Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Take Two

After Arisa and Natasi had worked through some mutual bitterness in their first official meeting, their encounter had ended on a fair note. Now Arisa had invited Natasi into Silver Space for another meeting, this one to be held on the Grand Moff's home planet of Galidraan. It wasn't a state visit as the SJO had no protocols for such things, but she hoped the Grand Moff would appreciate gesture none the less. She pulled some strings with the local government to allow Natasi to visit with friends and family who remained in the system in a private gathering, so long as she didn't use the visit as an opportunity to proselytize about the First Order.

So for a few days, Arisa would let Natasi do her thing in peace (under some light monitoring), before calling for their meeting in another corner of Galidraan. The forested planet had no shortage of castles, so she would pick one officially owned by the state, vacant but maintained as a museum to chronicle an interesting era in ancient Galidraani history. Ahead of the meeting, the whole area was closed off and swept for bugs, and security was beefed up on the premises.

Arisa would be the first to arrive, stepping out into her speeder into the middle of a light snowfall. All cold and gray outside, which she had been told was the norm for much of the planet, much like Dosuun where the Grand Moff now resided.

Inside, she warmed herself by the fire within the castle's solar as she was treated to a mug of hot chocolate by the staff still on the scene. While she sipped on the sweet milky concoction, she reviewed reports from her tablet, now always on the clock as the Silver Order's Grandmaster.

When Natasi did show up, the staff would lead her to the solar to meet with Arisa, then they could get down to business. The Grand Moff would be allowed to arrive with her own security, but they had to sit outside the closed room as the two women spoke.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
The air of Galidraan was as sweet and cold as it always was, and Natasi was transported to the days of her childhood. Her life on Galidraan, at Herevan Hold, was idyllic, even by Galidraani standards. Winter rides with her beloved horse, ice skating on the river, playing The Game in the evenings with hot cider and spiced wine. Natasi stopped at the foot of the ramp of the shuttle that had landed near the estate. At her side was a silent guardian, her constant companion on these diplomatic forays. She wondered idly if the guardsman who followed her around was the same guard every time. Had he ever been to Galidraan? Could he tell that the Grand Moff was overcome by emotion on returning to her homeworld. Natasi cast her gaze up at him for a moment, but he didn't return the look; instead he looked around, his head on a constant swivel for threats to the Grand Moff.

Galidraan may have been Natasi's home, but it was enemy territory now.

Natasi had to remember that.

She pulled her coat tightly around her. It was a fashionable, navy velvet affair, trimmed with golden sable, with a tan had perched at a jaunty angle atop her chestnut locks. The Grand Moff worked her fingers into a pair of grey kid gloves and wrapped her hand around her clutch before setting off across the grass, making tracks through the light snow, as she approached the castle. She thought she had visited the museum here once in her youth. Returning as the head of government of a major galactic power, she had to wonder what the bored -- but unscrupulously well-behaved -- little girl would think if she could see her adult self now. Her lips turned upwards at the edges as she approached the door and paused for a moment before reaching over to pull the chain to ring the bell.

Her second meeting with General Yune was looming large, and the Grand Moff was rather looking forward to the rematch. They had gotten off on the wrong foot before, but hopefully that would all be set aside now. She glanced back towards her bodyguard and sighed inwardly before turning back to the main door.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Once [/SIZE]Natasi had arrived at the estate, she would be promptly escorted to the solar. Arisa perked up as she sensed new activity around the corner, a familiar presence. The Grand Moff was no Force User, but none the less she had a strong mind that left an impression just like any. She had long suspected the woman was [SIZE=10.5pt]Force-attuned[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], a class of individuals that sat somewhere between Non-Force Sensitives and Force Sensitives, their above average connection to the Force usually manifesting in subtle ways like greater intuition or constitution. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Arisa would be standing before Natasi was lead through the door, then approached her once it was closed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Hello there, Natasi," she said as she offered a hand to shake. "Thank you for joining me today." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She then motioned for Natasi to take a seat on one of the seats or couches across from hers as she sat back down.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I like to think that I'm a reasonable woman, and I hope my actions thus far have proven it. I know several of my counterparts would have liked me to exploit the situation for their ends, but no good would come of that for anyone. I know it may be difficult to believe, but I have no desire to see the First Order destroyed. However, at the same time, I cannot allow you to continue enabling the Sith and other belligerents in their senseless attacks against the people of the Outer Rim. So that's why I asked you here, one reason of many. Before the Silver Order and our [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]partners[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] may even begin to consider normalizing relations with the First Order, and proceed with trade talks, I will need you to shut down the sanctuaries within your territories."[/SIZE]

