Inger Strömfire
Fire and Ice Goddess
Spirva Sector
All dressed up no where to run
Drip Drip Dip
Scream Screams Screams
Cries Cries Cries
Click Click Click
Her head spinning still as she had been thrown in the dark cell. That was before she had hit cold stone floor hard. All she saw before blacking out was two black boots. In the darkness she saw nothing at all. Slowly coming to again. Doing this for a few hours before she could keep herself away. Only to feel that she wasn't alone. Being the warrior she was didn't panic but played along. Not moving much just a few gasp to escaped her lips as if she was in pain and a lot to see what the other would do in the cell.
Flashing back to what happen all came back her crew the ship that she had been on coming back from a mission. Finding them fighting, then being stun then awaken again, asked question. Only to speak in her native tongue saved her from getting beat more. Feeling there was something more also but not being a where of it. In her mind as she laid there thinking about the crew. Not knowing if any of the others had made it beside her. She was born in an winter storm, she had ice and fire in her vein.
[member="Noah Corek"]