Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking Care of Business

After Naboo turned out to be a bust Viqtor returned to his ship where he found his friend [member="Rall Zorthorne"] waiting on board. The herglic had been with him for years, during their shared stent in prison, and was loyal to a fault. Viqtor didn't much care for aliens, but Rall was an exception. "Well, there was some action here bud, but we missed it. Some Sith got himself caught and handed over to the Queen, but thats about it." Viqtor strolled aboard the ship and took a seat at the pilot's chair, pivoting around to look at Rall in the Co-Pilot's chair. "What'd ya say we get outta here, hit up Nar Shaddaa and do a quick run for some of them Hutts?" He asked obviously just looking for something to do.

He began punching in keys on the console, starting the power up sequence. After a minute or so waiting for everything to turn on and complete its power on cycle, he grabbed the controls and began lift off. "Vessel BT12009871, have you requested permission to take off?" a voice came over the comm-unit from the Air Traffic Controller.

"Nah, I figured you'd get that I was leaving when I started leaving. Was I right?" Viqtor barked at the comm unit, still maneuvering out of the hangar. "You are cleared, do not travel over restricted airspace during your departure." The voice said as he cleared the hangar doors. He accelerated, probably a little to quickly as the ship rattled around a little and bumped as he left atmosphere, but it didn't bother him, this wasn't exactly a luxury yacht anyway.
"Nar Shadda...yes", The uneducated Herglic said, taking a seat in his extra large chair. Placing a pair of built-in headphones on his head, he quickly flicked a few switches, glancing over to [member="Viqtor Locke"]. "Me say we head to Nar Shadda. We steal parts!" Rall looked out of the cockpit window, his gaze fixed on something outside. "Me need Correlian Whiskey!"

(Keep in mind, when I say "Me" like for example "Me say we head to Narshadda. We steal parts" I'm doing that on purpose to sell the idea of his lack of education)
"Nar Shaddaa it is then. Taking other people's stuff like back in the day, I dig it." Viqtor smiled viciously as he hit the switch to hyperspace rocketing them towards the smuggler's moon. Having been trying to go legitimate had been harder than Viqtor had anticipated, so going back to his criminal roots felt good. Switching to autopilot he stood up in the cockpit, Stretching out his muscles. "How about we beat someone with a good idea to a pulp and take their good idea while we're at it. Plenty of folk on Nar Shaddaa with brains worth getting something out of. Since we are really stealing, I doubt anyone will mind if we steal someone's intellectual property."
"Me want to beat man to pulp!" Rall said, joy in his voice. Rall remained seated, flicking several more switches. "Can me kill man?" He slowly and clumsily pulled himself out of his seat, standing in front of [member="Viqtor Locke"], he smiled. "When we be landing? Me don't like". He pointed out of the cockpit window, sighing. "LET US GO!" Rall yelped.
The ship reverted to realspace above the moon. "Alright, alright bud. We can go hurt some folk, let me look through the registry and see if I can find any small company producing droids we can take." Viqtor let the ship go through the landing sequence on autopilot since the air traffic controllers here would use its slave circuits to bring it in themselves rather than him having to pilot it in himself. "Alright, here we go. Seedy enough that most people won't care, good enough to get what we want. Its down in the Corellian Sector of the city, and on the lower levels. Should be able to get in, take what we want and move on with our lives."

Viqtor stood as the ship landed and descended the loading ramp casually with a slight swagger in his step. "Remember we want the tech in one piece so be careful with the droids still in production. We only need the smartest looking guy alive so the rest of em are fair game." He kept walking taking a turbolift down to the lower levels before preceding to a taxi to make the trip to the Coreliian Sector. He waved down one of the larger taxi's to accommodate for not only the Herglic's but also his size.

