Never Hide Your Heart


Katarine could tell that he didn't like the plan but she didn't see much choice in the matter. The captive woman was barely alive and the longer they delayed medical attention the more likely the female was not going to make it. If they both left however there was every chance the copycat upstairs would get away and that meant another woman would eventually be in danger. They had to deal with both situations now and that unfortunately meant splitting up. Kat knew Dean would be safe at the hospital and she wanted him safe. She didn't want him to get hurt because of her investigation.
She assured him she would be safe and watched as he climbed the stairs quietly. She felt an odd twisting sensation in her stomach as she watched him go, and realized it was a desire for him to stay. She wanted to be close to him and his absence was already causing anxiety. That wasn't a good sign for her heart but she would deal with it latter when the fallout inevitably came. She should have learned her lesson by now but it appeared she hadn't.
Making another mental note to slap Valery she headed up the stairs behind Dean, making certain he got out the door safely with the captive. Once he was out of sight she took a deep breath and started towards the kitchen where the rancid smell was still powerfully strong.