Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taken From the Rich...

(Jereme Peabody)​
[member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Saki"]


Siechel Transystem had just laid its eyes on the planet and with the permission from the Galactic Republic and the planet's government, it was so that water was to be transported from the powerful aquatic planet. A simple outpost, nothing else, right?

Some didn't believe it would be like that.​
Rumours were heard around the galaxy, rumours of the company having other, a lot more evil plans with the planet. It was one of the planets which had played an important role in the war between the Republic and Sith Empire. And which was followed up by the complete destruction of the Sith Empire.

"They're going to blow up the planet."

"It's not that they're evil, they just want to undermine the Republic."
"Pfft, I have heard other talks. You know, Siechel's owner is a former Sith."
Talks like that were why Maria hated leading the company. They were why she wanted to shut down all media, all people. She wanted to do good for the people, but they had replied with such... rumours, such hate.


In the atmosphere of the planet, people who "wanted to protect the Dac planet" had formed a little siege... which was really little, and they tried to protect the aquatic world from the 'evil Siechel Transystem'. And from the 'evil' Maria.

That is why they were bombing the woman's ship Butterfly.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was doing preparations to leave Baro. He thought of the planet he was going to. Was he going there to build a outpost, or was he going there to meet some sith. He really didn't care, as long as he had the force on his side, he is good to go. "B7, can you mark the coordinates of Dac?" Oka asked. B7 did it without hesitation.

B7 was coming along of course, the first ride in Oka's new ship was too good to miss. Rumours were going around over [member="Maria Natalja"]'s head. Oka never made assumptions before meeting the person. As they boarded the star fighter, B7 warned me to bring a water suit for emergencies.

After grabbing the extra item suggested by B7, they left Baro and headed towards Dac hoping to meet other volunteers / workers.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[SIZE=10pt]Neuraniam (( [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Complete an entire role-play from the first person perspective in which you only use the first pronoun ( “I” or “me” or “my” ) only six times.))[/SIZE]

Of all the places in the universe she had to come back here. it wasn't everyday coming back to a world you had fought on, bled on and dealt with the sith on, we'd have to move about carefully as they weren't always the most friendly towards people... Usually helped when you didn't with a sith in an open brawl to save the city. So coming back here with a former sith was worth a good chuckle and this one, this former sith [member="Maria Natalja"] was going for broke on that scale of simply being a redeemed case... If you wanted to call it that, the one padawan that was on that ice world and ditched even he was here as well. Fun times.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
They were getting closer the the planet every second. "Man, this ship is fast!" Oka exclaimed. The planet is so full of water, Oka thought. Making their way through the massive clouds, water started to hit the ship hard. "Not gonna like this job, B7 find the nearest landing point." Oka commanded. The ocean had crashing waves. Almost looking like they're threatening trespassers. Oka didn't look at them for long though, he had to focus on not crashing.

Roth Tillian

Roth frowned at the scanners that were sending him information from below. Bombs and explosions? Right where he was to rendezvous with [member="Maria Natalja"]? That didn't make sense. He had gotten wind of rumours about her and malicious intent, but hadn't given them much credence. Apparently he should of. He increased the descent and the ship screamed downwards, hull shaking and heat sensors going off as the hull began to burn red hot. The rendezvous site grew closer and he cut the thrusters and activated the antigrav. He flew forward as the descent rapidly stopped. He activated his comm to contact Maria, "Hey, boss. Seems we have some trouble here. Want me try and talk them out of it?"
[member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Saki"]​
"Hey, boss. Seems we have some trouble here. Want me try and talk them out of it?"

Was that voice from a person who had decided to meet with her? Or was it just a trick? Maria had to be extremely careful. Her ship was basically standing in one place; she couldn't get through the blockade which was set in the atmosphere of the ship. Every little way of getting through it would have been a huge bonus for her. And even if it was only a trick by the people who had organised the blockade, it was definitely worth a try.

"I don't know who you are exactly, but if you can help in any way, I would love that!" she spoke with a friendly yet determined tone to her own comm. She leaned back on her seat and his smile which had come from talking with a friendly voice disappeared.

Why weren't people able to sense others' good deeds?


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Roth Tillian "] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Now it was getting interesting and something that would have to be worked on. The people on the coms not wanting to let them through until Maria got done talking with them had us standing at the ready for what would come next. Need to make it worth it, need to make this an easier time while we work on whatever she needs which is why going to need that hammer and rods to set things right should it all go south. "So what are we waiting for?"

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was flying to the meeting point when he heard two voices exchange words over the communication device. "B7, if you see anything, don't hesitate to shoot them down but don't kill them." He said patiently. He loved his ship made by Redili. Awesome speed and he got some modifications for cheap. Credits didn't come by too much but when you got them, you kept them for a rainy day. And today was that day - although what's here to purchase?

Oka was cruising through the atmosphere to see higher above. From atop, he could see some sort of blockade and a ship close by it. Why were they just floating there? And could the source or the voices be in that ship? Then another question popped up. What if that's the boss, [member="Maria Natalja"] ?

[member="Saki"] @Roth Tillian

Roth Tillian

"Roger that," Roth replied, and sent his ship down lower, and opening up on a public channel. "Hello everyone. Let's just all calm down here before somebody gets killed. Now, I'm entirely sure what's going on, but it looks violent. My name's Roth Tillian, and I'm a pilot.I'm not a fan of lethal violence." He paused, thinking about to go on. "And do y'all have some reason to be against purchasing water to ship to other planets? Or is there some other reason I'm not aware of?"

