyes and elongated ears, which give them a keen sense of hearing and a serene, otherworldly appearance. Their antlers, which vary in size and shape, are used both for defense and as symbols of age and status within their communities.

    Note: Tairunadyr is what the First Order ended up referring to the species as, however; Northern Tairunadyr refer to themselves as "Altai" and the Southern Tairunadyr refer to themselves as "Wapiti" while those along the coast, refer to themselves as "Alces" meanwhile others living closer to the cities may call themselves "Elaho." It is important to understand that the Tairunadyr's numbers have been in decline and thus they have become more isolationist. When encountered, it is important to maintain distance and seek to understand first, rather than to be understood.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Male: 180-200 cm
    • Female: 170-190 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Shades of pale to medium brown, sometimes with a slight reddish hue.
  • Hair color: Varies from dark brown to black, with occasional lighter shades in older individuals.
  • Distinctions:
    • Antlers: Both male and female Tairuandyr grow antlers, though those of males tend to be larger and more elaborately branched. Antlers are shed and regrown annually, with new growth patterns influenced by age, diet, and overall health.
    • Four Ears: Equipped with two sets of ears, this allows for the Tairunadyr to pick on subtle vibrations and echoes allowing them to detect danger/enemies from farther away than standard human may be able to hear.
    • Upper Body: Resembles that of humans, with skin tones varying from pale to medium brown, sometimes with a hint of reddish hue. They possess human-like arms, hands, and facial features. They possess elongated ears, and large, expressive eyes.
    • Lower Body: Transitioning from the waist down, their anatomy becomes more deer/elk-like
      • Legs: End in cloven hooves, well-adapted for varied terrain.
      • Coat: Thick and insulating fur, especially during colder seasons, ranging in color from greyish-brown to reddish-brown, with lighter underbellies.
  • Races: The following are noted Tairuandyr races, there may be others that have not been accounted for.
    • Northern Tairuandyr: Typically larger in stature with thicker fur coats, adapted to the colder northern regions of Najarka.
    • Southern Tairuandyr: Slightly smaller and lighter in build, their fur tends towards lighter shades to blend with the more temperate southern landscapes.
    • Coastal Tairuandyr: Found along the shores and aquatic regions, they may have slightly sleeker builds and lighter fur to match their environment.
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
    • View of the Force: The Tairunadyr view the Force as an interconnected energy that flows through all living beings and nature itself. They see it as a guiding force that harmonizes with their deep spiritual connection to the natural world, echoing elements of animism and reverence for the land. To them, the Force manifests not just in individuals but in the collective spirit of their herds, the wisdom of their shamans, and the seasonal rhythms of their nomadic lifestyle.
  • Environmental Adaptability: The Tairuandyr have evolved to thrive in Najarka's diverse and challenging environments, from icy tundras to dense forests. Their physical adaptations, such as hooves for traversing rugged terrain and fur for insulation, make them resilient to harsh conditions.
  • Cultural Harmony with Nature: Their deep connection with nature and advanced environmental stewardship practices enable them to sustainably manage their resources. This includes their use of geothermal energy and biotechnological innovations that enhance agricultural productivity without harming the environment.
  • Limited Intergalactic Influence: Despite their technological prowess and cultural richness, the Tairuandyr's isolation on Najarka limits their exposure to and integration with broader galactic societies. This isolation could hinder their access to advanced technologies and trading opportunities.
  • Vulnerability to Galactic Conflicts: While they prioritize peace and harmony, the Tairuandyr's geographical location and valuable resources, such as geothermal energy, could make them targets during intergalactic conflicts. Their defensive capabilities may be limited compared to more militarized species or factions.
  • Diet: Herbivorous, relying on the rich plant life of the steppes and forests. They cultivate and gather plants, using sustainable practices.
  • Communication:
    • Spoken, Galactic Basic: The Tairuandyr are proficient in Galactic Basic, allowing them to communicate with other species and integrate into broader galactic society. Their dialect is influenced by their native sounds, giving it a melodic and resonant quality.
    • Physical, Posture and Movements: The Tairuandyr use specific postures and movements to convey emotions and intentions. For example, a straight, tall stance indicates confidence and readiness, while a lowered head and relaxed posture suggest peace and submission.
    • Physical, Gestures: Hand and arm gestures play a significant role in their communication. Sweeping arm movements can denote inclusiveness or welcoming, while pointed gestures can indicate direction or emphasis.
    • Vocalizations: The Tairuandyr have developed a range of vocalizations these sounds include:
      • Grunts and Snorts: Used to express curiosity, alertness, or mild annoyance.
      • Bellows: Employed in situations of urgency or to call attention. A deep bellow can signal a warning or summon others.
      • Clicks and Clucks: Short, sharp sounds used in close communication, often to convey subtle messages or maintain contact during activities.
      • Humming and Throat Singing: A form of melodic communication that is used in spiritual rituals and storytelling. This resonates deeply with their cultural heritage and the natural world around them.
  • Technology level: The Tairuandyr society on Najarka is technologically adept, albeit with a focus on sustainability and integration with their natural surroundings. They have developed advanced techniques in harnessing geothermal energy, particularly important in their cold northern regions. Their architecture and infrastructure blend harmoniously with the environment, using organic materials and energy-efficient designs.
    • Specific Technological Achievements:
      • Geothermal Energy Harnessing: Advanced systems for tapping into geothermal vents provide sustainable energy sources for heating, power generation, and industrial processes.
      • Environmental Adaptation: Buildings and settlements are designed to withstand extreme cold temperatures and rugged terrain, utilizing insulated materials and efficient heating systems.
      • Biotechnology: Incorporation of biotechnological advancements for agriculture and medicine, utilizing local flora and fauna in innovative ways.
      • Communication Technology: While they use Galactic Basic for interstellar communication, locally, they have developed sophisticated methods of long-distance communication using natural signals akin to reindeer calls, enhancing their ability to navigate and coordinate across their vast territories.
      • Craftsmanship: Renowned for their craftsmanship in carving antlers and wood, weaving, and creating intricate jewelry. They are also known for their traditional music and storytelling.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Deeply spiritual, with a belief system centered around the harmony of nature and the spirits of the land. They hold rituals and ceremonies to honor the changing seasons and the spirits of their ancestors.
  • General behavior: The Tairuandyr are known for their deeply communal and harmonious way of life, which emphasizes balance with nature and strong social bonds. Their behavior is shaped by values of cooperation, respect for the environment, and a commitment to their cultural heritage.
    • Family Life and Values: Tairuandyr society places a high value on family and community. Families typically live in extended groups, often comprising multiple generations under one roof. They raise their young collectively, with all members of the community taking part in childcare and education. Elders are highly respected for their wisdom and experience, often serving as leaders and advisors.
    • Raising Young: Young Tairuandyr are raised with a strong emphasis on communal values and environmental stewardship. Education is both formal and experiential, with children learning traditional skills such as herbal medicine, weaving, and sustainable farming alongside academic subjects. Storytelling is a crucial part of their upbringing, used to impart cultural values and historical knowledge.
    • Finding Mates: Mate selection among the Tairuandyr is typically a community-oriented process, involving intricate social rituals and ceremonies. Courtship often includes displays of skill or talent, such as crafting, music, or dance. Mates are usually chosen based on compatibility and mutual respect, with the community providing guidance and support.
    • Interaction with the World and Other Species: The Tairuandyr are generally peaceful and diplomatic, known for their ability to mediate conflicts and foster cooperation. They are open to interaction with other species, particularly within the Commonwealth, and are keen to share their knowledge of sustainable practices. Their settlements often serve as hubs for cultural exchange and trade.
    • Daily Life and Activities: Tairuandyr are diurnal, engaging in most of their activities during the day. Their daily life revolves around communal activities such as farming, crafting, and maintaining their homes. They are skilled builders, creating structures that blend seamlessly with the natural environment. Tairuandyr are also adept inventors, continuously developing new methods to improve sustainability and quality of life.
    • Hunting and Food Production: While primarily agricultural, the Tairuandyr also engage in limited hunting, practicing ethical methods that ensure the balance of local ecosystems. They cultivate a variety of crops and are known for their expertise in permaculture. Their diet is largely plant-based, supplemented by dairy products from domesticated animals.
    • Education and Exploration: Education is a lifelong pursuit for the Tairuandyr, with schools and learning centers integrated into their communities. They are also explorers and naturalists, constantly seeking to expand their understanding of Najarka's diverse ecosystems. Their curiosity drives them to study the natural world and innovate ways to live in harmony with it.
    • Social Structure and Governance: Governance in Tairuandyr society is based on a council system, with representatives from various family groups and guilds. Decision-making is collective, emphasizing consensus and the welfare of the community. Leaders are chosen based on their wisdom, experience, and ability to serve the common good.
The Tairuandyr have a rich and ancient history on Najarka, their origins tracing back thousands of years. Initially, they were nomadic, migrating across the planet's diverse terrains and developing a deep connection with the natural world. Over time, they established permanent settlements, particularly in the lush forests and highland steppes, where they thrived in harmony with their environment.

