Talia Krosk

Name: Talia Krosk
Faction: Black Sun
Rank: Neutral
Species: Human
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 160
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Silver/Shaved
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: No
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Dominating Personallity
+Good Knife-Fighter
+Natural Leader
Appearance: Talia is a tall and powerfully built woman. Her skin is strikingly pale, and her eyes are a piercing shade of grey. She keeps her silver shaved down to just an inch. On her left arm is a tattoo of a jagged black mark that goes from her neck to below her elbow. Her right cheek bears a scar earned in a knife fight with a pirate. On her body are numerous scars from time spent enslaved.
She favors a grey sleeveless shirt and pants, with a leather flight jacket. Fingerless gloves protect her palms and boots she wears a pair of brown boots. On her right hip is a holster for her gun and on the left a knife is sheathed.
Biography: Born on Corellia to middle class merchants. From a young age Talia loved stories of smugglers and the criminal underworld. She dreamed of growing older and forming her own pirate crew. Naturally her parents discouraged such behavior and aspirations, though they were content to let the dreams naturally die, but they didn't guess their little girl would begin acting on her dreams.
At age 10 Talia stole for the first time, it was just a piece of fruit from an open air market, to steal it was simple. As she bit into it she felt the thrill of the illicit, and with that first bite she was hooked. She began to steal frequently, moving from fruit to other small items that struck her fancy, eventually teaching herself to pick pockets. This continued until the age of 12 when Talia's ambitions grew. She formed her friends into a gang of thieves, together they stole from stores, picked pockets, and even orchestrating simple cons. It was during this time that Talia discovered her ability for leadership.
For the next two years Talia’s gang of thieves and pickpockets grew infamous in the spaceports and marketplaces of Coronet City. She trained herself in knife-fighting should the need ever arise and worked to increase her strength. Unfortunately for Talia her parents stumbled across her illegal activities and demanded that she stop telling that if she didn’t cease they would call the authorities. Feigning guilt and regret she obeyed just long enough to sooth her parent’s suspicions but within two months she was back on the street.
By 16 her gang had grown large enough to be recognized by other criminal gangs of Corellia. One of these wanted the territory Talia had carved out for herself ever stalwart she stood firm. Impulsively she murdered the rival gang’s leader in cold blood. The act which she thought would send a message to the gang only enraged them, she had started a war. Acting quickly to avoid bloodshed Talia disbanded her gang and fled the planet, but in a twist of fate the transport she was on was attacked by pirates.
They robbed the passengers and crew of all valuables, as well as the cargo and spare parts of the transport. As they left Talia came forward and asked to join their crew while mocked at first she fought one of them in a knife fight and won and was welcomed into the crew.
Over the next few years she learned the tricks of the trade in smuggling, piracy, bounty hunting, anything that could bring the crew work. They taught how to pilot starships, fire a blaster, slice a security system. Talia finally felt like she had found a home.
For ten years she flew with the pirates doing whatever illicit came their way. Unfortunately the captain of the vessel was indebted to Griba the Hutt and when he called in the debt the Captain couldn’t pay. Griba confiscated their ship to settle the debt, however he wasn’t satisfied he demanded Talia be given to him as a slave. While all knew the ship more than paid the debt the Captain gave in to the Hutt’s demands, Talia was enslaved and brought to serve in Griba’s Palace.
Talia discovered she was graceless as a dancer and an entertainer much to Griba’s disappointment. Instead she was used for domestic work, cooking and cleaning for the Hutt. Immediately she began planning escape with the other slaves. While scheming in secret outwardly she was an ideal slave. Obedient, fearful, and quiet, throughout all the hardship and abuse of her enslavement she never fought back.
Five years passed before her plan was put into action. All went off without a hitch until the incompetence of one of her fellow slaves cost the group their freedom, she was recaptured and brought before Griba. But instead of punishment she was rewarded for her ingenuity and offered a place in Griba’s organization. He offered her a place on one of his slaving, she eagerly accepted.
Despite her past as a slave she took well to being a slaver, she broke the law and showed the weak their proper place. For two years she worked with Griba’s crew, all the while seeking revenge against the crew that had sold her, and at the age of 32 she found them. Talia did not kill the crew instead she enslaved them and gave them to Griba to join his spice-mining operations.
With her past affairs in order she got Griba’s permission to strike out on her own, attained a bounty hunting license and has been working in the underworld ever since.