Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Tale of the Shadow | SO Dominion of Abraxas

Through Victory My Chains Are Broken


903 ABY

As the Empire’s march towards the Core continues, two simultaneous prongs have developed. One has followed along the Rimma Trade Spine and the Hydian Way reaching the Galactic Alliance’s borders, taking in recent days Ogem, Loovria, Sullust, and Tshindral III, and preparing for a battle over Naalol. While the other follows along the Corellian Trade Spine, these forces seasoned off their victory in the campaign for Hoth, march ever forward, not to be outdone by their brothers and sisters to the galactic east.

The first obstacle in their path? Abraxas.

A long dried-up mining world that has been the favourite hideout for Eiattu pirates, it is far from the most valuable prize for the First Legion, but rather an obstacle to be cracked. Supporting the upcoming battle for Naalol, it shall also serve to shore up access to the Corellian Trade Spine, and the Sanctuary Pipeline, while lastly, the efforts of those piratical both within and outside of our borders cannot be tolerated.

However as the vanguard of the fleet arrives, they are made to bear witness a most intriguing sight.

Sensing that the Sith Order will seek control of Abraxas, and its potentially lucrative mining operations, assets, and personnel, the Pirate Overlords immediately declare their intentions to surrender and indeed have their pirate flotillas join the Sith advance to the richly unplundered Core as privateers.

However, as high-ranking Sith drop planetside to ratify this surrender, a small celebration is organized amongst the highest ranks within, while the soldiers of either side are allowed to relax outside, the criminal nature of the pirates reveals itself.

As the music is turned off, and armored men with boots thunking against wood, carrying great blaster rifles filter into the room, all know what this is.

An ambush, the Overlords showing the whole galaxy what happens when anyone, even Sith, crosses them.

However, as lightsabers are drawn, the Sith have just as much a pressing point to prove.

What happens when one spits on their benevolence.
Objective 1 - Den of Deceptions

Those caught off-guard are the first to fall, but the Sith are warriors and have been so for millennia. Quickly forming themselves into a makeshift defensive position as blasterbolts fire down and from all sides, it quickly becomes apparent that with more and more pirate soldiers filtering in, from bounty hunters to merely hired thugs, their best chance is to fight themselves out from the underground pirate den.

As it stands they have no idea of the status of their troops above ground, but as the world around them shakes, rocks and stones falling from above, it becomes readily apparent that it is neither good nor can they stay here for long.

However, in the tunnels that lead their way out, no doubt there shall be traps and other such obstacles, all the while they will face enemies standing in their way, along with those hotly in pursuit. The Sith shall either stand together or look out for their own hides.

Either way, time is ticking.

Objective 2 - Unsinkable

Once word reached the Order that the negotiations were a ruse, dropships and troop transports from the vanguard were quickly deployed to both reach the Sith negotiators, but also to force the world into submission, as the rest of the fleet was called to reinforce.

Sith forces not only need to bring the surface under control but also delve deep into the mines where the Overlords have made their fortresses. Each Overlord shall need to be hunted down, or else they and those loyal to them shall prove constant hindrances and thorns to Sith control over this sector.

However, in such a goal, the Sith find an unlikely ally, the overworked and underpaid miners are all too willing to assist those whom they see as liberators against the tyranny of the pirates, they shall act as worthy cannon fodder or able guides should we allow them, and aid in rooting out the dens and lairs where the pirates will make their stand.

Objective 3 - BYOO

The ambitions and talents of the Sith know no bounds, while the military undertakes its ordered tasks, those with far more individualistic aspirations shall do as they will to fulfil their own objectives.

Credit for the write up to Revna Revna and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Credit for the artwork to Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Objective 2

The scrawny man named Avel Som walked up to the mine foreman and tossed several chunks of ore down on the table where the foreman was absorbed in some kind of game on his datapad. The cause the foreman to jump up and swear. "Got your ore. Opened up a new vein," Avel Som told him.

"The hell you say? I'll be damned; that vein was supposed to be dry. How'd you break through?"

"Kept at it."

After Avel Som stood waiting for a bit, the foreman finally looked up. "Well? Back to it."

"I did my job. I want my pay, and I'll be gone."

The foreman laughed. "Who said you could leave? You're obviously too valuable to let leave, if you can sniff out new ore veins. Now get back to work, if you know what's good for you." He snapped his fingers, and two large Gamorrean guards weilding vibro-axes surrounded Avel Som.

The abnormally slender man rolled his eyes from behind his goggles. "Trust me, you don't want to do this. Just give me my money; nobody has to get hurt."

The three just laughed in response. "You're one scrawny weakling. You look like you're about to starve to death at any moment! What could you possibly do? But you know what? I give you another offer. Get back to work, or we'll capture and roast your bird friend you brought with you."

Avel Som's eyes went from bored to angry in a fraction of a second. Darkwing had been left outside. Bringing an ebonhawk down into a mine would just be cruel. Birds needed to be able to fly free. "You must have a death wish."
If you want peace, prepare for war.

The Sith had hoped that the pirates of Abraxas would work with them, would bend the knee and agree to working for the Sith, following their orders. Michael had no such compunctions, not even the slightest expectation that they'd play fair. These were pirates, the scum of the spaceways. They didn't take up this lifestyle because they couldn't find other kinds of work, there was always a military or mercenary corp who would take any able bodied grunt. No, you became a pirate because you didn't want to listen to anyone, to experience "freedom". If that freedom came at the expense of others, well then what did they care.

These were the people that the Sith had decided to deal with. Michael was a good military man, rarely showing his personal feelings, but he couldn't deny the sheer level of disappointment he felt in the Sith. He had joined them to bring order to the galaxy, to prevent the kind of lawlessness that the pirates thrived on...not that he had much ground to stand on. In the service of greater ideals he had hired pirates and freelancers to harass their opposition. There was a lesson there, something about the road to the nether being paved with good intentions.

It was hardly a surprise to the Legate when the pirates showed their true faces, he'd been waiting, expecting this to happen. A small sigh slipped from his lips as she settled back in his chair, one foot pushing off the floor to turn himself to face the communications station.

"General signal to all ships, jump into the system. Battleplan chaser 3."

As the Sith fleet made the short transition from it's hiding point to the space above Abraxas turbolasers flashed out, and fighters boiled out of his ships. If there was one thing every military man appreciated it was having the chance to take the fight to Pirates, and trapped on the surface like this they were sitting ducks.

"Begin deploying landers, Destroyer squadron 1 will move into low orbit to provide fire support, Squadrons 2 and 3 will engage orbital defences, support craft are to form a blockade perimeter."

No-one would make it off the planet without his permission.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Punish the Guilty
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna / Open!

"I told them this was a horrible idea." The masked man seemed rather unconcerned by the sound of flak fire echoing around the shuttle that they were rapidly approaching the planet's surface in, as if mildly inconvenienced moreso than anything else. "You can't expect pirates of all people to do honest business of any kind. 'Just annihilate them from orbit' I said. But no." The troopers clutched their seat harnesses tighter as a stray shot impacted the hull of the shuttle, the craft lurching through the air in order to dodge another incoming bolt.

