Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tales of the Corsairs(Open)

Near Malachor Five
Parlemian Trade Route

The Republic was weakening. It slowly slid from its high pedestal and many a villain had watched as it efforts focused solely on the war with the One Sith. This made it all but common knowledge that planets at the edge of Republic territories were ripe for the taking. Soulfire had watched silently in the shadow, waiting for his chance to emerge and now it had come.

Standing tall with his white cloak flowing he strolled down the halls of the captured freighter. The crew had tried to resist,but their was no respite. After the Bloodhawks Connor nets had caught them, they had sent out a brief distress signal which Soulfire was unable to block. His stance bespoke of great rage as he beheld the captive crew, lined up and in chains.

"First mate, where is the one responsible?"

He asked calmly as anger rose to his brow and his black as night eyes locked with that of the Trandoshans.

"I do not knowzzz captain. Perhapzz in this lot?"

Soulfires visage twisted as he beheld the horror of the crew. With a calm motion he drew his vibro cutlass and speared the nearest man. Blood sprayed in a crimson arc lit by the dingy bulkhead lights. The crew let out a gasp.

"Please sir....we are just merchants-"

"BE SILENT!" Soulfire roared. His anger sent a force wave over the crew filling them with dread.

"Your ship is mine now, and until the first man who let the distress signal loose shows himself, I'll flay you all, One by one, now speak Knaves!"
Ping. Ping. Ping. These sounds appeared on the Sith Lord's Deimos Corvette, as she looked at the radar. An apparent distress signal rang out in the near silent bridge, when Eclipsion began giving orders. " Alright men, track the signal and follow it. Try to keep the hyperspace hole as small as possible, and give me constant updates on the information." The noise significantly picked up, as the constant tapping of buttons and the occasional conversation echoed in the once silent ship. The stars eventually came to blur, as they jumped through space. " Readings show it is a merchant-class vessel, but we cant identify right now, my lord. " A man at the radar reported. Eclipsion patiently watched through the window, waiting for the ship to come into view.

[member=Soulfire Ticon]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]

"No more sir please, It was me!"

Soulfire bore down on the offender lifting him up by his chains and shoving him backwards.

"So it was you then. And you would let your crew members die for your lack of guts eh?"

The mans cowardice enraged Soulfire even more and the scruffy looking pirates backed up slowly, knowing the captains rage was at a precipice. No one spoke a word. Not a single sound. Soulfire observed the dead bodies of five crew members and turned his gaze back to the fearful coward.

"Then you will die as a coward, spacefilth!"

With the last statement the force coalesced around Soulfire as he reached out and secured the mans throat with it. As if by invisible hands the man began to choke and fell to his knees. His eyes bulged and he clawed and wretched.

Finally the first mate spoke.

"Captain we have a vizzitor."

Soulfires eyebrow twitched with madness. The force choke ended abruptly, and he whirled on his heels to face the first mate.

"Kill the coward and sound battle-stations. I want a readout on the vessel. All these crew who don’t join us will be thrown out the airlock. Make my intentions known first mate, or this will be our last conversation."

The black leather boots of the savage Pirate Captain clicked a steady beat across the floor as he made his ay to the bridge. The Freighters own Captain was holed up there with a handful of resistors. And Soulfire was about to clean house.
The blurring ended, as the ship came into view. " Alright men, hail the ship and establish communications. Tell the gunners to get ready in case of combat. " Eclipsion commanded. The crew responded with a rousing chorus of, "Yes, my lord.", and began pressing buttons. "Communications are ready and primed. Comm' is go in 3, 2, 1." Eclipsion began speaking, as she hoped she was addressing the captian of the ship. " This is Sith Knight Lord Eclipsion. We outclass your ship, and we will not hesitate to fire. We wish to establish communications and leave you on your way. " The Sith Lord told [member=Soulfire Ticon].
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]

The door was weakly sealed and Soulfire could tell it as he approached. He flicked his hand and produced a black hilted saber. The golden blade hummed to life and he turned it on the door with a vengeance, slicing a man sized hole and stepping through.

The smoke masked him and swirled about choking out the two merchant officers and the freighters captain.

"Greeting friends, you vessel is seized now surrender to me as a captain that you may yet live."

His ignorant statement was met by a trio of blaster bolt. The first and second crimson bolts were deflected as the the golden blade hummed a pattern around his body. Soulfire took the third one to the leg and toppled down to a knee, grimacing in the pain.

With deft precision he threw the saber, impaling the first man and drew two of his blasters from his chest holsters. The blasters roared to life, exploding the heads of one merchant officer in a salvo of death. The Captain aimed again but Soulfire was focused, and quicker. He threw the pistols to the side and drew his second set, hammering triggers. The captain went down in a heap just as the comms buzzed with an unidentified voice.

"Ah the visitors. I had quite forgotten."

Wincing in pain he rose and limped over the dead mean to the comms.

"This is Soulfire Ticon, Captain of the Bloodhawk and now master of this vessel. State your own intentions visitor." He asnwered calmly.
Lord Eclipsion watched [member=Soulfire Ticon] with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. ' How idiotic can one be to invade a more powerful vessel, and with no back-up, and claim to rule the vessel? ' She thought to herself, her thoughts a mixture between logical and condescending. " Stand down, naïve. I have the power and the man-power to kill you right where you stand. You are already wounded, and in a matter of mere seconds, I will destroy your ship. FIRE! " The Chiss howled, as with the rapid pressing of buttons, bright streaks of red were launched into the merchant ship. Chunks and shards of metal and crates flew out into the void of space, as fires and explosion rocked the vessel. The Sith Lord smirked sadistically, as she turned to the pirate.
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]

As the ship rocked Soulfire laughed a wild laugh. The blue woman thought she could destroy him? She did not know Soulfire, clever and cunning.

"Very well then."

Soulfire opened his comms to the Bloodhawk, his retrofitted Axehead Frigate just on the other side of the vessel. The flames began to lick at his feet as he stood tall calling orders to the remaining crew aboard his prized vessel.

"Bloodhawk, this your skipper, round this vessel and let loose the cannons, we board the offenders ship at once!"

"Aye cap'n."

Before long the Bloodhawk rounded the dying freighter and brought her cannons to bear on the womans own craft. Streams of green turbolaser stitched the night, and concussion missiles billowed forth from her flanks, swarming like hungry hornets to their prey. As the gap was closed the connor nets flung out once more, electrified ionic nets that would attempt to disable the womans vessel.

Soulfire was already far from the bridge as the klaxons blared upon his captured vessel. Within minutes it would jump to hyperspace to his preset coordinates. Like a wild animal he slipped down the hall to the escape pods and dropped in quickly securing the harness. The jets fired and the seal hissed away. Among the night he soared straight into the void, and towards the hangar of the offending womans vessel.

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