Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking a small break (NOT PERMANENT!)

I will be taking some time off for Thanksgiving and for some other planned activities with my family. Let me make this perfectly clear: I AM GOING TO COME BACK! I realize how desperately you'd like me to leave all my precious little peoples on the site, and believe me, I'd give you a heart-wrenching, tear-jerking final testament. But, unfortunately for you, this site's grown on me like a cancer. So much so, that leaving it even for a short a time as this makes me sad. Just know that I'll be back within at least two weeks, if not sooner. Any objections?........................... Wow, don't all of you speak up at once................... :p
[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Nagate Hei"]
[member="Lexa Imura"],


Edit: [member="Darth Tsolan"], Yeah yeah yeah. I wanted him dead anyways for story purposes.

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