"It's almost like they should've listened to the ones that have been wiping out nests of their misbegotten kind for a decade and a half now. Who would have thought?" Darth Strosius seethed with a sigh before glancing towards the younger Sith that sat next to him on the shuttle. "At least now they're all occupied underground so we can do as we please without any whining or arguments against it, right my Disciple?"

His head tilted up as he sensed the ground approaching quick, the pilot calling out over the shuttle's communication channel a moment later. :"Landing is going to be hot! Get ready for a quick deployment, they're dug in and eager!": He reached up and nonchalantly released his harness, standing despite the shuttle still rocking, and made his way to the shuttle's landing ramp. "Have no fear my brothers and sisters, these scum are no different from any other that we've broken before."

The masked man ignited his lightsaber in one hand and slammed on the opening switch with the other as the troopers quickly started readying their blasters and performing their final equipment checks. "This operation is the same as any other. Check your corners, watch for ambushes and traps, cover one another, and most of all..." The ground came into view as the ramp opened, the shuttle still roughly a story off the ground as the Lord Inquisitor slowly stepped off of it.

"Spare no sinner."



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Obj II

Tag | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Revna Revna

Perhaps a welcome surprise, or maybe to his irritation.. The area seemed to be clear, the answer as to why being felt almost instantly. Out of all people, he would know her aura better than anyone else. After all, it was by the aid of his hand she was given true form.

Bodies littered the ground, appearing husk-like as their vitality had vanished.

As everyone had gotten to the ground, a black door appeared before them. It lingered for a time, out of place in this reality. As it opened, the dark visage of Adeline formed out from the shadows itself.

The armor she wore being the same he had seen before, she gives a slight bow.

"Existence is so full of surprises, is it not?"

She smiles a bit from behind her helm.

Location: Landing Zone - Abraxas
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Explosive beams of searing ethaerium plasma rained down on the pirates’ positions close to the landing zone as the shuttle carrying Darth Strosius Darth Strosius hovered over the area to disgorge its payload of troopers and Sith. Flying over the area via her jetpack, QK-2510 unleashed bolt after bolt into the pirates’ ranks, neutralizing an F-Web position in a quick burst of fire that obliterated the upper halves of all three crew members, reducing much of their bodies to little more than steaming pools of grease and charred gobbets.

From there, QK-2510 shifted targets, but quickly lowered her rifle upon seeing that the zone was mostly clear, a slight frown coming over her features as she took in the desiccated, husk-like corpses strewn across the area. It seemed that something else had taken care of the rest.

“This is jet trooper QK-2510 to incoming forces. The landing zone is clear, but watch for mines and traps, over.”



Location: Near the landing zone

Kasir couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance that gripped him every time he was deployed in such circumstances. Abraxas would be no different. Harnessed in his seat amidst the impending chaos, his senses heightened as the sounds of battle echoing around him only grew louder. On several occasions he felt the entire shuttle shudder; yet, it wasn’t fear that gnawed at him, but rather the uncertainty and unpredictable fate that followed it. One wrong move, one stray shot, could change everything in an instant. Trapped in his current position, he felt like a caged animal, pulsing with dark energy and waiting to break free. Then he would have the power to dictate his own destiny.

As they landed and the stormtroopers began descending, the assassin’s attention turned towards the speaking figure who exuded authority. For Kasir, this was not another Lord of the Sith Order, but the esteemed High Priest from the Order of Wonosa. Releasing himself from the harness he stood to his full height swiftly made his way down the ramp. His armor didn’t offer much in means of camouflage given the planet’s landscape, instead it was there to invoke power and intimidation. The thin black plates seemed to gleam with his malicious intent. The man’s eyes began scanning from within the sleek helmet that concealed his identity.

The area encircling the shuttle was a welcoming sight of corpses; a jet trooper seemed quick to eliminate another immediate threat not far away. He observed the terrain before him and proceeded to plan a course to remain unnoticed; this area appeared as hostile as its inhabitants. Armed with only his saberstaff still clinging to his belt, he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet several times before finally launching himself forward. Kasir moved with a cat-like grace, his footsteps not making a sound as they glided over the rocky ground with purpose. With everything calculated and precise, he navigated like a seasoned predator.

He constantly scanned for traps and any sign of movement that could be a threat, while his gloved hand was ready to clench the hilt of his weapon. He was ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Before long he seemed to fade away into the shadows offered, becoming one with the area. In the near distance he could see the entrance to tunnels, though he decided he wouldn’t be the first to enter them. Despite the sound of blaster fire from all directions, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he should still wait on the others, deciding to keep an eye out and be ready to offer his assistance wherever needed. In truth, it felt strange to the Sith, as he usually enjoyed working alone instead of being part of a team.
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Tagged the Acolytes that showed interested but everything is open to anyone and all acolytes


The Sith had found access to a world without having to shed blood or overwhelm the planet with war. Quinn found the thought comforting; she hated the violence that some of her Sith brethren enjoyed enacting. Maybe it was her nativity, but she wished for an Empire like the one her mother had ruled. Negotiations and political takeovers seemed to reign over unnecessary bloodshed. Still, the reaction of the Pirates could be considered out of character.

A dark cloak covered the woman's shoulders as they approached the planet's side. Her turn was to take the academy's top acolytes on a mission. Unfortunately alone, having her potential fellow instructor find something better to do. This would be their first time outside the walls, and Quinn fondly remembered her time at the academy on Bastion. She figured a party would be the best way to stretch their legs. It would allow them to mingle with folks the Sith had brought into the Empire and give each student a chance to stretch their negotiation and networking skills. These were all things the academy would teach them, but real-world scenarios made it come naturally.

Quinn turned and looked over her shoulder, quickly doing a headcount on the acolytes, three of which stood out. One was her former Master's newest apprentice, Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki . The girl had shown exceptional skill at the entrance exams, so Quinn attempted to sponsor her. Unfortunately, she was outbid by the Raaf family. Still, Quinn knew the girl was in good hands. The student who caught Quinn's attention was Jarek Voss Jarek Voss . The boy had a thick aura about him; Quinn could quickly feel the anger and hate that bled off his being. He was curious, and Quinn wanted to know why he held onto those emotions. She was concerned; her face showed it as she looked at him. A Sith was more than their anger and hate. Quinn hoped that his emotions didn't consume him, turning someone with such potential into nothing but a void in the Force. Lastly, there was the most mysterious of the bunch. Quinn had to verify his name several times in his dossier. By this, she could add weight to her thoughts of him being a Firrerreo Firrerreo . They were such an interesting group of people. The woman knew enough to get by, but there were some formalities she couldn't avoid.

To the students, she was just known as Master Varanin. This was done primarily because of the Firrerreo boy.

