Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Take your final step | SO


Location: Jutrand Academy Arena
Tags: Jarek Voss Jarek Voss
Weapon: Here

The moment she set foot on this planet, she knew the entire time she spent here would be less than positive. She had done her best to prepare herself, but the trials themselves were a lot more than she had bargained for. Zarava didn't know all that much when it came to the Sith in general, and after having time to research more about them in the months before the trials, it was starting to become increasingly clear that death was part of who the Sith were. They were brutal and without mercy, at least from what she had seen in the labyrinth that they had been forced to go through. She had spoken with a gold-skinned boy before the trials, and he had assured her that he wouldn't be surprised if those who were in the academy were killed by those who held more of a standing in the Sith Order. Zarava needed to be careful, as all she wanted was to remain a nobody.

The redhead didn't even know that she had acquired a sponsor until after the labyrinth. A part of her was glad that someone seemed to appreciate the blood and sweat into these damned trials. But that also meant now she had someone watching her the entire time. Were other's watching her as well or was it just her sponsor? Zarava had no clue, but the gold-skinned boy had mentioned how important it was to keep a sponsor, making it sound like she needed one to survive in a place such as this. Now that she knew what was coming up, Zarava was more than glad to have acquired a sponsor as it gave her an advantage. Even with the significant disadvantage of knowledge when it came to the Force and fighting in general, she would take what she could get for now. She just needed to get out of this situation alive.

It didn't take long before the names were revealed on who they would be facing. Jarek Voss. She knew somewhat of her opponent and had even talked to him before. With only having one interaction with the other boy, Zarava wasn't quite sure what to think of him. So, she had turned to her sponsors for information to prepare. Zarava learned that he was an Echani, a race that was incredibly well known for their close-quarters combat. Zarava had never even heard of an Echani before, and it just showed how out of her depth she was. She tried to absorb as much information as possible and was even given a weapon that could give her an advantage. An energy bow. The girl had no idea that such technology even existed. Zarava had some time to train with it, but she was far from an expert. She made sure to bring a couple of extra knives that she attached to her belt in case she was forced into close quarters.

Compared to some of her other classmates, she didn't even think about ambushing her opponent in the middle of the halls. She had no reason to play dirty against Jarek Voss, as her classmate hadn't done anything to warrant such action. Some might call her soft, but she didn't see it as such. So, a time was established in the arena for both of them to meet up and commence their fight. Zarava would be lying if she didn't say that she was nervous. She could almost hear her blood pumping into her ears as he exited the threshold into the arena. It seemed just like a giant open circle with seats raised around it. The redhead made sure to keep her head high and not show any fear in her movements. She wore gloves on her hands that helped her use the energy bow that was on her back. Her brow was furrowed as she looked across the arena at her opponent.


The young Echani's footsteps were light as he entered the arena. A simple circular arena, one that Jarek had fought in one like it before on his home planet. Zarava was standing there, arriving before the Echani boy and ready. Her head held high, wearing gloves and what seemed to be some type of weapon on her back. Her sponsor must have gotten her the weapons. Jarek gritted his teeth, as he was still without a significant sponsor in that regard. He had hopped that someone was in the crowd, watching, and marking him as worthy of being sponsored. The young acolyte took his position across from the girl, standing straight and evening his breath.

Zarava was much smaller than Jarek, but he knew better than to underestimate her. The acolyte balled his right hand, and placing it across his chest, gave Zarava his customary bow he gave before he dueled. The Echani was an expert at hand to hand, and close quarters combat, "Her sponosr must have given her long ranged weapons to keep me away." Jarek tried to formulate a plan, but was interrupted by a loud voice that rang throughout the arena.

"Acolytes, ready."

Jarek's heartbeat quickend. He kept his silver eyes on his target, not turning red and yellow flame. There was no hate in this fight.


Jarek took off instantly, running straight for Zarava to close the distance between them. The acolyte dove, trying to use his elbow to hit Zarava.


Location: Jutrand Academy Arena
Tags: Jarek Voss Jarek Voss
Weapon: Here

Zarava had no idea what to expect when it came to a duel like this. She didn't have to fight one-on-one in the labyrinth during the trials, and there was a lot more at risk here. This was the final test, and she knew that she needed to do well enough for her sponsor to remain interested as she was going to need all of the help that she could get. As the young redhead watched as Jarek Voss entered the arena, she could feel her heart rate beginning to rise. She took a couple more deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. It was primarily difficult considering her opponent seemed as confident and as calm as ever. Zarava was certain that she was barely holding it together. Despite all of her conflicting thoughts, they did not appear across her face.

She blinked a couple of seconds in confusion as Jarek put his right hand on his chest and bowed. Was that customary to do in the Academy? She had no idea, in her slight confusion, she gave a returned bow as well. Hearing the announcer though nearly made her jump, and she spread her feet into a more balanced position, her hands slightly raised to be ready. Then the duel began. The first thing that she noticed was that Jarek was fast. Despite having been told to avoid getting in close combat with him, Zarava sprinted toward him as well. As they neared and Jarek's elbow came toward her face, Zarava would drop to her knees sliding underneath his arm. The redhead would spin herself around, leaping back up onto her feet, running for a second before turning around again, this time having the bow in her hands. The weapon came to life, glowing turquoise as an energy bolt formed

Zarava aimed at Jarek, releasing the energy bolt aiming for his left hip. She had no intention of trying to go for lethal shots, as this was only a duel. They had no reason to hate each other and just needed to do their best in the fight. She could only hope that Jarek would maybe do the same. Her primary goal was to slow him down, which was the reason behind targeting around his legs and hip. If she slowed him down, she would have a better advantage.

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