Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To update some subs
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- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Tal=La
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 110 years
- Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
- Description: Lithe and compacted muscles with purple skin in varying shades. Tall in statue but with a more frail appearance they don't develop heavy amount of muscle. Two horns protrude from their skulls and twist outwards curling eventually as they grow older along with a glow to their hair follicles which gives it a fiery look able to shift in color. Dark eyes with golden and silver irises and sharp talon like finger nails that function like claws and natural weapons.
- Breathes: Type 1
- Average Height of Adults: 2m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Shades of Purple
- Hair color: Ranging from black to white
- Distinctions:
- The Tal are of a single gender and hold the reproductive organs and features of both genders. Usually with large horns on their head and a lithe figure. THeir hair is a darker shade of the skin tone if possible and often the skin tone changes depending on the mate. One of the few things that carry over from them as the species seek genetic diversity.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Rare
- Acute Hearing: A form of force listening they can hear throughout the territory they claim on worlds within the Asobi system namely the three habitable planets of the system and the moons
- Heightened speed: Their light bones mixed in with the force allows the Tal to move quickly around the territory they claim.
- Hermaphroditic: The Tal while very spiteful of each other and territorial at times find a need to mate and are able to reproduce with themselves, humans, humanoid species.
- Natural weapons: Razor sharp claws have developed on the hands of feet of the Tal allowing them to rend flesh and pierce medium grade armor.
- Hollow Bones
- Blood clots slowly: They run the risk of bleeding out from some wounds but will eventually heal as time goes on.
- Allergic to Salt: They are deathly allergic to salt in large quantities, salt water and heavy salt product.
- Lone Wolf: While they might have children with themselves or other species.... they are highly territorial so much so that they will attack their mates and children.
- Diet: Meats, grains, veggies, fruits and breads
- Communication: Verbal
- Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs:
- The Tal are very selective and territorial. They vary on culture as it is usually the one in the area who dictates how they live. They care about art but they do not have a species heritage of arts or crafts. Their government is usually the area they are in same as the daily lives. Varying by the area.
However there is more of it to them, their territorial mentality makes them claim a section of a planet generally five hundred miles that they roam around in and patrol to keep their claim scent marking it with a pheromone signature to ward off and warn others. Their interactions outside of mating are ones of violence and abandoning or even killing young Tal who enter into their territory, ones who refuse to leave happens. The Tal are willing to not kill everything but they also do not care about problems.
Once their children are seven years old they are sent to find their own territory as soon by Tal standard they will be able to fight and mate. (7 years galactic standard is 18 by Tal) Their lives being decently long have proven quite stressful as they will in the last thirty or so years of their lives seek a mate to reproduce so to raise the replace themselves. The mate doesn't matter in the end as they will be dead but they usually try to have one child or if they have two will tell them to kill each other in a violent fashion.
- The Tal are very selective and territorial. They vary on culture as it is usually the one in the area who dictates how they live. They care about art but they do not have a species heritage of arts or crafts. Their government is usually the area they are in same as the daily lives. Varying by the area.
- General behavior:
- With each other the Tal are violent, often killing each other in greed to claim the others riches and items of worth. Bringing them back to their horde that they obsessively count and keep track of. Their interactions with their own children are ones of... questionable need as they will raise the children enough to understand what they are doing and how to survive but they will also kill their children just as quickly if they threaten their riches and items.
With outsiders they are reactive to their intents using their force senses and listening to determine the intentions and if they come in peace and are polite will respond in kind. If they are looking to steal or take from the Tal they will respond violently. Using their claws to attack over technology they have no need to use. If peaceful they will talk and share a drink but will insist they leave or be killed. If it is mating season they might insist the being if they are of proper genetic stock stay and enjoy the time.
- With each other the Tal are violent, often killing each other in greed to claim the others riches and items of worth. Bringing them back to their horde that they obsessively count and keep track of. Their interactions with their own children are ones of... questionable need as they will raise the children enough to understand what they are doing and how to survive but they will also kill their children just as quickly if they threaten their riches and items.
Shrouded in mystery and isolated to the Asobi system, the Tal grew among themselves coming out of the wake of the destroyers, their communal knowledge and history slowly developing them into something else. They were devastated several times and culturally as they gathered together to join and grow were attacked. This slowly molded them into a solitary species that staked out territory and using their senses could lay claim to a large area on a planet. Their abilities in the force provided skills for survival and as the warriors of shadow came to the system they expanded finding other worlds in the system and inhabiting them.
But time is a cruel thing and slowly it twisted them, the reasons why they did what they did, why they were alone in their own territories instead of in cities together. The isolation became a greed and jealously, it turned them violent and territory became more important to them with violence being used to defend it against each other who might take their possessions or who might try and use the resources of the land. The Tal became a very dangerous species as they encountered the Del-ya and while the equine species was peaceful, not violent with them the Tal were greedy and wanted territory of the planet.
The fighting was quick but a happened and the Tal won but fought among themselves on the world of Cazador leaving an impression as the humans, Del-ya and other species became the different tribes. The Tal in their failure and greed killing a large portion of their population as they slunk back to their planets and took up on Shri-tal and Sekirei having their territories. Mating with who they could when the need arose and living their lives hording the possessions they had until their died leaving it behind for another to find and claim as their own. Some of the more ancient hordes created by generations growing large in mountains.
Then the empire came and the Tal dealt with what was needed siding or killing stormtroopers in exchange for riches or because they encroached on their territory. The decline of them and the rebellion coming brought their attention while they worked to re-cultivate their population and spread out across the Asobi system.
THe attacks on the Asobi system and the evacuation several dozen species were seeded throughout the galaxy.. The Tal being no exception but small pockets of them went to different worlds finding the most remote locations that they could to live and slowly repopulate or until their world had recovered enough like the rest of the scar worlds to support life once again.
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