Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking Over

Korynn had been monitoring the economic broadcasts closely. Theoretically, she had others who could do this for her, droids and living beings both who would monitor the state of economics for the galaxy in general as well as specific companies. Well, not-so-theoretically, she went through enough of their findings on a daily basis. Point of the matter being that she could ask for a formal prediction of where the markets were going to be heading towards over a week-long, month-long, and year-long period and have a twenty-five page datasheet in front of her in hours.

But some things she just had to do for herself.

There were a few strategies that she was playing close to the vest. Trends she was watching, companies she was watching, that she had hinged some long-term plans on. Nothing that was illegal of course, and certainly nothing that she couldn't go back on were the need to arise. Preliminary measures at this point, positioning Ceredir Industries to take certain steps that could expand the company's revenue significantly. Her cousin, Audren Sykes, creator and sole owner of the company, didn't even know about these steps. But then again, that was to be expected. He had his own projects, not to mention his duties as a Jedi participating in both Galactic Alliance and Silver Jedi Order affairs.
TransGalMeg Industries Incorporated had originally had a presence in both the Outer Rim and the Core hundreds of years ago. While it was never a household name brand, the company had done relatively well for itself until the business seemed to have died down during the Gulag plague. It had picked back up though, in keeping with the vagaries of galactic economics, moving its headquarters to Anaxes and even spreading to Empress Teta. A shareholder had moved to take control of the company and had brought it into Sith hands.

Now the Sith, specifically the One Sith government, was gone. TransGalMeg was on the decline again with the relative power vacuum in the Core and the rise of a number of other shipwrights. The female Sephi had been tracking their details for a while now: prices of their products, the frequencies of deals and 'specials' to attract customers, stock prices. Everything that enumerated a company's success that could be tracked was. Compare against the general expenses for materials and labor, and she could put together a general idea of how profitable the company actually was. Check that against their semi-annual report, and a clear picture emerged.
The next step was to convince the person who could approve the potential purchase. As the sole owner of Ceredir Industries, Audren was the final stop to allocate that amount of money. Even with her rapid rise in the company and familial ties, Korynn didn't have the authority that would be needed.

So she scheduled some time and began putting together the proposal. This was not the same proposal she'd give to TransGalMeg, not by a long shot. No, this one took an overview of TransGalMeg's status and boiled it down to key points. Her cousin was no economics wizard, he was the Jedi kind of wizard, so he didn't need to know all the predictive algorithms that were used, the cross-checking and comparisons she'd run and had verified. No, he just needed to be made aware of a cost estimate, a short and long term profit estimate, and how it would affect Ceredir itself.

The meeting went as well as she could expect. There were no interruptions, he listened to the points she made, and promised to examine the data she provided. Not the outcome she wanted - a quick and resounding approval - but it would do. He even asked questions to better clarify certain points. In the end, it came down to costs and benefits. The costs were there, to be sure; buying a company and its assets was no small transaction. But the benefits would eclipse the costs, and if the cards were played right the profits would start sooner rather than later. The next day, he gave his approval to reach out to the leadership of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated and quietly determine their opinion on the matter.

The comm call was initiated within minutes.

[member="Malos Kas"]
The fall of the One Sith had made TransMeg Industries loose one of it's largest customers, making the company fall in decline. Malos had done his best to keep the company afloat, but unlike other companies, TransMegGal Mel Industries had been falling quickly, and Malos wanted to do the company's some justice by selling it to a knew owner.

"Sir?" he said, as he sat in the Headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries.

"We have a call from an [member="Audren Sykes"]? We don't know why he is contacting us."

"Put him through." the Pantoran Admiral ordered, as he sat in his chair, looking at the profilt loss in the last financial quarter.

"Hello, Jedi. What may I do for you?"
A close to last-minute change had put Audren in the comm seat instead of Korynn. She was present, ready to jump in if needed, but situated as to not be the focus of the call. She'd also provided him with a brief rundown of the upper echelon for the other company, so he was fully aware of who it was he faced in the hologram. The surprise he felt at being face to face - so to speak - with the head of the other company mere minutes after placing the call was suppressed, as was the surprise that the other being knew who he was. It was happening more and more, and he still wasn't used to it.