Before they hit planetside, Quinn gave a quick history lesson about the planet and the people they were dealing with. Each student was told to remain on their toes and listen to the Force. Despite the pirates surrendering almost instantly, they must be weary of betrayal.

The relaxing nature and loose gatherings of Sith and the planet's inhabitants felt too well rehearsed. Quinn watched as students interacted with themselves and the pirates. She mainly kept to herself, answering a few questions and turning down several offers of drinks and companionship. As much as she wanted to frolic and indulge in the party atmosphere, her responsibility was the several Acolytes under her tutelage. She often wondered if they enjoyed her classes and if they were enjoying their time away from the academy.

Hopefully, this would be different from her first outing. At night, alone in her thoughts, she could still hear the blaster sound from the NIO troopers. Even now, they almost sounded real.

Too real.

Quinn's eyes opened widely as suddenly the music shut off, and blaster fire began. Several of her comrades went down, and her attention snapped to the Acolytes. "Students, to me!" Quickly, she expanded the Force around them, protecting them in a force-defensive bubble. Her mind promptly worked over their routes of escape, which were now used to funnel in other bandits and thugs. Quinn couldn't panic; if she did, she could lose her life and the lives that were under her care. Looking at the acolytes, she nodded. "You all brought your weapons like I said?" Her eyes scanned each of them, hoping they were prepared for a real-world experience. "If you don't have a lightsaber, take mine." She looked towards the saber on her hip. "I'll protect you; let's fight our way out. Make them pay for their betrayal." Looking towards the man who had turned off the music, he loomed over the body of one of the other Sith. "Attack." She spoke, and the bubble faded, and the man suddenly started to convulse. His blaster soon found its way into his mouth and fired several bolts until his body felt limp.

Quinn touched the comm device she had connected to her ear, and she reached out to the surface. <We were attacked, several dead, acolytes and I trying to escape, please assist>. She knew it was a long shot, but it was all she could do for now. Silently, she cursed Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr for deciding against doing this field trip with her and the acolytes. Hopefully, he was prepared to make this up to her.

Caught off-guard, the Sith quickly formed a makeshift defensive position as blaster bolts fired from all sides. Pirate soldiers, bounty hunters, and hired thugs filtered in, creating a chaotic battlefield. With the world around them shaking and rocks falling from above, it became apparent that their best chance was to fight their way out from the underground pirate den. The tunnels leading out were likely filled with traps and enemies, leaving the Sith with no choice but to either stand together or look out for themselves. Time was ticking.

Meanwhile, Iuuna was in her own world. "Say you can't sleep baby, I know, that's that me espresso," she sang to herself, her headphones on and blocking out the sounds of battle. She danced her way into a phantom step, appearing behind an unfortunate pirate and forming an icicle in his chest. "I can't relate to desperation, my give a-" she paused, shooting off icicles with casual flicks of her wrist.

With a sway of her hips, she summoned nether rifts to drag pirates directly to the Netherworld. "Thinkin' about me every night, oh is it that sweet? I guess so." She continued to vibe to the music, oblivious to the chaos around her. The pirates who tried to ruin her mood found themselves dying faster than they thought possible.

She blew what would normally be a kiss, but instead, it was a lethal dose of electrokinesis that hit a pirate sneaking up on her. "I'm working late, cause I'm a singer," she sang, force choking two more pirates who dared to get near her. With a malicious smile, she manipulated shadows to drag a few more into the Netherworld. "That's that me espresso."

Iuuna was in a world of her own, showing the pirates why they should never mess with her, completely unaware of her cousin's need for assistance. She continued to dance and sing, her lethal powers cutting through the enemies effortlessly.




Location: Abraxas
Tags: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , Firrerreo Firrerreo , Jarek Voss Jarek Voss , Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon

Zarava knew about other planets, but only by name. She had ever been on only two planets, her homeworld, and Jutrand. She lacked the experience that some of her fellow acolytes had compared to her, and she was constantly playing catchup. Zarava considered herself lucky to be a fast learner in most subjects. Even after the trials they had been put through in the academy, Zarava still had a lot to learn, but all she cared about was that she survived up to this point. She needed to gather as much information as possible to try and get out of this place. It seemed like her sponsors meant well when it came to her well-being, at least with the way that they acted toward her, but they could also be lying. There wasn't a single person in the Sith Order that she even remotely trusted, at least not yet.

The young redhead would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy being in a spaceship again. Zarava had been glued to the windows that she was able to look out of as they had entered hyperspace. Only had seen it twice in her lifetime so far. Everything regarding space and other planets was entirely new to her. She had always dreamed of being able to fly her own ship and fly to wherever she wanted. If she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine flying the ship herself on her next adventure.

Zarava couldn't help but be disappointed when she opened her eyes back up as she was brought back to the reality of her situation. She needed to be patient and bide her time till she knew enough about her current situation. While they were allowed to walk around the spaceship, she couldn't keep herself still as she constantly looked out the window, watching as they moved past other planets until the one that they were supposed to land on came into view.

From orbit, the planet didn't look like it was all that much. From what she had been told, it was a planet that was ruled by pirates. Zarava knew of pirates and certainly knew that trusting them wasn't the right path to take. There had been instances of pirates trying to take over the spaceport on Elrood, her home planet. It was safe to say that they never got very far with how tight security had been. Zarava hadn't been there to witness the fighting go down, but everyone was talking about it the next day.

She always enjoyed walking around the city she had been born into and listening to the gossip that came from the tourists or even locals. It kept her busy and helped her pass the time when she was incredibly bored. Seeing another planet made her wonder if Elrood had changed since she had left. Probably not, it had only been a couple of months since she was taken from her home after all. She was sure it was fine, though she would never have any reason to return to that planet. As far as Zarava knew, there were no familial ties on that planet, and the last thing she wanted was to be around her mother.

Regardless, Zarava had been quick to join Master Varanin in this expedition to the planet. It seemed the pirates were peaceful, and she was grateful for that as she was still going through her training. The only weapons that she had on her were the knives that she had managed to procure. She wasn't ready for a lightsaber just yet, as she had a lot to learn when it came to dealing with the Force. The idea of the Force was confusing in general to the Acolyte, not having been around others who were able to harness it in her entire life.

While they were preparing to land, Zarava couldn't help but look at Master Varanin over. She was only a little bit taller than herself and didn't look all that older. It was entirely possible that she was wrong, but it just seemed to her that everyone on the ship was young in general. Zarava made sure not to stare for long as to try and not draw attention to herself as that had been what had kept her alive so far. Albeit, it seemed like the person she was to train under had quite a name for themselves.

Zarava remained on edge as they landed, following the orders of Master Varanin. She would look at the pirates skeptically as they walked to join the festivities. She could hear some of her fellow Acolytes converse with one another, but she didn't spark any conversations this time around. There were some familiar faces, but they didn't her offer any sort of comfort as she had no idea who she could trust. Zarava remained off to Varanin's side, her arms clasped behind her back as she stood tall despite her height. She wore a black cloak over her usual uniform that she had been given, a choice that she had made to better hide her face in case things grew violent.

