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Approved NPC Takyon Ship Crew

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Name: Takyon ship crew
Intent: To staff the Takyon frigate with a complement of crew to keep everything in order - infrastructure maintenance; refueling the Takyon and other ships in it's hanger; defensive and offensive armaments control
Affiliation: Frigate-captain Lucullus Lacar primarily, but also to the Primeval through him.
Availability: Unique (I suppose? The Takyon only has one crew - I can change this if need be)
Type: Infantry, crew
Strength: Skeleton crew of 40
Description: Composed primarily of ex-Hapan royal navy staff, the bulk of which directly knew and were on good terms with Captain Lacar, with the few remainder being pirates, bandits and mercs who had joined for their own personal reasons, whether that be for monetary gain, job security, or they just liked the damn boat.
Each member signed on to be a part of the crew and, through the watchful instruction of Captain Lacar and his original, professional crew, have all taken to their roles.
The Takyon only carries the bare bones crew it needs to function, as a full frigate complement isn't an easy thing to find, let alone get them to all like each other. Currently on roster are mechanics, novice pilots for transport shuttles and supply runs etc., chefs, cleaners, gunners, navigators, technicians and a first mate.
While each performs their own role, however mundane, on maintenance of the craft, they are all fairly skilled at self defence should the need arise and some are even taken alongside Captain Lacar on ground missions he may perform.
Links: Staffed ship:
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