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi was greeted by someone she didn't recognize, but offered a polite smile nonetheless, and a gracious thank-you after she was helped out of her coat and led to the solar. She hadn't seen this portion of the castle during her visit in school days, and so she was interested to see what it had to offer. The solar was somewhat gaudy for Natasi's taste; the Grand Moff preferred simple patterns, showcasing the quality of the material, but she couldn't deny the beauty of the furnishings. She wondered what had become of the family who had curated the collection of furniture, tapestries, and other decorations. They had obviously done so with care; had their line died out in some war or another, or out of pure lack of reproductive ability? Or had they downsized to a more affordable estate, ceding this castle to the State? They probably weren't the first to do so, if that was the case, and would surely not be the last; estates like these were expensive to run properly, and many families had sold land to pay tax, resulting in a fancy castle without enough usable land to maintain it.

It was a slow disease, a painful one, and possibly fatal. They had faced it with Herevan, but hadn't had to worry about it for half a decade since it had burned to the ground. The tenants still paid the rents, and the Agent paid the taxes and fees from the estate's bank account, but there was no house or household to sustain. In a way, it was a blessing; Cousin Maximilian had been missing in action, but without an estate, there was no great clamor to get it settled.

Her attention was drawn by [member="Arisa Yune"] and she forced a smile as she crossed the room. She placed her hand delicately in Arisa's and gave a firm shake before taking the seat the General had offered, and crossed her ankles primly. Before the Grand Moff had the chance to get comfortable, Yune was launching her attack about enabling and sanctuaries and all-sorts. Natasi's jaw tightened somewhat, though this would be the only outward reaction to the Jedi's remarks. There was a certain kind of arrogance to the head of one government dictating terms to the head of another, situated on the other side of the galaxy. Even acknowledging the demands would be tacit approval that Yune had the authority -- moral or legal, real or imagined -- to interfere in the affairs of the galaxy at large. It was an absurd proposition, and Natasi had no interest in stroking Yune's ego to that extent.

"If you mean to imply that, unless I agree to such a vague and nebulous demand, your government will continue to interfere and take action -- military or otherwise -- in the First Order and its sphere of influence, you should be aware that I don't negotiate with a blaster to my head." She began to peel her gloves off, finger by finger, and offered a mischievous smile to Arisa before bowing her head slightly in recognition of the woman's profession. "Or, if you please, a lightsaber to my throat."
[SIZE=10.5pt]All [/SIZE]things considered, Natasi took the accusation pretty well, only a flash of irritation registered by the Jedi Master before control was regained. Then she would shift into a seemingly playful nature in her response, removing her gloves almost sensuously. Now on display was that particular brand of subtle Galidraani charm that she found at once both alluring and aggravating.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Arisa's outward expression then was one of poised indifference, but in her mind, she couldn't help but visualize the silver blade of her saber against that perfect white neck of the other woman across the table, if only for a moment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"This isn't the Galactic Alliance you're dealing with now. Not once have I threatened you today, and never once has the Silver Order made incursions into First Order Space. As you very well know as a leader, people are best motivated not by fear, but by incentives. I have plenty for you to consider." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Though I imagine most important to you, is a check against the Galactic Alliance. As seen at Skor, without the direct support of the Silvers, they have no hope of ever seriously contending against the First Order. They didn't even defeat a sickly One Sith on their own. Starved of support, they will not be able to continue prosecuting war against the First Order. Going further, I can lean on them to try to be more diplomatic in the future, but I think they now understand the trouble they have made for everyone."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The Galactic Alliance had been revealed for the weak fractured state that it truly was, while the First Order had become radicalized and even more infested with Sith. In the meantime, several actual Sith Empires had risen in the North, the GA seeming apathetic to the true plight of the Outer Rim all the while. If there was truly a repudiation to the GA's and NJO's misguided crusading, then the FO/GA war had finally provided it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Speaking candidly, while there are many things that I abhor about the First Order that doesn't even have to do with the Sith, I recognize the work your government has been doing in Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. It would be a shame to see that all unravel by continuing to protect the Sith who do nothing but drag your image down and pervert the vision of your organization."[/SIZE]