[member="Rall Zorthorne"]
He climbed out of his seat, slowly following [member="Viqtor Locke"] down the ramp. He headed into the elevator, listening as the elevator music blared through the radios. Once the heavy doors slid open, he headed out into the street, nearly being hit by a speeding taxi. "ME WILL KILL!" Rall shouted angrily. Once Viqtor waved down a large enough taxi for the two of them, he slowly climbed in, a smile on his face. "Me never been in Taxi. It be entertaining", However, Rall's smile disappeared once the driver cut in. "Humans only, not that...that...that freak! You either grab another taxi or get your friend outta 'ere", The bald and sweating taxi-driver said, anger in his tone.
Viqtor pulled his slugthrower from his holster. "Oh, humans only. What about brain-matter, blood-spatter, and bone-splinters?" He growled as he pointed the 16mm slugthrower bore at the driver. Viqtor opened the passenger side, front door and slid in quickly, closing the door behind him. "What happened to Nar Shaddaa hospitality, eh Rall?" He reached over the driver and clicked the unlock for the back seats so [member="Rall Zorthorne"] could get in. "I don't have the time, nor patience for this crap so, you got a coupla options. First, I kill you, Second I let him kill you, third I come up with a fourth option while you drive us where we want to go. So what'll it be"

The taxi-driver's tone changed pretty quickly at the sight of the large pistol being pressed into his nose. Upon hearing the options Viqtor gave him he cranked the vehicle and shifted it into gear "W-w-where ya folks heading?" the driver asked, forcing a smile and quite visibly shaking.
"ME WANT TO KILL RACIST!" Rall screamed, reaching over and gripping onto the taxi-driver's head, his hand bigger than the man's skull. "CAN ME KILL RACIST?" Rall continued to scream, his hand muffling the taxi driver's screams. "NO! LET ME FETHING GO! I'M FETHING SORRY, MAN!" The taxi driver yelped. "LET ME KILL MAN!"

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
Viqtor laughed as the Herglic reached over and grabbed the man. "Let me get my hands on the controls Rall. Then he's all yours. We couldn't let him live anyway. He knows our faces." He grabbed the steering yoke with one hand while holstering his pistol with the other. "Alright take him in the back so I have room to fly this blasted thing though. Don't like a crowded cockpit." Killing one taxi driver was small change on Nar Shaddaa, the moon wouldn't even notice. "When you're done hitting him, kick him out the door bud."

The taxi driver began screaming reaching for the comm-link on the dash, but Viqtor's arms were in the way. "I didn't mean it, I swear, please don't kill me." Viqtor didn't have sympathy for the man, he had made his choices in life, and those choices all have consequences.

[member="Rall Zorthorne"]
Rall chuckled, easily lifting and pulling the man into the back. Rall sent his fist flying into the man's nose, which released a loud crunching sound along with sending blood splaterring onto Rall's face. The taxi driver screamed in pain, unable to break free from Rall's grip. Another punch, another punch, and another punch. "HELP ME!" The taxi driver squeeled, reaching over to the door but was unable to do so. Rall quickly bashed the man's face off of the glass window, before placing his hand around the driver's throat.

Squeezing the man's throat, the driver quickly lost air, quickly reaching over to [member="Viqtor Locke"], obviously attempting to receive assistance. The driver's attempts as screaming were simply turned into a gagging sound. All the time Rall was choking the man, he was also punching the man.

"YOU DON'T INSULT HERGLIC!" The man attempted to squeel once again, only falling to the floor and off of the taxi's seat. There the man would be stuck on the filthy floor as he lost air, not possible to see unless you were inside of the vehicle. Finally, the man stopped squirming and appeared to stop breathing. Fear was frozen on the face of the corpse of the taxi-driver.

