Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the bar.

[member="Jaryn Rhane"]

Tatooine was hot and dry. Wraith was in the cantina enjoying his drink and apparently there was gossip of a tusken raid on the edge of the city. He kept on drinking, ignoring the fools and sat with a bad attitude. The day had been long and he had been ripped off by the local market on the sale of some items, which he was also none to happy about.

Normally a reserved person the brown haired man was in the mood to crush someone today. The first person that angered him happened to be the bartender who in his foolishness spilled a drink on him by accident.

His eyes snapped to the Toydarians and a savage smile lit his face. Time to unwind.

Before the creature could react he reached out and snatched by the throat. Darkness began to grow inside of him, pushing out the light. He was falling into the other side of his persona, days events fuelling his rage.

"Think thats funny do you?" He roared.

with a bout of force enhanced strength he whirled the creature over his head twice and launched him into the crowd at the bar. Then all hell broke loose.
Jaryn stood silent in the panic. As most of the onlookers backed off from the angry novice, Jaryn made a slow and delicate approach. He could feel his dark side arua swelling with the want to inflict pain on others. But, this..[member="Wraith Draigar"] wasn't a true threat to Jaryn himself. However did pose a threat to the safety of the innocent bartender and other onlookers, Jaryn did not move for his sabers. But instead, simply put himself in between the angered outlaw and the crowd. He raised a hand, his stance was defensive but the hand stood out as a warning. Jaryn was speech impaired, but his abilities and body did all the talking for him. He was more than confident in this situation, he had faced many force wielding opponents before. However, he didn't feel the need to kill this one.

But, if push came to shove. Jaryn wouldn't feel bad about taking head from body.

[member="Wraith Draigar"]
[member="Jaryn Rhane"]

Wraith squared off with the newcomer, watching his movements with trained eyes. Normally he was a bit more shy of temperament but was enraged. And the mixed rage and the fear and panic of the crowd gave him power. It also was a massive distraction to anyone trying to fight him.

"Out of my way!" He rorared.

Crushgaunt clad hands came up into the air in front of him and he flipped several tables with the force, causing the crowd to go into a further frenzy. Around the bar blasters and knives were draw. Occupants attacked one another with a fervour, blaster bolts sailing to and fro and bottles exploding sending glass and shrapnel everywhere.

"I'll not ask again." Wraith said, hands coming up in a defensive stance.
Jaryn stood unwavering as tables collided and people were sent into a state of panic, however Jaryn didn't have time to take care of everyone. He would simply have to deal with this unstable man.

Jaryn pushed forth the palm of his hand as his fingers stood up and became visible tensed, unleashing a powerful wave of force telekinetic energy at the angry man at more of less point blank range, if this 'Dark Jed' was capable of deflecting such an attack, then he would have Jaryn's curiosity. But, for now he simply had his attention. It was clear this man's intent was to cause harm and bodily injury, Jaryn would put an end to that quickly.

[member="Wraith Draigar"]

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