"Actually, Admiral, I was wondering if you'd have any interest in selling your company."

So much for subtlety. Then again, subtlety had gone out the window when the decision had been made for Audren to make the call, when he'd made it from a comm line bearing his name on the ID. They'd figured they wouldn't get an answer right off, leave a message vaguely hinting at interest in the company, then start polling other senior members of the company until they got a response. Fortunately, the Sephi could think on his feet most of the time.

[member="Malos Kas"]
Malos smiled when [member="Audren Sykes"] said that he wished to buy the company, although the former Admiral wasn't going to let his former enemy off that easy. "I like someone who is blunt, and straight to the point." he said.

The Pantoran's facial expression however changed to that of a more serious demeanor. "You know who I am, I know who you are. We are former enemies Master Sykes, and I lost a lot of comrades in the war. Why would I let a company I have worked years on, despite the recent fall of the One Sith, and it's troubles, go to you, and give you full control? I can simply just sell it on Empress Teta's stock market, and have someone else buy it?" he said.
The Sephi's expression tightened slightly at the question and supporting comments. He'd hoped that politics wouldn't come into the matter. Then again, some unknown being had once famously claimed that the galaxy ran on politics. As unfortunate as the statement was, it carried at least one grain of truth. But the fact it was brought up didn't mean the offer was shut down cold.

"Both sides lost a lot in the war, both people and otherwise. And those who were uninvolved lost much as well. But as you stated, former enemies. Not current.

He could have added in that he'd not really been much involved in the war with the One Sith, either with the Silver Jedi or the Galactic Alliance. Most of his involvement had been on the defensive side of things; he hadn't been at the final assault on Coruscant, and his previous involvment on the city-world was minimal. When Sullust was attacked he'd defended, when Silver Jedi space was attacked he'd defended. But those facts wouldn't do much with this. In short, this argument was heavily hinged on the word 'former'.

The next not quite so much. If it was truly a concern for the company and people within it that was prompting him to hesitate with the sale, this argument would bear fruit. If his concern was political or idealogical in nature, it wouldn't really do much.

"As far as selling it on Empress Teta's stock market, you'd either have to perform research on each buyer individually before approving the sale - which can discourage buyers and prove expensive, or you can let it go to just anyone. With me, you know who you're putting the company in the hands of."

People had different definitions of what a Jedi was, but it was almost universally known that they were not cutthroat with their people, did not kill just for the heck of it or for failure. They weren't perfect of course, and there were many different kinds of Jedi. Whether or not they were considered 'evil', or if just some of them were, tended to differ between beings.

[member="Malos Kas"]
"I personally couldn't care if anyone else bought it, as long as a Jedi doesn't." he said. Now that he thought about it though, he knew that the One Sith had a significant presence in Empress Teta, specifically in terms of the Sith Order. Malos hated the Sith, even though they weer exceptions as to who he truly hated. The Pantoran Admiral would have rather had a Jedi have it, then a Sith. Then again, he hated the Galactic Alliance, but not the Silver Sanctum that much. He silently hoped one day, they would be enemies, but that didn't matter right now: what mattered was the future of TransGal Meg Industries.

"I lied. I'd rather have a Jedi then a Sith in control of this." he said. "Before I sign any papers, could you promise me a some things?" he asked, the tone evidencing his willingness to actually let the company go.

[member="Audren Sykes"]
The blunt declaration was exactly what Audren expected when such ideologies came into play, and was exactly what he had hoped to not hear. Anticipating a rising tide of invective from the Pantoran, he almost hit the Transmission End button. If his offer was going to be shut down so quickly, he had no desire to sit and be insulted too. However, he decided to give the other being the benefit of the doubt and not instantly assume there would be insults hurled his way.

That second of hesitation allowed him to glimpse Pantoran's thoughts, and ultimately resulted in the change of opinion. Well, somewhat. More of an addendum. Unusual that a command-level officer for a former Sith faction would be so adamant about not having a Sith in charge, but then again most of that Order wasn't exactly known for generating warm feelings and easy loyalty.

