Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Take Time For The Important Things In Life (Patricia x Jarven)

Jarven waved goodbye to Kincaid and Erika as they waved back from the departing hover school bus as he held Bowser Jr. their newest baby in his arms. They would get to school in two seconds because sci fi. lol. Even though their school was far away in Largan City, it wouldn't be long before they reached the school. The perks of being rich, I suppose. Everyone economically and socially important favored you.

The funny part was that they still had to name this baby. It wasn't an easy event, though. This could very well be the first Gank/Human baby in the history of the galaxy. When history text books will probably remember you, what kind of name do you bestow for that position of honor. Dave? Bill? Bob? Nope. No no no no no no no no. The baby needed a good name and that was that.

A half hour later, Jarven was sitting in the nursery room next to the crib. He was sipping on a glass of lemonade and staring out onto the ocean outside the window of the baby's room. He couldn't handle alcohol anymore. Whatever had been done to his body would cause flares of negative reaction when trying to process alcohol. He never really was much of a drinker to begin with, so the acceptance of no alcohol ever was easy. The baby had been sleeping for ten minutes after he had fed him and laid him down to sleep some more. Jarven got up, turned the baby comm on and went downstairs to wash the dishes. It was quiet in their lovely beach house, besides the noise of the clattering dishes. Finally, hands pruned from water, he went out onto the porch, the baby monitor still on and not making a noise except for the barely audible sounding of their baby sleeping.

Jarven sat in his favorite chair, his drink refilled, and stared at the ocean. It was difficult wrapping his mind around this somewhat new change of scenery. So much had changed in his lifetime. He hadn't been very wise and had even gone behind Patricia's back when it had come to the Sith Alchemy. He was still so very strong and incredibly smart, but it wasn't going to any real good use now. In fact, the occasional head aches and the moods of depression were blaring liabilities in the absence of assets.

He hoped his wife was actually coming back today. He'd hate it if she was delayed by work...again.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

A single shuttle boomed out of hyperspace and into orbit around Relovian, a shuttle that belonged to Spaarti Creations. Which meant it belonged to none other than Patricia Susan Garter, the Queen of Cloning and owner of the galaxies biggest and most successful cloning company. Onboard with her head rested against the cushion of her chair she was coming home from a long day at work, she had traded a holocron copy for a unfinished super hyperlane to the chiss and primeval space and she wanted to see how that prospect was turning out. Safe to say it was good, and she was happy about it as tired as she was.

With the ship entering atmosphere and pushing into the islands in which her family owned the quick interceptor level speed shuttle pushed passed the school bus on her way to her island home. Catching a quick glimpse Patricia pinched the bridge of her nose and knew it was too late, she had promised Erika and Kincaid that she was going to be home to send them off to school. Another promise broken which meant they were going to have to go out for a family dinner or do something together.

Patricia knew it was just applying pressure to a cut artery, no matter how much you applied the wound would still bleed. Having your father die and your mother being too busy with work was hard for a kid, and if there was anything Patricia didn't want to do it was make Erika and Kincaid think she didn't love them. So as the shuttle landed quietly outside the house the ramp extended and Patricia muttered a string of curse words as she walked down the ramp to the sandy beach of her home. The ship quickly took off and left the home behind, she sighed once more as she walked up to the front door and gently opened it.

Stepping inside her home she first went to the couch and sat down with her legs tucked into her chest. She wanted to scream, to simply throw their thousand credit coffee table out the wall and then throw a grenade on it. She was the most successful woman in the galaxy next to Danger Arcenu and Selkus Ventus, but she couldn't succeed as a mother. She was the top republic field agent, she was the Vice President of the Red Ravens, she was a billionaire, a fraking billionaire, but right now she just felt like a failure. Grabbing at her knees she tucked them into herself as her shaggy blonde hair covered her tear stained eyes.
You know things must have been going badly when the wife completely misses the husband on the front porch. It must have been a mood or something. He stayed quiet and let her continue past. He couldn't say that he remain as unaffected on the inside as he seemed on the outside, though. He was genuinely concerned for his wife and a small part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of utter sadness that she ignored him like he wasn't relevant anymore...which was partially true, he guessed....

He sniffed once and then stood up. He walked over to the rail, set his cup down, and whistled to the birds. His whistle was loud and practiced, so a friendly, local bird responded quickly by landing next to the cup. He made a sound with pursed lips and tapped the edge of the cup when he had the bird's attention. The bird then flapped up to the edge of the cup, ducked its head inside and started sipping up the rest of the lemonade.