She had turned to look to the lift when she seemingly saw the atmosphere around them shift. Zarava's body stiffened, and immediately after an order was shouted. The teenager drew close to Master Varanin with her arms raised in an attempt to block any kind of blaster fire. Of course, it was only instinctual, as her unarmored arms would have easily been blasted through if it hadn't been for the other's quick action to defend them. Why? Zarava was confused about that fact as her classmates had been allowed to die in the trials that they had been given. Was this any different from any sort of test to cull the weak from their ranks? There was still plenty about the Sith that Zarava didn't understand, but maybe in due time, she would.

Zarava was awestruck as she watched the blaster bolts ricochet off of the force bubble that was around them. Would she learn to do something like that? She hoped so, and it seemed like a particularly useful move in case of an ambush. She was broken from her train of thought as Master Varanin began speaking again. At the mention of their weapons, she looked to her belt where her knives were kept. The weapons were versatile as she was capable of throwing them in a fight that required range, but also meant getting up close and personal. Other than fighting her classmates in the academy, she had never fought pirates and wasn't sure how powerful they were in comparison to them.

Zarava began reaching into the pouch that held her blades when the mention of taking Master Varanin's lightsaber was made. Zarava's hand hesitated as her blue eyes looked toward the weapon at her belt. The hilt was black, while the emitter was more of a silver metal color and had a long neck to it. The redhead had never used anything other than a training lightsaber in the academy before, but how hard could it be? Zarava grabbed the lightsaber from Master Varanin, feeling the weight in her hands. A majority of her time before the trials of the academy had been studying schematics on how particular equipment worked, and that included the likes of a lightsaber.

She found the ignition switch, and the lightsaber burst to life, an orange blade emerging. Zarava was confused for a second at the color itself. Weren't most Sith blades red? At least, from those that she had seen use them which was very few. She didn't have all that much time to think as she tightened her grasp around the lightsaber. Her primary concern was getting out of there alive no matter what. The force bubble was removed, and Zarava had enough time to watch as Master Varanin used the force to make one of the pirates fire its blaster into itself. The Sith were truly terrifying in terms of their power. She could not be scared now though, as she focused on the training that she had received so far. Zarava didn't charge forward offensively and instead focused more on the defensive. The last thing she needed was to overextend and then become surrounded.

Zarava used Master Varanin's lightsaber to deflect blaster fire, redirecting the bolts. Almost all of the bolts managed to hit their marks, but none of them were lethal. A bolt hit a pirate in the shoulder, knocking them backward, another hit a pirate in the gut, and a pirate fell to the ground as a blaster bolt connected with its knee. Nonlethal, though, it wasn't exactly what she was trying to do but more simply she was getting the habit of redirecting the bolts more accurately. The more that she redirected, the better that her aim was getting. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed another Sith she had never met, one with white hair and silver eyes dancing among the chaos.

Zarava couldn't help but shiver at the sight of what almost looked like portals opening and pirates being thrown into it. That was possible? Where did the portals even lead? Zarava had no idea, but she didn't have all that much time to think about that, as she nearly ducked out of the way of more blaster fire. She raised the orange blade again, the heat emanating from it reminding her how dangerous of a weapon it truly was. For now, she didn't rush forward, not trusting her current skill enough to stay alive while being absolutely surrounded. Zarava didn't look over to the other Acolytes that were with them, as she was focused on keeping herself alive for the time being.

Jarek stood near Master Varanin and the other acolytes in the hive of scum and villainy. His swirling silver eyes scanning the room, and the people that occupied it. There were many Sith there, and most of whom Jarek had never met. He would say the occasional "hello" to a pirate, or thug, or wave off an offered drink. Conversation was not Jarek's strongsuit. He was forced to train for hours on Eshan, and once his dark tendancies manifested, his father forced him to train near day and night. Being fed a strict diet, Jarek has also never tasted alcohol and instinctively rejects it.

"Master....Master....Master" , The words played over and over in the young Echani's mind.

Jarek thought back to the Academy, when he was selected to go on this mission. He couldn't believe he was chosen to go. Jarek spent the majority of his life on Eshan, and then ended up on the city-planet Jutrand with it's Sith Pyramids and ancient structures. It was overwhelming to first walk through it's mazes of streets. Being accepted into the Imperial Academy was a great privilege, and training to become a Sith is Jarek's greatest dream. Jarek kept his Academy uniform on, and was allowed to take a training lightsaber on the missoin. Jarek, however, made an unusual request. Instead of a red blade, Jarek asked for a yellow one. He had heard rumors of the technique Sith used to create their red crystal, and had vowed not to create a lightsaber until he was able to take a certain crystal.


Jarek shook his head, attempting to get the filth of her name out of his mind.


The word kept playing in his mind. Having had the dream of becoming a Sith, he is now with someone that is a Master... that he calls Master, and that gave him the anxiety of excitment.

He suddenly felt as if eyes were upon him, and he gave a quick glance at Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , who was looking at him with a concerning face. Jarek looked away quickly, becoming a little self-conscious.

"My nerves, get ahold of yourself Jarek!"

Jarek let out a sharp exhale, and looked around to escape his mind. Music was played in the background, people drank, and people chatted about. Everything looked perfectly normal, yet Jarek could not shake the cold shiver that went down his spine. Before Jarek chould realize what this feeling was, the music came to an abrupt stop, and armored men marched through the doors, and opening fire on the Sith. Everything happened so fast, and the death of his fellow Sith rippled through the Force. Jarek instinctively turned to Master Varanin and tried to yell, "Master!". Jarek does not understand why he called out like that, but did not have the time to figure it out, because before Jarek could finish Master Varanin ordered the acolytes to her.

Suddenly a bubble formed around them, protecting them from the rain of blaster fire. He looked at Master Varanin. and then at the other Sith in the room. "The power of Sith...", Jarek was in awe of those trained in the power of the Dark Side. He slowly and carefuly wrapped his hand around the hilt of his training saber when he heard Master Varanin ask if they have brought their weapons. Jarek unclipped the lightsaber, and ignited it. The yellow blade came alive with resonating hum. Jarek felt an incredible rush of emotion when he held the lightsaber in his hands, anothet step to becoming Sith. The bubble came down when Master Varanin called out to "attack."

Jarek quickled raised his lightsaber, trying to protect himself from the onslaught of fire. Jarek was able to deflect some of the blaster fire, but his lack of skill showed with being unable to direct the blast fire back to the person that fired it. Jarek looked around for the others. He saw Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin seemingly use a man's own blaster against him, Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki had taken Master Varanin's lightsaber, and used it to deflect blaster fire. Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon opened rifts, something Jarek had never seen before, nevermind understanding it. Jarek then looked for Firrerreo Firrerreo when he suddenly felt another cold shiver down his body. It commanded him to turn around. Using his Echani training, Jarek turned around quickly, and gracefully, thrusting his lightsaber foward.

