Taki'ati Mordu
What did you say again?

◤Basic Records◥
◌ Name // Taki'ati Mordu
◌ Aliases // Taki // Mor
◌ Preferred Alias // Taki
◌ Gender // Female
◌ Species // 50% Twi'lek (Appearance)
37.5% Nagai
12.5% Chiss
◌ Age // Early 20s (Galactic standard years)
◌ Home world // Coruscant
◌ Force sensitive // Nope
◌ Sexuality // Straight
◌ Martial status // Single
◌ Height // 1.9 meters (6'2")
◌ Skin color // Light purple, darker lavender
◌ Eye color // Aegean - steel blue
◌ Lekku design // Pale lavender stripes, mainly horizontal
◌ Physical abnormalities // Multiple crater-like holes along her collarbone // claw-like scratches on the underside of her jaw // Rigged ribcage from how often her ribs have been broken (cartilage growing over as protection)
➮ With Taki's Nagai style metabolism, she is lean and almost gaunt, the only thing causing her to not looked malnourished is the muscle on her bones. Noticeable and defined, her arms legs chest and torso are now vast with muscle from years of training - very athletically built. Sporting more angular features, her jawline is sharp, chin squared and cheekbones high, her cheeks appearing to cave in almost on themselves. Arched eyebrows and largely proportioned eyes give her an almost innocent effect, her fuller lips somehow adding to the look. Taki's shoulders are anything but broad, barely wide enough to hold her head tails if she pulls them over to rest on her chest. The remarkable tails that sprouted from her head reached a little bit past her waist and the tips of them are wrapped in what seemed to be bantha-hide leather. They will sometimes be tied together in what resembles a ponytail, just for convenience really. Neither busty or curvy, the Twi'lek lacks any real 'on sight' beauty, but she stills seems to attract attention.
◤Attitudes and Attributes◥
➮ Taki is a quiet individual, this was presumably inspired by the lack of social interaction when she was a youngster. Distrustful and naturally suspicious of her surroundings (strangers included) She speaks simplistically, vague and evasive most of the time. That is, until she opens up a little. Once you get to know her, she is nothing short of charming and soothing, Nagai were also very well known for their charisma and odd vocal range. Capable of changing her voice tone, pitch and accent Taki tends to sound different often, not to mention how almost every language came easy to her. She's conveniently fluent in almost all the galactic languages out there. The twi'lek girl is bold and rather reckless, attacking everything that moves when in 'rage' mode is a common tactic of hers. It's actually rather effective, just...don't get in her way. She is easily distracted and excitable, known among her crew to act childish, innocent, and arrogant when relaxed. Her father taught her to be an honorable warrior, justice and nobility which is slightly odd considering she specializes in smuggling, thieving and collecting bounties.
➮ (Strength) Combat Training // Well muscled, her physical condition is exceptional, her strength extraordinary. Highly capable with her free fists, brawling was her first acquired and first mastered tactic via her father. She does well with smaller daggers as well, one in each hand usually. Relatively sharp shooter with smaller blasters as well.
➮ (Weakness) Combat Training // Anything big she doesn't act well with, her speed and agility is impacted greatly. Longswords, crossbows, larger blasters or bombs just cause her to get entangled in herself.
➮ (Strength) Charisma // Taki can ironically be a smooth talker, soothing and very influential. If needed, she will utilize this skill if stuck in a situation she can't seem to find a way out of...usually it works
➮ (Weakness) Piloting // Having to travel around to different employers as somewhat of a freelancer, it kinda sucks that Taki hasn't quite yet figured out how to pilot any type of speeder or aircraft. She needs people to do that for her, which is inconvenient if cornered into a position where she's the only one left, and her survival depends on whether or not she can fly herself to safety
➮ (Strength) Honorable // Taki values justice and honor, so most of the time she refrains from actually killing anyone. Sure, she's not afraid of beating the bantha doo-doo out of someone, keeping them - at minimum - an inch from death's door...but death is just uncalled for. That is, unless her opponent has given her proof that they deserve otherwise.
➮ (Weakness) Head in the clouds // Oblivious to most, Taki is rather easy to ambush or sneak up on. Easily distracted and confused, it takes a very little amount to send her focus somewhere else.
