Never Hide Your Heart

Take me home tonight

Katarine watched as his grey eyes slid over the mission brief. She saw the corners of his mouth twitch and felt his brief exasperation in the Force, presumably at the Grandmaster's shenanigans. Katarine knew that most honeymoon suites were on the top floor of the hotel, meaning they would have a direct line of sight for the office they were surveying, and that made the location ideal because they could spend a lot of time in the room watching, but this could have been done from a few floors down. Valery knew exactly what she was doing, and that was causing trouble. As a master of the task Katarine had to admit the grandmaster was talented in that area.
Her deep green eyes scanned her new partners face, waiting for his response, and he surprised her with the one she got.
"It'll do,"
He turned back to the controls, setting her datapad down without even hinting at the awkwardness of the situation. He was calm, focused and absolutely in control. Katarine was watching him in surprise at how effortlessly his stoic demeanor radiated. It took her a second to realize she was biting her lip and not breathing. She shook her head and took a deep breath, forcing her deep green eyes off his face. Instead she watched as the bright jewel of the planet Zeltros came into view. She was not remotely ready to set foot on this planet again, given her past here, but they had a job to do.
"Let's grab everything we need and head to our room first."
"You're the boss." She smiled at him, a playful glint in her eye and picked up her datapad. They grabbed the equipment they needed and headed down the ramp of the ship. The hotel lobby was beautiful and welcoming and the pheremones were already strong as they entered. They went up to the desk where a pink skinned female was checking guests in. When she looked up the name 'Smith' in her system she smiled widely at the pair of them.
"Welcome to our honeymooners! We are so pleased you've chosen Zeltros as your honeymoon destination!" Two hotel workers came to help them with their bags and a third came with glasses of champaign ready for them. Katarine raised her eyebrow at Dean while they were each handed a glass of the bubbly liquid.
Okay maybe Valery wasn't so bad.