Jarek was met with a face right in front of his. A young man, around the same age as Jarek, who's eyes stared directly into his. They were surprised, followed by fear. The young thug flooded the Force with fear and dread. Jarek looked down to see the lightsaber had pierced through his diaphragm, and out his back. Jarek looked back up, only to see the young mans eyes sink into the void. His body fell limp, looking back up to Jarek. The young Echani just stared at the thugs, his heartbeat thumping in his eyes louder and louder.

Jarek had just killed someone with a lightsaber.

She had been hoping for a nice, light, uneventful trip. Accompany some of the academy acolytes as one of the new instructors for the Jutrand Academy as they went to see some pirates surrender and roll out the proverbial red carpet for their erstwhile new partners. She had even thought to bring her nephew along so he could socialize with some of the other academy students.

Abraxis wasn't exactly an exciting world, although you could see some really interesting orbital interactions between it and its nearby neighbor Raxin. Apparently there had been so much leftover mining equipment and stations in the system that occasionally you could watch it get zipped around the gravitational forces of the planets interacting, but other than that, the pirates had been the main reason for anyone to even come to the system. It certainly hadn't piqued the interest of her mother as the world didn't offer much and she didn't care about the pirates.

It probably was for the best as the Lady of Secrets would have had little patience for yet another betrayal of a party saying they were willing to work with or for the Sith and then try and kill them.

She had been in another part of the pirate den when the shiver of danger sense went down her spine, away from Master Varanin and most of the other acolytes, but making sure Kaivaan was close to her. She had been engaging in conversation with one of the pirates, a Feeorin female, about what they might accomplish in the coming campaign up the trade routes, when she had been distracted by someone calling her name. She had turned, and the danger sense had gone down her spine. Time slowed, or rather her senses kicked in, and her lightsaber was clearing her robes and igniting as the Feeorin pirate was drawing their pistol from a concealed pocket, the silvery-amethyst blade already coming around in a pivot.

Half a blaster clattered to the ground followed by the Feeorin's upper half. Their lower half fell a moment later to the ground, but she had already dismissed it and was settling into a defensive stance.

"Kai! To me!" She called out, deflecting a blaster bolt as chaos ensued.

More pirates were flooding into the space from the corridors, revealing the irritating trap. Her hand rose, eyes flaring a mix of silver and amber as she called out "Tarjas iw Tziyatsa!" A fissure of warping gray and purple energy rent a line through the corridor, surprised shouts of agony came from several pirates caught in the path as gravity instantly intensified in the line, drawing them in to crush and compress their forms.

"Inkursosuti Iwa!" and two shadowy versions of her form appeared within several meters of her and her nephew. "We need to make out way to Master Varanin and the others."


This was an old, familiar scene.

Firrerreo kept to the back of the group as they arrived to this.. Party, a calm expression on his face. A fake smile. He hated pirates. There were lots of people he hated from his childhood on Tatooine, but pirates were by far the highest on that ring. He didn't trust this in the slightest, even if the Master here seemed to. Master Varanin. That had given him a chuckle.

She was already aware of his personality.

It was something he'd have to be careful with. His brand of disrespect only worked with those who weren't aware, and he knew he didn't have the strength himself to back up such arrogance. But that wasn't his focus now. No, instead he was half focused on what was going on around him and the senses of his familiar. Distrust ran deep. The mutable form had selected the smallest of rodents, scurrying around between feet and under tables unseen to ensure at least Firrerreo wasn't caught off guard by anything untoward.

Maybe it was foolish, but, he didn't want to be anything less than prepared.

At least until he caught sight of a blaster. He almost laughed in validation, but kept that to himself as he instead slipped back. He knew these types of people, knew what was coming. He didn't hesitate, turning instead to slip the dagger he'd kept close to his person right into the underside of the chin of the pirate who'd tried to draw on him from behind. Quick and clean, something the average teenager wouldn't have been prepared or even trained to do.

Life on the streets was hard.

He crouched with the body, humming as he let the others fight and held a hand towards his hidden Familiar. "Vorthruz." The familiar scuttled out towards him, it's form shifting into a more.. Amorphous shadow as he motioned to the body.

"Master Varanin, is it alright if I do a little experiment here?"

Not that he exactly waited for permission. He reached into the blob, idly plucking out something he'd been working on. A little bloodied sphere of some kind, filled with the Dark Side. The condensed energy of a basin, or at least that was his intent. He frowned as the energy already leaked from it, the little gem fracturing and splitting out of the confines of his Familiar.

Without another moment delay he stabbed the man's chest once in the heart and pushed the gem within, uncaring that he was very much putting his hands into a still warm corpse. He shifted it about, cracking rib to ensure he put the core where it needed to be.

The air flooded with corruption as he finally pulled away to rub his brow with bloodied hands and smiled. There was a series of cracks as the body before him contorted and spasmed. Mutated rapidly before it lumbered to it's feet. It was mishappen and wrong, certainly not any species of Sithspawn that could be considered worthy of creation.

But it was his first that had stood on it's own.

He stood himself, smiling as he glanced towards the pirates that had already realized how much of a mistake it was to betray Sith like this. There were many here far more powerful than him. Good. This should let him test this out.


The mutated form, barely even humanoid now, groaned a response as it lumbered off to swing a massive hand towards one of the pirates that hadn't seen it. To focused on the lightshow of saber and overwhelming magics.

Perfect for a little test run. Or, could have been. It only took a couple minutes before the mutated body suddenly ruptured and collapsed on itself. Firrerreo's delighted smile turned to a sigh and a frown as he watched the body bubble and curdle. He'd have to make sure it was more stable next time. His familiar shifted onto his shoulder, the owllike figure now perched on his shoulder.

"Ah, so short lived. Such a shame. Shall we try another?"

Jarek Voss Jarek Voss | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon | Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki | Kaivaan Kaivaan | Nerralyn Raaf Nerralyn Raaf



The “field trip”, as it was being called, outside of the Academy’s walls was a breath of fresh air for young Veradun Sharr. Today, he found himself with a few other Acolytes, under the watchful eye of Master Varanin. They were on a planet called Abraxas, to learn the art of negotiation, a useful tool to have within a Sith’s arsenal, even if seldom used. For some reason, the Order saw fit to attempt to negotiate a surrender from what Veradun came to understand were pirates. They seemed to hold considerable sway over the mines of Abraxas, and though the young boy tried his best to pay attention to what was being said and how the representatives of the pirates interacted with those from the Sith Order, he couldn’t help but feel that something was off.

These were pirates afterall. And he knew from his time on Formos, under the teachings and guidance of his High Priest and his sister who hunted down pirates, that these scoundrels couldn’t be trusted. Surely those in the upper reaches of the Sith Order knew this…right?

The young Nagai was alert and wary, though his icy blue eyes were cool and his expression was emotionless as he studied those around him. He knew to stay within sight of Master Varanin, and oftentimes he would visually check in with her, to make sure he knew where she was at all times since she was the one who had brought them here.