Rall quickly pushed the side door open, easily pushing the corpse out onto the street, causing Rall to chuckle after seeing another land-speeder crashing into the corpse. Rall then slammed the door shut, slumping back down into his seat.
Viqtor never even looked back at the man. When they had been in prison the herglic had been pretty consistent about how he felt about open racism or specisim, and this wasn't the first time they had taught someone a lesson in this way. Viqtor had throttled away from the corpse quickly, but had fell back in with traffic before going very far. He didn't wanna look suspicious to any law enforcement while still on the way to commit their intended crime so he kept with traffic for the most part. He leaned back in the bucket seat of the taxi as they pulled past their destination, a small production facility that obviously did some kind of illegal work to be located this far down in the city. He parked the Taxi a few blocks away from the target location and got out.

"I guess we might as well use this as a get away vehicle too. No use stealing another taxi while we are here." Viqtor began checking his weapons over as he spoke making sure he had enough ammunition for the upcoming fight. Forty-two rounds on the harness, six in the chamber, one fragmentation grenade, one EMP grenade, a vibroblade, and a few tools if they had to hotwire a door or something. He then checked over his armor making certain it wasn't damaged. "Alright, lets go in together through the back. I am sure they will have some security but we should make fairly quick work of whatever they've got. ready when you are bud."

[member="Rall Zorthorne"]
Slowly removing a spare of [member="Viqtor Locke"]'s revolvers, he climbed out of the taxi, quickly loading the weapon. "Me wanna make credits!" The creature said, stepping up to Viqtor. Quickly pulling back the hammer of the revolver, he nodded towards his partner. "ME WANNA GO!" He released a brutal war cry, slowly heading over to the warehouse. "What are me orders?"
Viqtor put his back against the wall of the building next to the back door of the building. 'Break the door down and start blasting. Don't kill any of the engineers working on the droids if you can help it. I'll break for the far side of the production room and try and cover the exits." Combat was where he really felt alive. Pilots live for their dogfights, snipers live for the kill, and he lived for a good firefight. He knew there would be some working security droids and they would probably activate any completed droids sitting around given enough time. Hopefully they wouldn't get that time though.

Viqtor nodded at the herglic "Happy Hunting buddy," and braced himself for the coming fight.

[member="Rall Zorthorne"]
Quickly raising his boot, he sent it shooting into the door, knocking it down. He slowly headed inside, instantly blasting two engineers who were simply welding. Engineers scattered, three more going down with the blasts from Rall's gun, who was obviously ignoring [member="Viqtor Locke"]'s advise. He pushed on, only to be greeted with a blaster wielding thug. Rall went to raise his gun but the man was faster. Rall stumbled backwards, howling in pain as a blaster bolt pierced his right shoulder. Rall managed to shoot the thug somewhere near his jaw before collapsing behind a large crate, still howling at the burning pain in his shoulder. He quickly popped open the cylinder, popping in six slugs. "ME KILL THUGS!" He shouted, listening as several more people began firing their weapons at something beyond Rall's vision.
Viqtor slipped into the buidling behind the herglic taking cover behind an assembly line opposite from the [member="Rall Zorthorne"]. Using his HUD he was able to get a bead on the five men firing at the herglic. Rising from behind his cover Viqtor took the fist thug, a rodian, out with a shot to the chest. The slug left a crater in the rodian dropping him to the ground like a rag doll. He then aimed quickly at the next thug burning him down by double tapping his stomach. The third man ducked behind cover before Viqtor could get a good shot off, but the fourth thug had ducked into a room protected only by a thin wall of permacrete. Viqtor fired his last three slugs into the room watching each one leave a smoking hole through the wall.

Viqtor vaulted the assembly line and took a blaster shot to the left shin. It stung but his armor kept it form being to damaging. He could see the second man taking aim again, this time higher up so Viqtor kept on charging slamming into the crate he was behind taking the second blast to the left armpit. The bolt had cooked some of his flesh he could tell. It was painful, but with his adrenaline pumping, it didn't slow him from charging into the crate knocking the man to the ground as it rammed into him. Viqtor then rolled into the small room he had just shot up. The human in this room was bleeding out on the ground, weezing as air escaped his lungs from a hole in his chest.

