Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking a hiatus from Chaos

I'll be taking a hiatus for some time from Chaos, but not for the reasons that you've so often seen being posted. My military unit has been called to active duty and I will be deploying overseas for about a year, starting 05/16. My activity will be decreased over the next couple days as I'm looking to spend the majority of my time with family and friends before then. In all likelihood though, I'll still be lurking and may make the occasional OOC post, time (phone or wifi signal permitting).

Those who I'm threading with presently, I'll try to wrap things up before I leave. If I don't manage to post for one reason or another, it's safe to assume I will not be able to get a post up in a reasonable time, so just write me out or consider me removed from the situation.

Profiles affected: [member="Daeron Kryze"], [member="Gael bar Ammon"], [member="Kassius Skirata"], [member="Lydia Foster"], [member="A.V.A"], [member="Shia LeFett"]

Once I'm settled at my duty station OCONUS, my activity will hopefully increase to the point where I can regularly post and RP with you all. Trust me when I say I hope to rejoin you lovely folks sooner rather than later!

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