Waste not, want not. Maybe the birds would help back one of these days. Ha!

He turned around and headed inside, the thin, screen door slamming shut behind him. He stopped and noticed the curled up form of his wife on the couch. It had been a LONG time since he had seen her in that position. It had been about the time that [member="Romeo Sin"] had died, but not for real, and left this beautiful woman behind to fend for herself and kids. He stopped staring and walked silently over to the couch. He sat down next to her and leaned over, still not saying a word. He put his nose up to the back of her hair-covered neck and breathed in softly. She was finally home. Finally, he spoke up.

"...You smell different, honey. You smell of stress, perfume and corporate buildings. Your scent is only faintly familiar...but I still love you more fiercely than the first day I started dating you. If you let me..." Jarven reached his right hand down to hold Patricia's right side; above her hip. "...I can help you change your scent...."

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia remained in her spot as her mind raced, through everything. She was a failure, a utter failure, despite everything she had done in her life. She had been in two wars, two of them! She had done everything and she couldn't be a mom, she failed at something that should be simple. Hot tears ran down her face and stained her cheeks, the woman just couldn't do this and it hurt her deeply. It hurt her knowing that she was hurting her kids, knowing that she was failing them.

Soon after Jarven walked in and put his head on her neck, his touch felt good to her as he breathed her in. She let out a few more tears as he went on about her scent. His touched changed a bit then, it wasn't one of comfort as much as it was slight friction. He didn't ask what was going on, didn't ask if she was ok, he just talked about a scent like she was an animal. After that the touch turned toxic when his hand was placed on her hip and he offered to "change her scent."

Patricia's face beneath her hair turned to one of anger as she pushed the man off of her and crawled to the other end of the sofa. The woman looked at him with matted hair and tear stained eyes, the look on her face was one of anger mixed with shock that he wanted sex as soon as she walked through the door. Normally that was enough to fix her mood, but right now this was one of those rare moments where Patricia was hurting deep inside. Where her walls were down and all the confidence she projected forward was gone. She was just human.

"Do you think I'm some sort of animal?" Patricia said as she adjusted herself into the corner.

"You think you can just rut me as soon as I come through the door?!" Her voice picked up a little.

"Kark you Jarven! You do not treat me like I'm some sort of gank whore!!" Patricia said with venom.

The baby asleep in the other room heard the tone in her voice and soon began to cry. The woman held her hair as her head ached at the noise. She wanted to get up and hurt Jarven probably more than she had. But it wasn't Jarven, none of this was about him, she was only subconsciously taking it out on the nearest person.

"The babies crying." she said with a glare to the man to go and calm their child.
For the first time ever, Jarven felt truly isolated. This was worse than when he thought Patricia had left him. Back then, he had made a hasty, uninformed judgement. Now, his wife's attitude was plain to see. His reaction was one of utter confusion and detachment. He had a "deer in the headlights" look when she went off. The talk about scents and the changing of such was a gank euphemism for reconciliation between bond mates. However, the depression and shock combined only allowed for the body language display of confusion, isolation, and him uttering the single word,

"Whore??..." And then she looked at him to go take care of the baby. The way she looked at and spoke to him made it seem as though she were saying, "Go and take care of your mistake, you rapist." He didn't make any moves to comfort her further. He simply stood up and obeyed. She hadn't been wrong. He technically was an animal, no matter how much he may look like a man. If he was human, would that make everything better? Would she prefer being married to a Human than him, a Gank?

As he picked up and did his best to comfort the baby, he couldn't help but think: did she hate this baby, too? Erika and Kincaid were human, so she might love them by default. She had lost her scent. The baby might find her to be unfamiliar as well. Maybe she embraced the new scent. Maybe she had just shown up to cut things off with him today. Maybe, maybe, maybe. No matter what he was feeling, he couldn't jump to conclusions again. Never mind that all he was feeling was a numbing sensation that happens when you get smacked by reality.

He started humming a lullaby that the other kids would sing and hum when he was young. He didn't know the words, but he knew the melody and rhythm by heart. After the baby was soothed to sleep, he laid him back down into the crib and went to sit back down in the nursery's rocking chair. He just went over, sat down and stared at the wall as he rocked back and forth. He had really hoped to go swimming with Patricia today. They hadn't gotten the chance ever since they moved in...

