Tallara ver Malantji
My cup runneth over.
Tellara Ver Malantji
Would you rather go the rest of your life as a nobody, or spend a brief time as a god before expiring? Nobody lives forever.
Picture credit: Constance Xiahoyu.
NAME: Tallara Ver Malantji
SPECIES: Life-Bearer
AGE: Physically in her mid twenties, chronologically just shy of 300 cycles.
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 64.5Kg
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Cinnamon
FORCE SENSITIVE: Aside from inherent biological traits, no.
+ Trophy Wife - Given her natural abilities, Tallara is essentially made to be a career trophy wife. And she's been doing it for centuries. She's classy, she's charming, she's clever - when there's a reason for her to be. She's also got a long line of dead husbands who, in exchange for her unique services, have left her with more money than she rightly should be able to spend.
+ Silk Hiding Steel - Tallara has been around a long time, and around the block for most of it. She's spent a good portion of that life working in industries that aren't exactly known for being kind to women - so it's safe to say that she has developed a healthy amount of preparation for various calamities: contingency plans, safe houses, hidden weapons, and collected favors. She's mastered several mundane forms of combat in her centuries of life, from the use of a rifle to a blade to an open hand. She might not be able to take an armored Mando or Jedi Knight in a fair fight, but Tellara is nothing if not prepared to make it an unfair fight in any way she can.
- Cast from Lifespan - As a Life-Bearer, Tallara has the ability to 'marry' a man and gift him with supernatural vigor and strength for a maximum of five years, at which point he will painlessly die. Essentially, she ensures that the next five years of a man's life are his healthiest, the new prime of his life. If she does not partner with somebody every decade or so, she will become sick and quickly die herself, as a result of being overcome by her own power.
- Mayfly-December Romance - Tallara has lived for a couple hundred years now, and if she has her way, will continue living for much, much longer than that. As long as she has men to woo, partner with, and eventually kill, she will keep chugging along. After so long (and so many lovers in the ground), she's pretty much stopped caring about short-lived species as individuals, and regards them as forgettable in polite conversation, and negligible otherwise. The exception to this is, unless they have something she wants or needs.
An apparently human woman with exotic mixed features, Tallara stands at about five and a half feet tall. Her frame is somewhat athletic - that of a swimmer, with the exception of her somewhat impressive bust. A part of her daily regimen includes running and light weighs, which has given her arms and abdomen noticeable tone.
Given her rather wealthy status, Tallara dresses well - her clothes are usually stylish and almost without fail, very expensive, no matter how functional they are. She moves and speaks with deliberate purpose, a woman accustomed to finding and getting her own way in life and business. While speaking to someone with whom she has no interest partnering with, Tallara's demeanor can come off as more than a little cold: she states plainly what she expects or wants, with very little investment in the conversation. This can make her hard to work with at times, as she tends to treat employees as voice-activated computers, when she deigns to address them directly at all.
Tallara's eyes are a hazel so light enough to nearly be yellow, and her well-treated skin is about the shade of peanut butter or cinnamon. When working or otherwise in a formal environment, she often carries with her the scent of exotic, terribly expensive designer perfumes. In a more casual setting, her favorite body lotions are a much more low-key alternative.
As with all Life-Bearers, Tallara Ver Malantji was born a slightly mutated human on the planet Leria Kerlsil to normal human parents a couple centuries ago, in a Galaxy still reeling from the Gulag virus. Like most communities on the core planets, Leria Kerlsil was decimated by the plague - Tallara and two of her siblings were spared, and like the remaining survivors on Leria Kerlsil, did what they could to help rebuild things. As Life-Bearers was a known anomaly on Leria Kerlsil, Tallara was married to a considerably older man late into her teens, performed her first blood kiss, and helped him enjoy his final years before time claimed him and she - in accordance with ancient traditions - inherited everything he owned. This cycle repeated several times, during which Tallara watched her sisters pass away and became more and more detached from their offspring with each subsequent generation. This, it was known, was not unusual in the case of a Life-Bearer. Once Leria Kerlsil was suitably stabilized, Tallara left a good portion of her material wealth in a trust for her great-niblings, and went to sow some wild oats.
Using various contact agencies among the recovering Galaxy - such as the Oiran Companion House, Cafarel organizations, and her own 'friends', Tallara found no shortage of good men looking for a few more years of impeccable health and thus, no shortage of ways to give her life meaning for awhile and line her own pockets. With various bits of real estate and secure bank accounts across the Galaxy, she eventually decided to give a bit back in the form of investing in small companies, and distracting herself on her 'off' years of recovering from her latest husband by offering high-profile clients a chance to get away from it all for a time, or running various small projects and businesses in her spare time.
Spending close to three hundred years playing with money and businesses - in between feedings - has allowed Tellara to watch the rise and fall of factions, families, Force traditions and governments. While her memory is not photographic, she has a reasonably good amount of recall when it comes to trends and tendencies. Her perspective has made her more than a little jaded, and Tallara is fully aware that it isn't exactly healthy. She's decided - after burying her beloved husband number 105# - to take a more active role in events, or at least see how it feels to pretend to care about other people for awhile, as she once did.
Tallara does not have a personal ship. She tends to rent high-profile shuttles whenever she wants to go somewhere, and if she gets the urge to fly herself, simply leases a ship until the urge has passed. She tends to favor sleek, powerfully defensive ships that have been re-purposed as mobile homes-away-from-home for these outings.
