Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Takeshi Ryu

Full NameTakeshi Ryu
Age21 Years
FactionCIS/Hellion PMC
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorLight brown


Ryu was born on Tao to a well off clan that used to be warriors centuries ago. However, his parents died in a speeder accident shortly after his birth, leaving the child to be raised by his strict but fair uncle who was a constable and his kind and wise aunt who owned a inn. Amongst the fellowship of his numerous cousins, the boy trained in the family's martial arts once he was old enough.

As time went on Ryu, inspired by his clan's heritage and the discipline he learned, began to dream of becoming a soldier. Even more so Ryu developed a growing curiosity about the worlds outside Tao due to offworld visitors that often came to the starport. Yet out of loyalty to the Takeshi Clan Ryu remained home until the day anarchist terrorists took over the school he was attending, holding him and numerous students and staff as hostages.

Yet within two rotations a squad of Hellion PMCs hired by the local lord raided the academy, eliminating the terrorists and rescuing most of the hostages who haven't been murdered yet. Having witnessed these off-worlders in action Ryu who just turned eighteen years old finally convinced his uncle and guardian to let him go and volunteer with the Hellions.

With the latter's blessing and bidding farewell to the rest of the family Ryu left Tao and enlisted with the Hellion Private Military Company. Two years of rigorous training followed and was immensely difficult for him to put it mildly. Despite his mistakes and personal struggles Ryu refused to quit. He adapted, finding purpose in this career and enjoying the thrill of challenges that comes with it.

With the rebirth of the CIS, Takeshi Ryu is determined to make his own mark in the galaxy.

  • + Trained Martial Artist
  • + Skilled Marksman
  • + Highly Athletic

  • - Ignorant of most galactic languages outside of his native tongue and Basic
  • - Vulnerable against force users
  • - Can't drive or fly anything bigger than a speeder.

OOC: Full credit for the div template goes to Kitter Bitters
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