Then came the requests. It wasn't unexpected, it would actually have been surprising for a business deal to not include requests. However, the Sephi had long ago learned not to make promises without knowing what those promises entailed. To do so was the height of folly, and that expanded greatly when applied to businesses.

"If it helps, this is Korynn Nartano, who is becoming my right hand in business matters. Not a Jedi, nor a Sith. Not a trace of Force Sensitivity whatsoever."

The Jedi indicated his cousin with a simple gesture. She in turn nodded in greeting, surprised to have been included but covering it as only an experienced businessperson could. She'd not been introduced just to help though, or to be polite. It gave him a couple extra seconds to formulate his next reply. A way to clarify that he kept his promises, but would not extend a blanket agreement to anything asked.

"Any promises made will be kept. What is it you're seeking?"

[member="Malos Kas"]
[member="Audren Sykes"]

"I will never agree with your principles, but thank you for attempting to confort my thoughts." he said, smiling at her. The Pantoran then went to the promises that he wished to keep. He believed there was a possibility that the company under new management would take the company to great heights, so he would make sure to get as much as he could, before he signed off on the papers.

"Firstly, an agreement in the contract, no designs that have been created in the past century, or are under my name are to be sold by Trans-Meg unless I wish so; secondly, I wish to help you with your company, in any manner that you wish. Thirdly, and lastly, master Jedi, you are aware of the faction that exists in Chiss space, full of remnants of the One Sith. Help them, in any manner please." he said, waiting for a response.
The terms were unusual, to a degree. The option of not selling designs wasn't unheard of, some people took great pride in their work. As the Pantoran had been the owner of the company it was well within his capabilities to maintain ownership of the designs while having the company produce and sell the actual products. Including any products designed in the last century was a bit excessive, but let the man have his eccentricities. It wouldn't affect the preliminary plans already in place. The faction in Chiss space, if he remembered correctly, was the Iron Empire. The Order had already met with their representatives at least once, though he didn't know how that meeting had gone.

It was the second request that was the really odd one. Helping Audren with his own company - that being Ceredir Industries - was unusual. The Sephi was buying the man's company from him, but more than that had intended to buy the company out from under him. That didn't tend to make most people grateful. The conditions were doable however, especially since only the first was clearly defined. The others fell under the Sephi's interpretation. Of course, his interpretations would be expected to fall in certain directions...but that wasn't always the case.

"These terms are acceptable."

[member="Malos Kas"]
[member="Audren Sykes"]

"Excellent." he said. He then stopped for a moment to wonder if he would regret selling his company to his former enemy, the Jedi, but the Pantoran instantly removed that thought from his mind, and proceeded to sign any papers that would transfer the ownership of the company.

"Just to clarify, Master Jedi. When I meant, your company, I meant the one I just sold you to. I wished to help you with managing TransMeg, in any position that you wish Audren." he said.

"Also, congratulations on your new company." After that, he awaited Audren's response, as the company belonged to him now.
"Of course. What else would you have meant?"

His thoughts might have been mistaken, but he wasn't about to admit that. Besides which, it would be far more valuable to have the man help with TransGalMeg. Audren and most of the people on his team had next to nothing in terms of experience with the manufacture and sale of spacefaring vessels, the Admiral had a heavy focus in the use of them. He could advise on what would be needed, what would be useful, and what might be detrimental. That just left mining, the company had once been a heavy player in that field as well. There were multiple stages to this vertical integration, after all.

With the Admiral's signature, the holodocs were transmitted near-instantly through the Holonet. Korynn checked the data integrity and nodded, it was complete. With the transmission to the proper authorities - which would be accomplished with a few button presses - and a transfer of credits, the company was his. Holdings, employees, all current assets. Out a fair bit of money, now he needed to have his investment start generating money. But first it would take a little more of an investment...spread to Humbarine as well. Two developed planets on major hyperspace routes was good...three was better.

[member="Malos Kas"]

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