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

And now she was failing as a wife. The woman was in a whirlwind of emotions and turmoil, she was hurting in every way emotionally possible. She had just chased off one of the best things that had happened to her and now her heart felt the loss of him, she needed to scream. She needed to hit something before she took it out on Jarven again, the woman sobbed a few times quietly and reached to grab one of her throw pillows.

Silently screaming into it to muffle her yell as to not wake the baby she did that a few times before letting out a few sobs, her head raised and after a few minutes of sitting there she had realized the damage she had done to Jarven. The hurt she had caused him while she was whacked out on her emotions. She still felt some form of anger but she was a woman and that was just residual, something that might be used as ammo later. As much as she wanted to forget the entire thing she simply couldn't, so standing up she sniffled a few times before making her way towards the nursery.

Going down the hall she saw all the pictures of Jarven, the kids, herself, all of them together as a happy family. It made her hurt more for saying what she had said, and the expression on her husband's face was the knife into her heart. He was trying to help, that's all he wanted to do was help.

With one last sniffle she stood in the frame of the door. Outside of her heels Patricia was a good four feet and eleven inches, tiny compared to her husband. She was a small woman and with the big man in the rocking chair her eyes shifted to him, he looked so lost, so confused and sad. The problems she had with her kids was real, and yes it made her hurt. But seeing Jarven like this, seeing him in this state and knowing it was her fault. It tore her apart.

So carefully and cautiously she walked over to Jarven and didn't say a single word. He had spent all day cradling and comforting their child, now it was time they did the same for each other. Stepping into his large lap and sitting down in it the small woman wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and held herself close to him.

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek she looked over to the kid in the crib then laid her head on his upper chest to watch their baby sleep. The first little hybrid gank and human in the galaxy, it had taken them a while but their little accident was absolutely beautiful.

"I like Jarven Jr." Patricia said in a low tone.
Now that she was in a far more receptive mood, the walls around his heart started to come down. At first, his body started shaking like a leaf. Then, his mouth frowned heavily as tears came to his eyes and he tried to keep from full-blown crying. He held her tightly, but he held on to the back of her neck and her knee so that he was sure to not come off as sexual. He was hesitant to say anything for fear that he would put his Gank foot in his mouth and ruin everything again. But, he felt that he needed to talk.

"...I don't see you as a slab of meat, baby. I just want you back. The kids want you back. We all want you back. I want to smell the scent of sea breeze on you. The scent of our children. A faint whiff of the drinks we share. The smell of saltwater dried on your skin after we explore the new "swimming pool" that's been installed all around us...I want you to smell like home!..."

And with that, he buried his face in her shoulder and tears began to rapidly soak the shoulder fabric of her clothing.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

And it was at that moment Patricia felt like the world's biggest idiot, she pinched the bridge of her nose and a few curse words flowed beneath her breath. Sometimes she forgot Jarven's culture, well more likely most of the time if not all the time. Jarven's mercenary pack had been killed and he had taken his revenge on Nar'Shadda from his brothers and sisters killer. He got shot a few times, she comforted him, they both cried, it was a bad few days. But in the end she was just happy that he was ok, but right now she could feel that neither of them were ok.

Ever since the loss of the Ravens he had been lost and as great of a father he is, she could at least feel his disconnection with things. Jarven was a warrior playing stay at home dad, he was a great computer programmer but when you are used to developing software to encode an entire criminal underground electronic communications systems, working a part time job to clear the holonet porn virus off someone's computer just didn't seem like a worthy adjustment.

Plus she didn't need him going on mercenary work, they were billionaires and had everything they could ever want. They had everything but the one thing, a family that functioned. Erika was about thirteen now and entering her rebel teenager phase, Kincaid was pushing six and was in school now. But the lack of a mother and Erika's father Romeo having abandoned them, it was the one thing money couldn't fix. So with all this in mind Patricia just sighed and looked to her husband.

"Baby it was my fault, I was angry that I couldn't keep my promise to Erika. I was angry that I couldn't kiss our baby goodbye before going off to school. I took it out on you, and I'm sorry." Patricia said as she ran a hand against his scruffy face.

"I just, I forget these things like your culture after a long day. I know it's messed and I'm trying, and I'm just trying so hard all the time I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams." She said as she moved in and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"When I'm out there everything makes sense, it's all just numbers, numbers that I can control. But here, when I'm here it's just chaos. It's teenaged girls and diapers and I don't know what I'm doing." She said as she leaned her head against his shoulders.