◌ Melee (Up close) // Thek'la blade
◌ Ranged (Farther away) // Wrist Blaster
Despite how the rough and tough Twi'lek turned out, Taki'ati Mordu had been born into a relatively influential standing. With mother Shed'jori (Twi'lek) and father Judeot (75% Nagai and 25% Chiss) Taki was born roughly two decades ago on Coruscant. Her parents were both rather high up in the Coruscant rankings, Taki's mother worked diligently in the senate while Taki's father endured long hours at the 'Republic Center for Military Operations'. They lived on the higher levels of the planet, the family's droids doting on the unsuspecting young Twi'lek. Taki in the beginning had no sense of independence, a failing social ability and quite unlike other spoiled children, hated this life style. Everything had to be perfect. Spotless, neat, modern, acceptable, all these words had been used to explain to the youngster when ever she questioned her parents. It wasn't preferable when she had to perfect her manners in anticipation that one of her mother's coworkers would join them for dinner, when she had to perfect her posture so - that according to her mom - she wouldn't look like a hutt. When she had to perfect the art of wearing stuffy, constricting but yet oh so elegant dresses and robes. In this light, Taki believed the eloquent, affluent life to be a curse.
Fortunately for her, Judeot seemed to catch on to his daughter's woes. Being mainly Nagai, Judeot's reflexes, speed and agility would leave anyone's head reeling if they saw him in action, their kind naturally skilled at combat. The training was needed or sought after, but it gave the young girl something to look forward to. Nightly sessions began after Taki had completed her schooling, around the age of 10 now. Judeot taught her first how to fight one on one, no weapon needed. With lots of literal blood sweat and tears, the girl mastered it with ease, her father's genes kicking in. Dexterity had also been a strong suit of hers. They moved through blades and blasters it seemed almost every month, and yet she still appeared to be strongest using her fists. Small daggers are an honorable mention, with her ease and speed of motion the smaller the blades the better.
This small girl's world seemingly shattered instantly when her father came home one day, bearing crushing news. Judeot was being deployed into the seas of hyperspace on a 'Confidential' rebel mission, the rest of the family was unable to come along. With lots of tantrums and tears, Taki had been physically restrained by Shed'jori when her father was all packed up and ready to go, kissing both his wife and daughter goodbye for what seemed to be the last time. Neither of them have heard from him since.
Without the presence of her father, Taki became a rather reckless and troubled child. No way was she going back to the seemingly 'privileged' life that had taken over her before...she'd been introduced to the excitement of battle. With this, it was rather easy to sneak out of the apartment and down into the lower levels of the planet while her mom worked up in the senate for the majority of the day
Trouble began to follow her and soon enough the now 16 year old had been captured by some slave traders that solely saw Twi'leks as an alien - a species of lesser value. She was sold into captivity, traveling from port to port with her new master. She was ironically a Twi'lek herself, one that went by Sorda (It was most definitely not her real name) and she just so happened to be an up and coming Mandalorian bounty hunter. Taki had flown up through the 'ranks' of her other slaves and resorted to somewhat of a 'secretary' for the young bounty hunter, they acquired an uncommon relationship. It wasn't harsh or cold, in fact Sorda never laid a hand on any of her helpers. Taki had dodged a bullet getting stuck with Sorda.
Much like her father, Sorda had found a common interest in the teen - combat. They dueled and sparred almost everyday simply for fun, sharpening both of their skills for the better. Sorda had become almost a sister to the young Twi'lek, she even tried to teach her how to pilot! Safe to say that Taki chose to stick with her fists and blades.
It seemed to be a common thing in Taki's life that all good things must come to an end. During one of Sorda's targeted bounties, her opponent had taken the upper-hand when one of her blasters backfired, imploding in on itself and leaving the hunter with the remnants of only one hand. Unlike Taki, Sorda knew almost nothing of fist to fist combat and her opponent soon gave her a fatal blow. Being Sorda's second in command the now 20 year old Taki was pushed up into command with rather big shoes to fill. It's not necessarily the most called upon way to raise to power, but at least Taki now had some idea of what she was doing.
First things first, all of other slaves were set free or they were able to stay if they wished, and some did seeing how naive and insolent Taki was. She was no doubt going to be needing a crew of sorts if she planned on following after Sorda's legacy, not to mention the simple fact that she couldn't even man a speeder.