Their society flourished with the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry, leading to the development of intricate social structures and cultural practices. The Tairuandyr are known for their advanced understanding of herbal medicine, which they cultivated from their extensive knowledge of the local flora. They also developed sophisticated weaving techniques, producing beautiful textiles that became highly valued in trade with neighboring species.

The arrival of the First Order in the early 850s brought significant changes to Tairuandyr society. Initially resistant to external influence, they soon realized the benefits of technological advancements introduced by the First Order. This period saw the construction of infrastructure that stabilized their settlements and improved their quality of life, although it also led to tensions as they sought to preserve their cultural heritage.

With the collapse of the First Order and the subsequent formation of the Commonwealth in the 870s, the Tairuandyr found themselves at a crossroads. Choosing to join the Commonwealth, they embraced a role as stewards of Najarka's natural beauty, advocating for environmental sustainability and cultural preservation. This alliance brought increased trade and technological support, enabling them to further develop their society while maintaining their traditional values.

The Tairuandyr's history is marked by their resilience and adaptability. Despite the challenges of external influence and internal conflicts, they have maintained a strong cultural identity. Their partnership with the Commonwealth has positioned them as key contributors to the planet's governance and guardians of its ecological integrity, ensuring that Najarka's natural wonders are preserved for future generations.

Edit Log: Updated photo and added information to Description and Distinctions, 07/14/24
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