Slapping six fresh slugs into his revolver he called out to his friend "How are you holding up? Just like you remember, eh?"
"THIS BE LIKE THE PRISON RIOT!" Rall hollered back, slowly pulling himself. He stumbled over to his partner, [member="Viqtor Locke"] and glanced down at the wounded criminal. "Make man beg!" Rall said with joy, his weapon trained on the criminal. "Make man beg! Do now, do now!" The Herglic then chuckled, stepping over to the criminal. "DO IT!" He barked. "No! Y-y-y-you can't! It a-a-ain't my fault, I'll fething t-tell you a-a-anything, I swear!" The wounded Chiss criminal muttered.
"We still got two more out there and it looks like what's left of the engineers are holed up downstairs," Viqtor stated, pointing at the one remaining security feed still functioning in the room. Viqtor swung out of the room back to the factory floor and saw the man he had knocked down had fled up onto the catwalks with the fifth criminal. They were positioned to catch anyone leaving the room in a crossfire and viqtor another bolt to the left shoulder, fracturing his pauldron as he slipped back inside the room. "Stang, they got us caught in here. They're on either side of the main room." He pulled his frag grenade off his belt swapped hands as his left was too injured to throw it properly and pulled the pin with his teeth. "Tick, tick," he threw the grenade at the left side, towards the fifth criminal hearing it bounce and roll below the catwalk. "Boom" he muttered just as it exploded sending shrapnel in every direction. He could hear some screaming and groaning after the ringing stopped.

He looked at the severely wounded criminal in the room with them. The chiss had just begun to cough up blood and wasn't gonna last long "Can you get the last one, I'll cover you from here." He said to [member="Rall Zorthorne"]. Looking back to the Chiss he growled low "Start talking while I'm too busy to finish the job."
Nodding, Rall headed out into the hallway, only to see debris and a Correlian leaning up against a crate, gripping his ribs. "W-WAIT! I AIN'T ONE OF-" However, the man was interrupted as Rall easily crushed the man's skull as he kicked the man in the forehead. Slowly heading back into the room, a grin was on his face. "H-hey man, don't kill me! I'm karking innocent! I-" However, the Chiss would be interrupted by Rall. "MAKE MAN BEG!" Rall shouted, anger in his voice.
"Hold on there Rall. He's dead unless somebody comes through that door with a truckload of bacta in the next few minutes." Viqtor slid down the wall letting his breath out. "Start talking" He said looking to the chiss, "And I'll give you a quick clean death, that's all I can offer right now." He began inspecting his shoulder seeing a spot about four centimeters wide on his shoulder where a bolt had struck him causing the flesh beneath to be burnt. The spot on the same armpit was blackened and charred however. The pain was starting to numb the arm so he swapped the Judge back into his right hand.
"T-t-t-the boss...he's in his office! The fething bootlick is in his office, cowering behind his desk. He's the one that keeps the b-blueprints for the parts w-w-we create. I-I'm just a security g-guard, I swear! W-w-what am I supposed to do? Y-y-you came in shooting, I g-g-got a family...I gotta g-g-get credits somehow! P-p-please, d-d-don't let me die here! M-my son, he c-c-can't grow up without a f-f-father...his mother is a-already dead! P-please, call emergency response or...or anyone. P-please!" The Chiss begged, looking up at [member="Viqtor Locke"].

"C-c-can't you h-help me somehow! I-I've t-t-t-told you all I know! P-p-please, d-don't leave me h-here. T-t-the I s-said before, he gets his credits by licking the boots of every business owner we b-b-buy parts f-from. He h-has not w-worked a day in his entire l-life. P-p-please, if I'm going to d-d-die here...give h-him the punishment h-he deserves. I've barely been paid in three w-weeks, yet he threatens that he'll make our families life's horrific. Please, t-t-tell him...tell h-h-him that h-he caused this...please!"

This was all the Chiss managed to say before hacking up more blood. "G-go!" The Chiss said, collapsing to the floor, still hacking and coughing.

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