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Saki"] [member="Maria Natalja"]
[member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Saki"]​
"And do y'all have some reason to be against purchasing water to ship to other planets? Or is there some other reason I'm not aware of?"

"You probably don't know much of the woman!" one from the blockade spoke with confidence. He seemed to be really angry and dedicated to "protecting" the planet and its people.

"Yeah! She was a Sith. A Sith can never completely turn to the Light Side!" another one of them spoke. Maria only listened to them and sighed. Why did they hate a Jedi so much? She only wnated good, she had no bad intentions. As a Jedi, she had never had them. So many Jedi spoke about redemption, yet it looked like simple people didn't get that it was possible for a Sith to change sides.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Roth Tillian "]

Listening in on the conversation or at least what could be heard got some blood boiling in this case. We were just here to help Maria be able to help people. Sith were evil but they could be redeemed, they could change just as easily as a jedi could fall and become twisted. Had to take the flaws and crossing fingers everything worked out for her. "Don't worry about them." Not the best thing to say but it was the most comforting thing I could think of that might cheer her up. "You just do what you need do and we'll be there to catch you should you fall."

Roth Tillian

Roth leaned back and let out a long breath. Great. Exactly what he needed. Fanatics who didn't understand the Force. Granted, he was no expert on it either. He did fail his trials. But he knew enough to know they were wrong. Now he'd just have to explain it. He opened the comm again, "I know all about her I need to know. A Sith wouldn't even think of moving water from planet to planet, okay? And it's totally possible to for people to come back from the Dark Side. It happen way bacK in the New Republic."

@Saki @Maria Natalja

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka wasn't doing too well. He was both angered and wondrous. "B7, can you scan the area for life?" Oka asked his droid. This planet seemed a little weird. What was all the sith chatter about? The boss can't be that bad, even if she is a sith, he thought. Oka was now about 47 ft. away from the floating ship by the blockade. "Get read B7, don't fire until we run into trouble." He said to his droid once again.

[member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Saki"] @Roth Tillian
[member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Saki"]​
This came from one of the leaders of this blockade. Maria was starting to lose all faith in this event, but she had to try, she had to continue. Dac was one of the most water-rich planet and she just couldn't leave its atmosphere and never come back. But there was no try, so it was her duty to either drop her whole plans or get to the world of Mon Calamari.

"Don't worry about them, you just do what you need do and we'll be there to catch you should you fall," one told Maria. And she knew this was some good advice.

She activated her comm to talk to the man she had talked with before. "I think we can achieve nothing via this kind of conversation. Could we get to their base to discuss this matter further?" she asked.

Roth Tillian

"I think we can achieve nothing via this kind of conversation. Could we get to their base to discuss this matter further?"

Roth listened to the comment and considered several moments, thinking. That was incredibly dangerous. Walking into a trap almost. Or a cage. Either way, he didn't think it would end well.

"I don't think so. This is a mob mentality here, and they're dangerously unpredictable. I'd suggest bypassing them entirely and speaking with a government representative.

He switched over to the open channel, "Are you official representatives of the Dac government? Or just citizens engaging in questionable vigilante activity?"

[member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Saki"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka wondered who all these people were. He figured 3 were the workers and the boss. But how could he tell? He was now approaching the ship slowly signaling B7 to shine his light in there. It was a woman. Oka spoke into the private comlink. "I'm Oka Osaa, future worker of [member="Maria Natalja"] , identify yourself." As he awaited a response, he spoke into the open channel. "I suggest to listen to the woman, I am of the Galactic Republic and she looks like she's frustrated from waiting behind your weak blockade. I do not wish to force my way in but we have business to do."

[member="Saki"] @Roth Tillian


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Roth Tillian "]

There it was a good way to try and work it out, they would see she wasn't some twisted evil thing and they could preform the tasks as needed. The pop pop of knuckles and bones while moving about and seeing the others was the only sound that needed to come about while we prepared to go there and handle this. Perhaps even bring a nice gift like a jedi masters small credentials to say this chick ain't evil now stand aside would be best. One could never know.
[member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Saki"]​
Maria exhaled. She found all this situation confusing and tiring. Would have there been no people who wanted to "protect" the planet, she could have already started planning the outpost or something. But no, they just had to come and stand against the former Sith. The woman was about to become angry, but then she reminded herself that Jedi didn't work this way. Sith were the ones who used emotions to empower themselves. But maybe that's what the people of Dac wanted? Maybe in their mind, there was a plan to make Maria angry and show everybody that she is not a Jedi?

A smart plan, Maria had to admit.​
"We are the government. And we will not let anybody who has been associated with Sith come through. The war is upon us and we must be careful."

"I am Maria Natalja, a Jedi Padawan, studying under the Jedi Grandmaster Grayson's guidance, and am here with the permission from the Republic. Why won't you let me through?" she decided to start talking to the people through the public channel.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka listened to the words she said. Not sure if she was telling the truth but her ship didn't look like a sith one anyways. He began to speak again, "Well, what shall we do to get past this blockade without force." At that moment B7 reminded him that he could create a distraction. But it was all up to the boss. "Where are the others?" Oka asked now remembering that she was the boss.

[member="Maria Natalja"]
@Roth Tillian

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