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi laid her gloves across her lap, framing [member="Arisa Yune"] with a blandly pleasant look as she chattered on about protecting the Sith. It was odd that the General was both curiously specific about her accusations but also manifestly incorrect. Whoever she was getting her information from was clearly not the best source of intelligence. Then again, if she thought the Silver Jedi were the ones who turned the tide at Skor II, she was looking at the galaxy through rose-colored glasses. The First Order hadn't been defeated at Skor II -- not by the Silver Jedi and certainly not by the Galactic Alliance. Rather they had given away Skor II when significant failure in discipline and obedience had resulted in an unauthorized orbital strike and deployment of chemical weapons against the civilian population, leading like night into day to destroying any chance of winning the hearts and minds of the population there.

"What a refreshingly creative view of galactic politics and history you have," Natasi said pleasantly, offering an airy smile. "I do find it curious that you find so much time to be concerned about what happens on the opposite side of the galaxy, what with active Sith governments and dark-sided terrorist groups like the Tygaran Alliance camped out on your doorstep. It is almost as if these truths are inconvenient, and that you are using the First Order as a scapegoat to distract from the dwindling support the Silver Jedi have among the so-called light-sided factions of the galaxy." The Grand Moff picked up her gloves, dragged them across her palm idly as she studied the General.

"Whatever actions I take -- or don't take -- regarding the Sith in the First Order, will be actions that I have considered for myself, actions that have been agreed to by my Cabinet and the Supreme Leader. If these actions please you, then consider me pleasantly surprised. If they do not, I can only offer I would not presume to instruct the Silver Jedi on how to operate; that is their business and not mine. I would be cautious about attempting to impose your own views across this galaxy, Jedi mandate or not -- emphasis on the not -- because you will open the door for every ideology to do the same. For instance, some might find it distasteful for a galactic power's leader to spend the lives of their citizens in a personal vendetta against an irrelevant bogeyman that poses absolutely no threat to their safety. Some might find it as morally indefensible as you find whatever it is of you accuse the First Order."

She raised a hand. "Regardless. I would like to hear more about this economic system you are proposing before I start selling off First Order foreign and domestic policy to join it."
Natasi Fortan said:
Thanks largely to Yune's own efforts at Skor II, there was a distinct possibility that her Bespin home would soon be out of reach, so that couldn't be a possibility. Her home in New Heliopolis wasn't quite fully furnished, and it was the rainy season at her home in Thakwaa, so the invitation was to tea at her townhouse in Prosperia.
Arisa remained impassive as Natasi dragged out the much-expected talking point of the Tygaran Alliance as if calling out their incompetence at Kaeshana and other arenas would highlight some kind of equivalency to the laundry list of malevolent acts committed by the First Order's Sith cohorts over the years.

