Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Take The Future

Hello SWRP, my name is Flannigan Mcnash, some may know me some might not but I was a previous faction admin of the Hutt Cartel, and I’ll be resuming the position. Now some might know about the sudden absence or pause in the Hutt Cartels, RP. Now I can tell you for certain we’re here to stay, we’re coming back and we’re..


Now I’d like to take the time and apologise about the sudden disappearance of staff and the planned merger with the republic, for the disruption of role-play but most of importantly the Hutt Cartels users who we didn't consider.

But that’s the past and the future is ahead of us and after all now is a ‘present’. We’d like to take the first steps with you, into the future.

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