Would you rather go the rest of your life as a nobody, or spend a brief time as a god before expiring? Nobody lives forever.

Picture credit: Constance Xiahoyu.
NAME: Tallara Ver Malantji
SPECIES: Life-Bearer
AGE: Physically in her mid twenties, chronologically just shy of 300 cycles.
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 64.5Kg
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Cinnamon
FORCE SENSITIVE: Aside from inherent biological traits, no.
+ Trophy Wife - Given her natural abilities, Tallara is essentially made to be a career trophy wife. And she's been doing it for centuries. She's classy, she's charming, she's clever - when there's a reason for her to be. She's also got a long line of dead husbands who, in exchange for her unique services, have left her with more money than she rightly should be able to spend.
+ Silk Hiding Steel - Tallara has been around a long time, and around the block for most of it. She's spent a good portion of that life working in industries that aren't exactly known for being kind to women - so it's safe to say that she has developed a healthy amount of preparation for various calamities: contingency plans, safe houses, hidden weapons, and collected favors. She's mastered several mundane forms of combat in her centuries of life, from the use of a rifle to a blade to an open hand. She might not be able to take an armored Mando or Jedi Knight in a fair fight, but Tellara is nothing if not prepared to make it an unfair fight in any way she can.
- Cast from Lifespan - As a Life-Bearer, Tallara has the ability to 'marry' a man and gift him with supernatural vigor and strength for a maximum of five years, at which point he will painlessly die. Essentially, she ensures that the next five years of a man's life are his healthiest, the new prime of his life. If she does not partner with somebody every decade or so, she will become sick and quickly die herself, as a result of being overcome by her own power.
- Mayfly-December Romance - Tallara has lived for a couple hundred years now, and if she has her way, will continue living for much, much longer than that. As long as she has men to woo, partner with, and eventually kill, she will keep chugging along. After so long (and so many lovers in the ground), she's pretty much stopped caring about short-lived species as individuals, and regards them as forgettable in polite conversation, and negligible otherwise. The exception to this is, unless they have something she wants or needs.

An apparently human woman with exotic mixed features, Tallara stands at about five and a half feet tall. Her frame is somewhat athletic - that of a swimmer, with the exception of her somewhat impressive bust. A part of her daily regimen includes running and light weighs, which has given her arms and abdomen noticeable tone.
Given her rather wealthy status, Tallara dresses well - her clothes are usually stylish and almost without fail, very expensive, no matter how functional they are. She moves and speaks with deliberate purpose, a woman accustomed to finding and getting her own way in life and business. While speaking to someone with whom she has no interest partnering with, Tallara's demeanor can come off as more than a little cold: she states plainly what she expects or wants, with very little investment in the conversation. This can make her hard to work with at times, as she tends to treat employees as voice-activated computers, when she deigns to address them directly at all.
Tallara's eyes are a hazel so light enough to nearly be yellow, and her well-treated skin is about the shade of peanut butter or cinnamon. When working or otherwise in a formal environment, she often carries with her the scent of exotic, terribly expensive designer perfumes. In a more casual setting, her favorite body lotions are a much more low-key alternative.
As with all Life-Bearers, Tallara Ver Malantji was born a slightly mutated human on the planet Leria Kerlsil to normal human parents a couple centuries ago, in a Galaxy still reeling from the Gulag virus. Like most communities on the core planets, Leria Kerlsil was decimated by the plague - Tallara and two of her siblings were spared, and like the remaining survivors on Leria Kerlsil, did what they could to help rebuild things. As Life-Bearers was a known anomaly on Leria Kerlsil, Tallara was married to a considerably older man late into her teens, performed her first blood kiss, and helped him enjoy his final years before time claimed him and she - in accordance with ancient traditions - inherited everything he owned. This cycle repeated several times, during which Tallara watched her sisters pass away and became more and more detached from their offspring with each subsequent generation. This, it was known, was not unusual in the case of a Life-Bearer. Once Leria Kerlsil was suitably stabilized, Tallara left a good portion of her material wealth in a trust for her great-niblings, and went to sow some wild oats.
Using various contact agencies among the recovering Galaxy - such as the Oiran Companion House, Cafarel organizations, and her own 'friends', Tallara found no shortage of good men looking for a few more years of impeccable health and thus, no shortage of ways to give her life meaning for awhile and line her own pockets. With various bits of real estate and secure bank accounts across the Galaxy, she eventually decided to give a bit back in the form of investing in small companies, and distracting herself on her 'off' years of recovering from her latest husband by offering high-profile clients a chance to get away from it all for a time, or running various small projects and businesses in her spare time.
Spending close to three hundred years playing with money and businesses - in between feedings - has allowed Tellara to watch the rise and fall of factions, families, Force traditions and governments. While her memory is not photographic, she has a reasonably good amount of recall when it comes to trends and tendencies. Her perspective has made her more than a little jaded, and Tallara is fully aware that it isn't exactly healthy. She's decided - after burying her beloved husband number 105# - to take a more active role in events, or at least see how it feels to pretend to care about other people for awhile, as she once did.
Tallara does not have a personal ship. She tends to rent high-profile shuttles whenever she wants to go somewhere, and if she gets the urge to fly herself, simply leases a ship until the urge has passed. She tends to favor sleek, powerfully defensive ships that have been re-purposed as mobile homes-away-from-home for these outings.