Amidst the conversations, the music and attendants that tried to pass on refreshments, Veradun noticed a few of the pirates who looked more twitchy than they otherwise should have been. Almost as if they were waiting for something. Taking a deep breath, the gaunt looking boy moved from his spot to circle back closer to Master Varanin - and he did so just in the nick of time, it seemed.

Blaster fire erupted, as the treacherous pirates played their secret hand: betrayal. Veradun’s heart rate spiked at the sound, memories from his earlier childhood flashing back to him, and he watched a couple of Sith who had been in the middle of negotiations, drop dead with seared holes through their bodies. For a moment, he froze as a high pitched ringing noise flooded his ears - but then his survival instincts kicked in as he heard the Master’s call to the Acolytes, to converge at her side. Within a heartbeat, he was close to the woman, his heart pounding as he watched blaster bolts ricochet off of the safety bubble she had erected around them. The boy had seen the power of the Force expressed before back home on Formos, but he was still in awe of the power

Other than the spike of fear he felt, the only other emotion within the young boy that made itself known was anger. Though he knew the pirates couldn’t be trusted - the violation of their terms of the negotiations and surrender was dishonorable. That lit a fire within the Nagai boy.

Master Varanin asked the students with her if they had brought their weapons like she had told them too, and Veradun’s pale blue eyes flickered between the others, noticing that one girl took their Teacher’s lightsaber to use. The other boy, Jarek, gripped his training saber in response. Varadun too had a training saber - though he wasn’t the biggest fan of it.

It seemed that they were going to have to fight their way out of this soured situation. That was fine - such betrayal and dishonor needed to be repaid. When the order to attack came through, all trace of fear was gone from the gaunt boy as his training saber sang to life as he called upon the anger that had built up within him out of reaction to their circumstances. He briefly observed the blaster in the hands of one of the pirates assaulting them be turned on its wielder, before he was forced to put all his attention towards someone who was charging him with a vibro-sword in their hand.

He reacted out of instinct mostly, using his training saber to block the blade and deflect it aside while aiming a strong kick into his attacker’s pelvic region. It was enough to distract the ruffian, and it gave Veradun an opening where he could summon a knife from his belt into his hand, which he plunged straight into the side of the man, slipping it between two ribs and felt warm blood spill over his small, pale hand. Surprise crossed the pirate’s face that a child would be the one to end his life, and as he stumbled to the ground, Veradun yanked his knife free and plunged it into the side of the offender’s neck, dropping him dead.

It was the first time the Nagai had killed anyone, but he didn’t have time to reflect on this dark truth. Instead, he disengaged his training saber and attached it back to his belt, before reaching down to snatch the vibro-sword from the dead man’s hands, claiming it for himself.



Objective: Clear out pirates above ground and in the mines; hunt down this sector's Pirate Overlord
Equipment: lightsaber, armor
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Open


Negotiations with…pirates??

Who thought that was a feasible idea? Revna thought bitterly as she sat beside her Master on the shuttle, listening to the sounds of flak fire around the craft as they made their approach to the surface of Abraxas. A mining world, ruled by pirates, that stood in the way between the Sith Order and their most hated foe - the Galactic Alliance.

I suppose you are right about that. I don’t understand why someone thought we could broker a deal with such ruffians. We are Sith. We take what we want. Why negotiate with pirates? Just…destroy them and take their goods for our own use…” Revna growled beside the Sith Lord before heaving a sigh. Hearing her Master speak on how his suggestion to blast the planet from orbit had been pushed aside, really didn’t surprise her after all the recent events that had transpired around the Lord Inquisitor. As much as she hated it, the truth of the matter was that his presence and voice had lost a lot of weight amongst his peers due to the fallout from situations he had gotten himself involved in.

The pilot called over the communications, indicating that the landing zone was going to be hot, and to be ready for a quick deployment. Darth Strosius encouraged his troops to have no fear, his pre-combat speech typical for such operations as this. They had indeed dealt with pirates and their ilk on numerous occasions. This should be no different than any other operation the Order of Wonosa partook in. Just this time, they were doing this on behalf of the Sith Order itself.

It was all the same to Revna - if she had the chance to rid the galaxy of those who would step on the downtrodden, who dealt with slavers and their ilk, then she was pleased.

The crimson glow of the Sith Lord’s saber was the sign to all that the time to fight had come upon them. Revna’s own saber was in her hand, though she chose to ignite it as she leapt from the craft, its signature hiss flashing to life, and just in time to swat a barrage of blaster bolts away from her, returning them to their senders.

Before her and the others lay buildings and other structures designed for the holding of ores that were being mined under their feet. Outbuildings that housed the miners and other staff could be seen, as well as watch towers and other structures. It was an urban area, and it was infested with pirates and other such scum. They would need to clear the area before heading into the mine shafts themselves to root out anyone else that may be trying to dig themselves in.

The darkness of her fury enveloped her, wrapped around her like a shroud, as Revna set to work in slaughtering all who dared to cross her path.


Objective II: Unsinkable.

Alyra Morran boarded one of the Sith-Imperial dropships, filing in alongside other soldiers and more robust, more experienced Sith as they sought to reinforce the negotiating party already present on the surface of Abraxas. This world sounded akin to her own: harsh and barren.

The young woman wore no armour and was dressed in black leather and fabric, far from anything suited for battle. Her risk was a statement of intent, and at her waist was her lightsaber, a custom-crafted weapon that was still very much a work in progress, not unlike herself.

Alyra Morran was not yet Sith; however, she aspired to be. She was here to prove she could fight and was worthy of their attention. Hunting down pirates was your average day in the unrelenting Galaxy.

Pressing her back to the cold durasteel wall of the cabin, she closed her eyes and listened to the vibrations that ran across the vessel's hull. The engines were fired up. Boots quaked against the deck as others entered. Soon, they would leave the fleet and descend through the atmosphere, the brilliance of heat and fire sounding their arrival, and the fight would begin.

She was a Scar Hound, formerly running with the Tribe. Her body was moulded by violence, and her small victories, insignificant to the Sith, marked her flesh with tales of her younger years. Anyone could shoot a blaster and kill from a distance, but the rage and chaos of fighting another face-to-face those days had given her strength and birthed an iron conviction, a yearning for power over others—the desire to make a name for herself.

This day would mark the first step in becoming something more.

"I knew we should've just stayed home," growled Kai as he rushed toward his aunt Nerralyn. They hadn't been too far from Master Varanin and some of the other acolytes when things had gone south. Pirates, who were supposed to be allies, had turned on the Sith without warning. A hand extended, Kai shot Force lightning at a few incoming pirates, the electric arcs crackling through the air with a satisfying hiss. "They were-..." His voice trailed off as he struggled to process the sudden chaos around him.

