RC 212
Near Malachor Five
Parlemian Trade Route
The Republic was weakening. It slowly slid from its high pedestal and many a villain had watched as it efforts focused solely on the war with the One Sith. This made it all but common knowledge that planets at the edge of Republic territories were ripe for the taking. Soulfire had watched silently in the shadow, waiting for his chance to emerge and now it had come.
Standing tall with his white cloak flowing he strolled down the halls of the captured freighter. The crew had tried to resist,but their was no respite. After the Bloodhawks Connor nets had caught them, they had sent out a brief distress signal which Soulfire was unable to block. His stance bespoke of great rage as he beheld the captive crew, lined up and in chains.
"First mate, where is the one responsible?"
He asked calmly as anger rose to his brow and his black as night eyes locked with that of the Trandoshans.
"I do not knowzzz captain. Perhapzz in this lot?"
Soulfires visage twisted as he beheld the horror of the crew. With a calm motion he drew his vibro cutlass and speared the nearest man. Blood sprayed in a crimson arc lit by the dingy bulkhead lights. The crew let out a gasp.
"Please sir....we are just merchants-"
"BE SILENT!" Soulfire roared. His anger sent a force wave over the crew filling them with dread.
"Your ship is mine now, and until the first man who let the distress signal loose shows himself, I'll flay you all, One by one, now speak Knaves!"
Parlemian Trade Route
The Republic was weakening. It slowly slid from its high pedestal and many a villain had watched as it efforts focused solely on the war with the One Sith. This made it all but common knowledge that planets at the edge of Republic territories were ripe for the taking. Soulfire had watched silently in the shadow, waiting for his chance to emerge and now it had come.
Standing tall with his white cloak flowing he strolled down the halls of the captured freighter. The crew had tried to resist,but their was no respite. After the Bloodhawks Connor nets had caught them, they had sent out a brief distress signal which Soulfire was unable to block. His stance bespoke of great rage as he beheld the captive crew, lined up and in chains.
"First mate, where is the one responsible?"
He asked calmly as anger rose to his brow and his black as night eyes locked with that of the Trandoshans.
"I do not knowzzz captain. Perhapzz in this lot?"
Soulfires visage twisted as he beheld the horror of the crew. With a calm motion he drew his vibro cutlass and speared the nearest man. Blood sprayed in a crimson arc lit by the dingy bulkhead lights. The crew let out a gasp.
"Please sir....we are just merchants-"
"BE SILENT!" Soulfire roared. His anger sent a force wave over the crew filling them with dread.
"Your ship is mine now, and until the first man who let the distress signal loose shows himself, I'll flay you all, One by one, now speak Knaves!"