"I'm just scared I'm going to lose them." She whispered quietly.
His face was wet, but the tears had stopped. Through the pain and the trials, he wasn't all that certain what he should say. But, something deep within his heart told him exactly what to do. He placed his hands on her hips, squeezed gently, and whispered in her ear, "Patricia, baby. I have always loved you and I will continue to love you 'til the end of my life. Your anger makes me incredibly sad because it's so intense that I can't figure out how to heal it. You were a good mom before I even met you. I know you can be that good mother that you desire to be, again. How much time do we have together before you have to head back to work?"

After all of that was talked over and answered, he would then ask, "Ehmm...Does this mean we can't have sex at all or...?" He then hung his head in shame and said, "Never mind. Just forget it. I'm sorry, honey. I shouldn't be bringing that up right now..."

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia listened to her husband's words and kept her head rested on him, she was tired. But it was more than a just got off work and now I want to take a nap, tired. Down to her bones she was emotionally and physically weary of everything, working a tier four corporation did that to you and a lot of the time it made her do things she wasn't proud of. Things she could never tell Jarven for fear of labeling her as a monster.

But right now, even with all her billions of credits. There was nowhere she'd rather be than right there in Jarven's arms after a very long day. Nestling her head into his chest the tiny blonde yawned and then answered back, maybe it was time for a vacation.

"I think it'll be good if I just took the week off, Spaarti Creations has a project to build a new Jedi Temple on Lothal next week and I'll probably be there to oversee it for a few days." Patricia said as she clung her arms around him and yawned.

After her husband's next bit of dialogue the woman chuckled a bit and leaned her head up from her comfortable position to kiss her husband on his lips. Her kisses were greedy yet loving, showing that she still had hunger for him, that he was her man and despite a galaxies worth of men who would want to come onto her, she was his. A few moments went by and Patricia broke the kiss to stare at him with a sleepy face that did have some want sparkled across it.

"Tell you what, the baby should be asleep for a bit. How's about you carry me off to our room, and we'll let nature take its course. Afterwards we'll take a little nap and I'll put on that bikini you like and we take a quick swim before picking the kids up from school." She said as she kissed his neck.

"But you're doing all the work today." Patricia said with another chuckle.

She truly loved Jarven, she loved him because he was her rock. No matter how things got she could come home to him, and even though part of her always told her to be the woman she was in her youth, it just stopped telling her that when she was with him.
He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom and laid her on their special mattress.


"You're clearly exhausted, baby. Let's just take that nap and relax for now. Together."

There was another baby monitor on the bedside table. He took off her shirt and pants and laid her on the bed. He was already wearing lounging wear, so he got right into bed with her. He held her tight to him and he kissed her on the lips. He pulled the cover up so they could snuggle.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

The woman was gone by the time Jarven had even picked her up, dead asleep in his arms as he laid her on the bed and put her into nightwear. The woman lay there deep into sleep where darkness ruled and dreams didn't dream. She was happy where she was, close to Jarven and in their bed together. It was off really, strange to her in someway if she had been awake. She was away so often that sometimes her own home felt like a hotel, like a dream that she would awake from and see she was back at work. But that wasn't happening now, reality had her right where she wanted to be for the first time in a long time. Everything was perfect.

2 hours later

Patricia awoke after her nap, her eyes fading in and out as sleep tried to claim her once again, the baby had begun to cry and her maternal instincts kicked in to hobble her way out of bed from a resting Jarven and towards their nursery.

Once there she leaned over to lift up their crying child and smiled at them, they were absolutely beautiful and she loved him more than anything in the galaxy. With the baby ceasing its crying she shushed him and put her head softly against their child's forehead. She wanted to give her son the world, she wanted nothing but the best for him and would spare no expense. From the crib that would correct your baby if it rolled over in their sleep, to the most expensive brands of cloth diapers and formula. She wanted her son to have it all and more.

"Mommy loves you." She said as she gave the baby a kiss on the nose.

"Let's go wake up dad? You wanna wake up dad?" She said in a baby talk voice that made her son giggle and wave his arms.

"Okay let's go get daddy." Patricia said as she walked down the hall and into their room.

She knocked on the door with one hand and kept their child in the other. They had a few things to get to today and talk about, but she was confident it would all be handled.
A minute or so after [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] left, Jarven's left leg started to kick. He was dreaming.

