Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tal Martec

Tál Martec

Please Don't Stare too Long

NAME: Tal Martec
FACTION: Silver Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Human (Tionese)
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'9" or 1.8 m
WEIGHT: 175 lbs or 79 Kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Tanned Caucasian


  • Resorceful
  • Strong Willed

  • Shy
  • Scared to get close to anyone



Born and raised on the planet of Chandaar, his parents and family lived under the peaceful government of the Galactic Republic and then the Silver Jedi for most of his life. His life was easy on the prosperous world of his birth. That was until recently where his family was no longer protected by the sparing hands of the Silver Jedi that had before. His father and mother along his his older brother was killed in a raid by the Sith Empire as he was taken off by a UTC Soldier who then took him to a Refugee Planet where he accidentally reveled his ability to manipulate the Force. Such a thing that his family tried to stop him from using most of his life. The Silvers ignored his presence so long as he was not a threat, but he did not know the policy of the UTC how protected him. It was not until he was taken to the Leader of the UTC who stated he would be unable to stay there, but he would be able to send him to an order to receive the proper training. [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] then became the boys guardian and searched the galaxy to find the boy a teacher.

This is where the story of Tal starts. It was a surprise however, that he was to serve under the guidance of one of the Military Leaders of the Silver Jedi, Admiral and CEO of Ringovinda Shipyards, Master Jessica Med-Beq.



Tál Martec

Please Don't Stare too Long
Lightsaber Forms (Novice - Competent - Advanced - Expert):

Shien/Djem So......(Novice)

4 level tier per Force Skill.
Initiate | Learner | Knight | Master

Tactus Otium: ||| ||| ||| |||
Commonly referred to as Force Sense, the ability to see much farther than ones eyes can travel; Tactus Otium is the answer to the question: How are Jedi able to react fast enough to evade and counter blaster fire; providing a vivid sense of the situation unfolding around those capable of applying this skill in their chosen field.

Altus Sopor: ||| ||| ||| |||
A basic component in the use of most Core Force Powers, this is the means to amplify ones focus in the force itself, strengthening what potential you might naturally have in order to delve deeper and produce a superior effect of the desired ability. Those of great skill in Altus Sopor can cloud their presence from other force users completely by melding their presence in among the natural flow of the force itself.

Curato Salva: ||| ||| ||| |||
An umbrella title to the force abilities focused on self healing and rejuvenation of the natural body. Stamina and lost strength can be regained by drawing the force into ones center, healing significant injuries and sustaining ones life in the field of combat given enough time to focus.

Tutaminis: ||| ||| ||| |||
Relating to the ability to absorb energies both natural and otherwise, this branch of the Force has been known to be applied both offensively and defensively. For an example, the ability to lesson the blow of a blaster shot to the side through great focus in extending the force from within to create a small barrier around ones exterior (some call this force: Protect).

Telekinesis: ||| ||| ||| |||
Referred to some as Force Push and Force Pull, telekinesis consists of two branches of the ability. Sustained Telekinesis where an object or person is held in place for a period of time, and then Burst Telekinesis in which something or someone is thrown backwards or pulled in towards the user.

Telepathy: ||| ||| ||| |||
Consisting of more than just communication from one mind to another, Telepathy is the umbrella term for the ability to affect a persons mind on the whole. Whether convincing others to do something they normally wouldn't (mind trick), or otherwise projecting images, memories or words into the consciousness of the target. The effect of Telepathy varies dependent on the mental strength of the foe.

Force Light: ||| ||| ||| |||
The ability to harness the strength and purity of the lightside of the force in order to combat and eradicate the presence of dark side apparitions and counter the effects of their users. This ability is said to be able to disconnect those of the dark from their affinity in the force, if only to temporarily disable them from further conflict.

Alchaka: ||| ||| ||| |||
The Alchaka Meditation were a rigorous series of highly personal, highly repetitive exercises using both physical and Force Skills. The Purpose of the Alchaka technique was to clear the mind and attune the body to the strength of the Force, and was considered an Advanced form of Moving Meditation.

Force Concealment: ||| ||| ||| |||
Force Concealment was a Power that was used by highly skilled Force-Sensitives to mask their Force alignment, their ability to use the Force, or even their entire presence from the Force-Sensitives.

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