Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Name: Tal-la
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Shri-Tal
Language: Tal
Average height of adults: 1.7m
Skin color: Ranges from deep ebony black to ivory white
Hair color: Ranging from black to white
Breathes: Type 1
Strengths: [2 minimum]
Hollow Bones
Blood Does not clot
Allergic to Salt: They are deathly allergic to salt in large quantities, salt water and heavy salt product
Males of the species are generally bulkier with red eyes.
Females of the species have golden eyes
Average Lifespan: 120 years
Races: The race has differences based on the region from which they live.
Estimated Population: [Is it common throughout the galaxy? Only found on a single world? Only being of its kind?]
Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]
Communication: [List common communication medium]
Culture: [Describe general culture]
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]
Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]
Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Shri-Tal
Language: Tal
Average height of adults: 1.7m
Skin color: Ranges from deep ebony black to ivory white
Hair color: Ranging from black to white
Breathes: Type 1
Strengths: [2 minimum]
Hollow Bones
Blood Does not clot
Allergic to Salt: They are deathly allergic to salt in large quantities, salt water and heavy salt product
Males of the species are generally bulkier with red eyes.
Females of the species have golden eyes
Average Lifespan: 120 years
Races: The race has differences based on the region from which they live.
Estimated Population: [Is it common throughout the galaxy? Only found on a single world? Only being of its kind?]
Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]
Communication: [List common communication medium]
Culture: [Describe general culture]
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]
Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]
Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]