He didn't think they had been that far behind the others. "Right," he muttered, pausing only to raise a brow at the way Nerralyn had manipulated gravity to fling a group of pirates into the air. "Wait, you can do that? That's a thing?" Kai questioned, his surprise momentarily distracting him. "Don't think I've read that book yet." Despite his grandmother's vast library and his voracious reading habits, there was always more to learn about the Force.

Kai raised his training saber just in time to block a vibrosword swung by a pirate. He grimaced, pushing back against the pirate's strength. Blaster bolts whizzed by him, dangerously close, adding to the tension. He concentrated on the ground around the pirate, trying to manipulate it to trip his opponent, but between the effort to maintain his stance and parry the attacks, his focus wavered.

Frustration surged within him, and he pulled on that emotion, letting out a horrendous Force Scream that sent the pirate stumbling backward. The raw power of the scream echoed around them, momentarily clearing a path. "How far up are they?" Kai shouted to his aunt, barely giving himself time to catch his breath before another pirate charged at him.

Kai's training saber met the vibroblade again. The impact jarred his arm, and he gritted his teeth, pushing back with all his might. The pirate was relentless, and Kai could feel his energy draining. Sweat trickled down his forehead, stinging his eyes, but he couldn't afford to falter. He needed to think, to strategize.
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Kaz Zorbas

I hope for nothing, fear nothing. I am free
Tags: Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Firrerreo Firrerreo | Jarek Voss Jarek Voss | Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr | Nerralyn Raaf Nerralyn Raaf Kaivaan Kaivaan I Open

Go to a crime den, he said. It will be fun, he said. Greet the Sith Order that comes and rub shoulders he said. Broaden your horizons with new experiences he said. And trust him he said.

Kaz was beginning to think his Benefactor was actively trying to kill him. First the assassination to Mandalore to kill several members of Clan Farr. Then a trip to hutt space that coincidentally had the very same hutt trying to kill Kaz because he thought the Benefactor wanted him to. And most recently, a one way trip to a prison called Camp 9 with a ridiculously scary outbreak of space goo and crazed prisoners with guards not too keen on keeping anyone alive.

Yeah, Kaz was quickly coming to the conclusion that his service had been canceled and he was the only one not to know about it. But then again, maybe he was wrong. The party here was pretty nice. The pirates were gracious hosts with the food and booze and a brown carpet for the sith. They were all out of red carpets. The sith weren't bad either. Seemed like half of them were youth and young adults his age. A little green, but bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Course the older sith were a sight to behold. He didn't know wrinkles came in those shades of decay. And such a wide assortment of eye colors. Red. Crimson. Ruby. Sangria. Black. Maroon. Yellow. Scarlet. Pee. Rose. Bile. Merlot. Jaundice. And don't forget red. These sith really needed a dermatologist. And Kaz was no doctor but a few of them smelled like they had a bad case of incontinence. But that was a them problem.

He sat at a table, an ugly scarred thing which appeared to be fashioned from a durasteel wall panel, with pirates on his side and young sith on the other. Drinks were being passed about and he tossed his own cup back to drain the rest of his wine. A nice red. Like their eyes. He moved away and headed to where several barrels of ale were brought out from wherever they were aging and topped off his drink.

This was just one such room that branched off from the main chamber. All filled with pirates and sith cavorting and drinking their differences away. Maybe Kaz was wrong. The Benefactor knew he needed an upbeat mission. He even sent him the black, three piece suit, with a crimson tie to mark the occasion. It was painfully obvious he wasn't a rough pirate. The clothes clarified that. And he certainly wasn't wearing an emo bathrobe, all dark and brooding like a sith. Combined with his glowing blue eyes he certainly wasn't a flashlight wielder of the red beam. Clearly a third party partier.

“A third party partier. Now that's funny “

There was the slight possibility he was a little drunk. He smirked and moved back to the table, leaning his back against it and raising his cup in a salute to the pirates. The music was blaring until suddenly, its absence was deafening. A single blast rang out and then all the pirates were in motion, hands flashed to pistols and rifles and raised at the Sith.

Leaned against the table, Kaz merely reacted and kicked backwards. The table flipped and landed on its side and he landed on his head before he rolled to a crouch. Some of the nearby Sith had the sense of mind to duck behind the makeshift barrier Kaz created. Others did not. Those in reach were grabbed and pulled off their feet by Kaz and other Sith as the barrage of fire power slammed into the table.

“Now it’s a party!”

He laughed until he watched several young Sith get hit, their bodies jerked like marionettes puppeted by drunkards. The slow fall to the dirty floor was almost graceful. If not for the frozen expressions of pain, fear, and rage. Lightsabers burst into existence in the main chamber and echoed from each of the outer rooms. The Sith were responding. Good for them. But the young sithlings behind the table had yet to react. Which the pirates planned to take immediate advantage of. Kaz could just fall back and let them kill each other. Maybe even find another drink. But he’d be watching teens and young adults killed by people they thought were allies. And that just didn’t sit right with him.

“This is a very bad idea …”

Of course to be honest, most of his ideas were less than stellar. Perhaps even classified as royally asinine. Which usually made them more spectacular.

He wasn’t armed. It was supposed to be a party after all. But that didn’t stop him. Two knives had fallen from plates of, now scattered, food, and his hands palmed them as he stood. Both arms extended and fingers released the blades which drove into two pirates with blaster rifles. They weren’t dead but one of them would cry every time he saw a steak knife. Or tried to take a leak. Kaz dove over the table into a knot of pirates and they crashed to the ground. At least one lightsaber hummed to life behind him. Good. Get in the fight Sith!

He lashed out with an elbow and sent a pirate careening away and hit a second with a knee under the chin as he stood. A third pirate pointed his blaster at Kaz and pulled the trigger. Kaz had just enough time to raise his left arm, hand open with palm forward. Then the bolt struck his flesh. His skin blackened as three bolts smashed into his hand, soot staining the skin. But no damage was done.

As the pirate had pulled the trigger, Kaz roared. Adrenaline spiked and rage surged. He raised his arm in conjunction with the pirate and focused on his hand, his palm. He knew pain was about to fill his body, the impact would destroy nerve endings and flesh. But he had been trained to embrace the pain. Embrace destruction. To take it, take it all. To use it to make himself stronger. And that’s what he did. But when the blaster bolts hit it wasn’t pain he pulled into himself.

Power. Red hot power. Lava coursed over and into him. He awoke. Like taking a hit of spice and a stim injection in the jugular while getting kicked in the balls. All at the same time. Times a hundred. A snarl erupted. And he kicked out at the midsection of one of the fallen pirates. Such power flowed through him. It was like kicking a bubble of water. But this bubble was a body. And just like a bubble it burst, liquid painting the other pirates in gore. With the movement he felt a drain, like finishing a hundred meter sprint. All energy severed away and he swayed back against the table. Movement pulled his attention behind him.

