Dreidi Xeraic
Jedi Witch
Location: Ryloth
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Nightsister Energy Bow, Lightsaber
Companion: Grisial

Jax had contacted her with a message from nowhere. It had been a long time since she had last heard from him or her mother and the message seemed weird and ominous. Dreidi wasn't sure if she could really ask anyone for help on it since she wasn't sure anyone would understand the situation she had with her family.
It was a complicated mess of emotions and there was a lot to unpack with how things turned out. However, what was the worst in the message from Jax was the ask for her to contact her mother and let her know Jax was okay. Jax messed up there on two accounts, she had no way of contacting her mother so couldn't do that and secondly, it meant that the guy supposedly in love with her mother didn't have to balls to tell her himself the situation. Whatever she felt towards her own mother, the woman deserved better than a husband who ghosted her and abandoned her. For all Dreidi knew, that was what had happened.
The location he had sent the message was from was Ryloth, which made some sense to her. There was a lot a person could do in attempts to redeem themselves on Ryloth. Leaving a note for her friends that she was heading out and might be gone for a few days, she didn't want to leave anyone worried about her, Dreidi doubted she would be gone long but she needed to sort this out alone. Jumping on the ship, she punched in the coordinate into the ship and leaned back watching the ship entering hyperspace. "What the hell are you up to Jax?" Dreidi grumbled to herself, she never understand what her supposed stepfather was up to.
"Well Grisial, you'll get a chance to meet another family member, though Jax is murkier since he says he wants to try. Vanish, apologise, then claim to want to be close again." Dreidi was keeping it honest with her Vulptex, she never thought Jax held bad intentions or meant to vanish, but it happened repeatedly and she couldn't ignore that pattern in behaviour.
Arriving in the space above Ryloth, Dreidi took the reins of the ship and started her descent towards where Jax's location was meant to be. She was curious what Jax was going to be up to, and how difficult he was going to make it for her to drag him back to the Order.