He was laying on a cold stone slab and both his feet and hands were encased inside of the stone slab he was laying on. His forehead was laced with sweat as he stared up at the hypodermic needles dangling from chains above his body. Needles was a large fear of Jarven's. They represented penetration and violation of personal belongings...and they hurt a lot. He saw the figure of [member="Darth Pikiran"] walk into his view. He had a warm smile on his face and a cold in his eyes that could fuse durasteel plates. He spoke to Jarven.

"Happy, Jarven? I did this for you, my friend. Aren't you happy? Is this not the way of your people? Have you not TRANSCENDED all other Ganks with what I have done for you!?...But don't worry. As your best friend, I will continue to help you. This will only hurt a lot."

Darth Pikiran's mouth unhinged like a snake's and spewed forth a stream of flame over his entire body. His body was flooded with pain that he had only felt since he was back on that operating table. Eventually, the pain stopped and he felt very different. He looked down at his body and found that he had grown to twice his original size. His body had been transformed into a nightmarish form rippling with power. He had become the very monster that he had been fighting for so long.

His leg had shoved the sheets off the bed except for a shred of sheet that was clutched tightly in his hand. His left leg stiffened and stopped kicking and sweat was dotting his forehead.


Well-Known Member
(Sorry, set up is perfect for a cameo. If its a problem, let me know and I can have it deleted.)

From trillions of miles away, a sense of accomplishment drifted towards Damien. Turning his eyes towards the vast distance the sky held, he stared long and hard...

Slowly a small smile cracked the reverie...

Which turned to a grin....

Then an all out insane laugh that boomed through his estates on Tera Lush...

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Holding her baby the woman saw her husband become distressed by whatever dream was bothering him. So shushing their baby she cradled him in her arms before setting him down on the changing table they had in their room. Patricia had to help her husband even if it meant the sleepy child had to sit back and relax on their own for a moment.

Coming to his side Patricia placed her hands on his back and approached the back of him. Jarven normally didn't have nightmares, at least that she was aware of. Then again there were times when she wasn't able to come home at night and see him sleep, such was the life of CEO in an inter galactic market place. But whatever was going on Patricia was going to find out and make him feel better.

"Jarven, baby wake up. The baby is here and he needs their dad. I need you." Patricia said as she jostled him some more.

He looked distressed in his sleep, he looked like he was in pain. Patricia didn't know what to do right now, she didn't want to send him into shock from forcing him awake and she didn't want him to experience any more of what he was going through. The baby started to cough and whine a bit at their fathers movements and it would likely transform into a full blown cry if the man wasn't woken up soon to do what he had to do to calm their child.


Well-Known Member
Having a sense of what was occurring in a place far from himself, Damien would plant himself firmly in a circle of Runes. Dream interfering was something he had performed a few times in the past, though never as he was now. Slowly his body flowed with the Force until he slumped unconscious...

When he opened his eyes, he saw a world that twisted and bent, flames leapt all which ways, and before him was a chained Jarven. Damien grinned again, his mouth twisting like that of a fictional Cheshire Cat, "Jarven, you will never be complete. I will always work on you, and make you better than anything that can stand before us. My friend, my pet!!!" With these words, Damien's dream form would lunge at his ally and begin scratching with a ferocity unparalleled...

"Alas, my pet, you are being awakened. Don't you feel it? But know this: I am not finished with you. When you least expect it, I will strike, taking you back, to serve under me as I change everything about you until those you love cannot even look at the monster you have become!!!"

At that, Damien felt his corporeal senses return, and he opened his eyes...

He was not joking...

Jarven would see him soon enough...

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

In his dream state, Jarven felt the presence of [member="Darth Pikiran"]. This wasn't just like a normal dream manifestation; he could feel his presence as though he was literally right in front of him. The clawing came down upon his dream body and his chest heated up and started to burn instead of sting. He struggled to gain lucidity in this dream while Darth Pikiran weaved words into his subconscious.

Finally, he gained lucidity and his hand shot out and snatched Pikiran by the neck. He squeezed hard, but his neck was like duracrete. The more he squeezed, the more a hot band of jagged design formed and burned itself onto Jarven's neck. Infused with fury, Jarven summoned Big Red, the violent and monstrous part of his psyche. Big Red was a hellishly red, tall and imposing version of Jarven. Big Red detached Pikiran with ease, spun around and tossed him far away. Jarven's eyes glowed red and his fangs were bared as he stood up...

...He slowly sat up on the bed, fully awake. His eyes were mildly bloodshot as he took in his wife and baby son. He brought his knees up and held his head. His eyes closed and tears slipped out through the shut eyelids.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]

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