Several of the younger sithlings were getting away led by a pair of lightsaber wielding Sith. Good. But a third leapt over the table and dove into the pirates, crimson lightsaber flashing out to a cacophony of cries and severed appendages. Next to his foot was a silver cylinder. A fallen unignited lightsaber. He almost reached down and took it from the fallen sith’s hand. Almost. Instead he bent and retrieved an ax. The weight felt good in his hands. It felt better when he lodged it into the skull of a charging pirate.

Another pirate entered and pulled a pistol, aiming it at the whirlwind of destruction that was the Sith knight. Two shots barked and the Sith fell, blood spurting from his body. Kaz held the ax in his right and extended his left arm like before. Palm open toward the gunslinger. The pirate laughed. Aimed. Fired. The slug blew a hole in Kaz’s hand. Bewilderment filled him as he held the hand in front of his face and looked through the hole. Blood flowed and he saw the pirate cock the revolver again.

“Not today satan!”

He flipped over the table backwards as the gun fired again. Pain and an impact kicked his butt. Literally. The pirate shot him in the arse! Two more shots shook the durasteel table and the hammer clicked on an empty chamber. With a grunt of pain, Kaz stood and watched the pirate fumble the reload. With a pain smeared grimace and blood running from his left hand and backside he snarled.

“My turn.”

He threw the ax the distance between the two of them to watch the rotation until the ax struck him in the chest. Or the ax handle to be more specific.

“That looked much cooler in my head …”

The pirate snapped the cylinder shut on the revolver and fired from the hip. An impact on his right side spun him and dropped Kaz to the ground behind the table. Slow footsteps closed the distance and the pirate aimed the revolver down at Kaz who leaned against the backside of the metal table. Some words spoken in an unknown language came out of his snaggle toothed mouth.

“Well you got me. All I want to know is this. What does this button do?”

Kaz pressed the button on the silver cylinder handle and a ruby blade pierced the table and the pirate. The revolver fell from lifeless fingers and the pirate fell from sight. Kaz pressed the button again but the blade refused to die so he left it there and collected the slugthrower revolver with his right. One of the sithlings was alive near him. A blaster bolt had creased her ribs. With a gasp of pain he pushed himself to a standing position and grabbed her with his right arm to pull her upright.

“Just lean on me kid. Maybe I’ll lean on you. We need to get out of here. Come on.”

Half limping and half dragging he moved away from the table as more pirates spilled into the room.

“Well hell. This isn’t one of those moments where you save the day is it?”

She whimpered and he groaned as the pirates aimed at the two of them. Yep, Kaz was really beginning to think the Benefactor wanted him dead.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Punish the Guilty
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna / Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua / QK-2510 QK-2510 / Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran / Alyra Morran Alyra Morran

When Darth Strosius made his landing he expected to find himself surrounded by a bunch of soon-to-be dead pirates and their fear, but instead he found a disturbingly corpse-filled landing zone. His gaze snapped around in search of the signs of an ambush or trap but there simply weren't any pirates in the immediate area, none that were still alive anyway. There was however something far worse and even more dangerous than any simple vagabond waiting for him.

He sensed her long before any visible sign of her appeared, his gaze fixing to the black door as the shuttle landed behind him. His sword was pulled into his free hand as he leveled his lightsaber in front and adopted a defensive stance, glaring at the armored figure that emerged from the door. "And none of them pleasant." A growl accompanied his venom-filled words, more hissed than spoken, as he pointed his lightsaber at the other Sangnir.

Despite the current threat he still couldn't ignore that they had just touched down in the middle of a warzone, especially not once a jetrooper joined his soldiers and Sith at their landing site. They still had pirates to kill and a team of students to rescue. He glanced away from Adeline for just a moment and idly noticed that his apprentice had already entered the fray, eager as always, while the rest were still waiting on his orders. With a click of his tongue he straightened up and called back to his forces even as his gaze returned to Adeline.

"Dorran. Take the troopers forward and secure those watchtowers, we'll need to secure the surface before we can begin any operations to rescue our compatriots down below. Oh and don't bother trying to keep up with the Disciple of Faith, just follow her lead." While the Assassin wasn't typically a commander he was sure that the other Sith wouldn't dare falter in his duties, and even if he did then he was confident in his Legionnaires being able to organize and order themselves. Whether or not the jetrooper accompanied them was of little issue so long as she didn't get in his way.

He had bigger concerns at the moment. "Have you come to try and finish what you couldn't last time Adeline?" With his orders given out the masked man shifted his stance back to one of readiness, of prepared defense and counterattack for whenever the other Sith made her move. "I've grown far stronger than I was when we last crossed blades. And I've thought of so many ways to rip you apart since then as well."


Avel Som ducked as one of the pigs swung his vibro-axe. So slow. Of course, it wasn't that the Gamorrean was actually slow, just that Avel Som's nervous system was currently supercharged, ramping up his awareness and reflexes. He kicked the head of the axe, using the momentum of the swing to spin the guard off balance. Avel Som then vaulted himself into the path of where the pig would fall and, crouching low and twisting his whole body into the blow, delivered an uppercut into the snout of the Gamorrean. Cartilage and bone alike shattered, blood exploding forth as the thug's snout was driven back into his skull. He crumpled, but before he could even hit the ground, Avel Som had already caught the handle of the vibro-axe and launched it at the second Gamorrean, where it embedded itself in his skull before he could even react. Both corpses hit the ground at roughly the same time.

Reducing his nervous system back to normal, Avel Som turned toward the foreman. "That should be a lesson to y..." His sentence was interrupted by a silenced verpine slug hitting him square between the eyes.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," the foreman mumbled and stuttered as his shaky hands dropped the gun he had just fired. "Can't believe I did that. What a lucky shot!"

"No, not lucky. I was going to let you go with a lesson and a warning. But now you've sealed your fate." Avel Som steped toward the man, the holes in his forehead and the back of his skull beginning to heal. "You ruined my cowl and goggles." He pulled off the tattered leather cowl and destroyed goggles and threw them down.

"That's impossible! You're a monster!" The foreman stumbled back, tripping over the chair he'd been using earlier. He crawled back against the wall, his pants suddenly sporting a large wet spot.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm a freak." He leaned down and picked the man up by his hair. "But I'm not any worse than anyone else in the scummy Galaxy. Everywhere I go, people treat each other like garbage and have no respect for their own planets or the wildlife that live there. Perhaps there needs to be a culling."

The man whimpered and began crying. "Please, please. I never wanted to join these pirates, but the money was too good... Oh, fu-!" He was silenced as Avel Som slammed his skull into the mine wall.
Avel Som emerged from the mine, blood still splattered on his clothes. Darkwing swooped down and perched on his shoulder, nibbling at his dreadlocks. "Yeah, ruined again. I'll have to get a new set." He scratched the ebon hawk's head. "Apparently these people were pirates, not a legitimate mining company. Not that it would make much difference. People in general seem to be scummy." In response, Darkwing flashed some images in his head. Evidently, ships had appeared. There were people fighting and slaughtering these pirates. "Hmm, nice. Let's go check it out."


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