[SIZE=10.5pt]It didn't. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I would like to remind you that the Tygaran Alliance is now part of the Galactic Alliance, and has been since well before Kaeshana. When Master Heavenshield's home planet came under assault by the Sith Order, the Tygarans didn't lift a finger to provide assistance even when they were within microjump range of the conflict. That should give you an idea of the sort of relationship we have. However, I can assure you that much like the GA, you won't be hearing much from the Tygarans as they no longer have support for their military adventurism." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]It seemed like Natasi was at least hinting that the First Order was finally going to do something about their Sith nuisance, but that wasn't good enough for her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I'm not sure how I can put this any more clearly, but so long as the First Order continues to harbor Sith and other individuals who terrorize my home and the galaxy at large, then your business will remain ours. Mimban, [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Deneba[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Ossus[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Midvinter[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Dromund Kaas[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Serenno[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], and that's just the tip of the ice berg." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She held her composure as she listed off locations, but she couldn't help but cast her eyes downward for a few moments after the mention of Deneba, one particular event that affected her on the personal level. It had been there that the so called Black Empire had launched its attack beginning by gunning down innocent civilians in cold blood. From there it only grew worse as bioweapons and other contagions were spread across population centers, people tortured, and children employed as suicide bombers in follow-up attacks against first responders in the spaceport. One of those children would die right in her arms as she was powerless to save them as a half-trained Padawan. If that wasn't evil, then she didn't know what was. No one, especially Natasi, was going to talk her out of seeking justice for those victims. For herself.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"All highly publicized attacks with verified eye witness accounts confirming the involvement of the very Sith that reside within your borders today. Considering the very harsh stance the First Order takes towards war crimes, I find it odd that these Sith are seemingly allowed to go about their days without issue. While it's clear that we have differences on several matters, I feel like we can both come together on this one. So then, what are your plans for the Sith, exactly? Because the current situation is unacceptable, and no amount of political spin will change that fact."[/SIZE]

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi's eyebrows lofted. The arrogance of General Yune was legendary across the galaxy, and Natasi was beginning to see why.

"You seem to be laboring under several misapprehensions, not least of which is that I traveled all this way to be spoken to like a naughty schoolgirl by a junior prefect. Let me make it absolutely clear that I do not answer to you, and I never will. You may demand satisfaction as much as you like, but the only thing you can hope to achieve by so doing is to make yourself look hopelessly out of your depth. Your power extends only as far as the Silver Jedi's borders -- if even as far as that, if the stories are to be believed. Your demands that I take action on your timetable are not only petulant, they are foolhardy. If you are at all informed about the situation, you must know that the people in question are connected to much larger powers than simply their wealth and planetary status. And yet you would ask -- no, insist -- that I take steps that are sure to alienate these powers on the vague understanding that you will cease to interfere with the actions of my government in my own nation -- while offering me nothing in return. And it is nothing, because we both know that whatever agreement we may come to today or in the future you will disregard at your slightest convenience."

Natasi narrowed her eyes. "Every bit of intelligence I have on Arisa Yune, from First Order records to the words of your own compatriots and former allies -- as well as my own intuition, which isn't an inconsiderable asset -- indicates to me that you are not to be trusted. You hold yourself and your Silver Jedi to a different standard, reserving to yourself the right to interfere in the galaxy's business as if you have been deputized to do so by some galactic overlord, while maintaining a histrionic outrage when others seek to influence galactic events. I hesitate to remind you that this is no longer the days of the Old Republic, when Jedi were given such a mandate by a government that spanned the galaxy." She smoothed the fingers of her gloves and studied them as she spoke.

"My plans for the Sith in question are my own. I am under no obligation to share them with you, nor am I interested in your approval or condemnation of them. What the Silver Jedi want is immaterial to my considerations. I am the Grand Moff of the First Order. My obligations are to my nation, to my people, and to the Supreme Leader -- in whatever order you choose to take them. Nowhere do the whims of Arisa Yune factor in. If you invited me here expecting to be made privy to the plans of my government, or to implement some sort of relationship by which I am answerable to you, you will be disappointed." She finally looked up, her voice maintaining all its conviction, her dark eyes glacially hard. "I believe I have already demonstrate my inability to be pressured by your threats to continue operations in my country and my sphere of influence -- whether you choose to identify them as threats, which they manifestly are."

The Grand Moff stared across the space between them impassively. "I encourage you to abandon your current line of... questioning, or it will be a frustrating day for you and a rather boring one for me. Are we to have a diplomatic discussion, or did you bring me all this way to make demands?"

[member="Arisa Yune"]

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