Name: Talia Mark
Alias: The Lady Dragon
Faction: None
Rank: Mercenary
Age: 26
Species: Human (Corellian)
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Build: Athletic
Complexion: Pale
Sexuality: Bi-sexual (usually goes for men)
Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes (Force Witch, Fire Shaper)
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Force Mage
+Fire Shaper
-Lacks close-range combat skills
-Explosive Temper

Piercing blue eyes and sharp features framed by short, choppy black hair. A curvacious and well-toned figure.
Talia is a very charismatic being. She's comedic, always able to lighten a situation with her witty and sarcastic humor. At times, it would seem that she can't take anything seriously. However, in times of crisis and tragedy, her solemn and compassionate side will come forth. A natural-born leader, Talia has never had trouble with making friends. She defends her companions and helps them through thick and thin.
Talia was raised on Coruscant with her younger brother and sister, Brittany and Carter. Her father was a Fire Shaper who was trained as a Sith Spellweaver. He broke away from the Sith and met his wife, Talia's mother, on Corellia. The two moved to Coruscant, where he became a body guard to an important diplomat. The life of the Mark family wasn't particularly easy, but they stayed together nonetheless. Talia and Brittany had their father's gifts, and it was apparent from a very early age. Their father taught them how to control the Force, and how to harness their shaping abilities.
When the Clockwork Rebellion erupted, Talia's father and Brittany joined in the fight. They were slain, and their home was destroyed. With nowhere left to turn, Talia and Carter used what little credits they had to return to Corellia, their mother's birthplace. Unfortunately, their mother's wealth had been foolishly squandered by their now dirt-poor uncle. Talia and Carter joined a local mercenary group in order to earn a living and take care of what was left of their family. As time passed, Talia earned a notorious reputation. People began to refer to her as "The Lady Dragon" because of her knack for shaping fire.
Eventually, Talia and Carter were able to move their mother back into her birth-home. For a while they were quite happy and living comfortably. But tragedy was soon to rear it's ugly head once again. Because of Talia's reputation, certain crime lords were becoming concerned for their well-being. In an attempt to keep Talia from coming after them, the crime lords assassinated her mother. in a raging fury, Carter and Talia tracked down the murderers and exacted their revenge.
A year after their mother's death, Carter and Talia parted ways. Carter became a soldier for the Republic Army. Talia left Corellia to seek out a new life.
Talia is a very charismatic being. She's comedic, always able to lighten a situation with her witty and sarcastic humor. At times, it would seem that she can't take anything seriously. However, in times of crisis and tragedy, her solemn and compassionate side will come forth. A natural-born leader, Talia has never had trouble with making friends. She defends her companions and helps them through thick and thin.
Talia was raised on Coruscant with her younger brother and sister, Brittany and Carter. Her father was a Fire Shaper who was trained as a Sith Spellweaver. He broke away from the Sith and met his wife, Talia's mother, on Corellia. The two moved to Coruscant, where he became a body guard to an important diplomat. The life of the Mark family wasn't particularly easy, but they stayed together nonetheless. Talia and Brittany had their father's gifts, and it was apparent from a very early age. Their father taught them how to control the Force, and how to harness their shaping abilities.
When the Clockwork Rebellion erupted, Talia's father and Brittany joined in the fight. They were slain, and their home was destroyed. With nowhere left to turn, Talia and Carter used what little credits they had to return to Corellia, their mother's birthplace. Unfortunately, their mother's wealth had been foolishly squandered by their now dirt-poor uncle. Talia and Carter joined a local mercenary group in order to earn a living and take care of what was left of their family. As time passed, Talia earned a notorious reputation. People began to refer to her as "The Lady Dragon" because of her knack for shaping fire.
Eventually, Talia and Carter were able to move their mother back into her birth-home. For a while they were quite happy and living comfortably. But tragedy was soon to rear it's ugly head once again. Because of Talia's reputation, certain crime lords were becoming concerned for their well-being. In an attempt to keep Talia from coming after them, the crime lords assassinated her mother. in a raging fury, Carter and Talia tracked down the murderers and exacted their revenge.
A year after their mother's death, Carter and Talia parted ways. Carter became a soldier for the Republic Army. Talia left Corellia to seek out a new life.