Tallia Farn
Flustered Amnesiac
NAME: Tallia Farn
FACTION: The Galactic Republic (Formerly) The Silver Jedi (Currently)
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Human (Hapan)
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 132 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Fair
Naive: Tallia's mind has been wiped, removing the horrors of war that she has witnessed and leaving her with an almost childlike personality. Everything is new to her all over again, and she's now impressionable and severely lacking in wisdom.
Emotional: This trait has not changed in spite of her memory wipe. She's easily caught up in the ebbs and flows of her emotional state. Capable of rising to anger or allowing her fears to get the best of her, since she does not yet know how to control these feeling.
Strong in the Force: She's lost most skill in the Force that she had before her memory was wiped, but none of her raw power has left her. Some of her past abilities such as Force speed, telekinesis, mind trick, and force repulse have the possibility to manifest themselves as muscle memory, meaning she can perform them in times of stress or great need as a reflex.
Tallia Farn has dark brown hair, pale brown eyes, and a fair complexion. Her body is fit but not muscular like it was during her time in the Republic/Sith War, and she has scars from surgical incisions all across her abdomen, from when she was tortured and tested on by The One Sith. She has the body of a grown woman, but has never learned to act like one. Her mannerisms lack the feminine grace of her Hapan background.
Tallia Farn was born illegitimately to the Queen Mother of Hapes and the Republic ambassador to the Hapes Consortium, Kendral Farn. Her father left to return to Coruscant when his business in the Hapes cluster was concluded and he didn't become aware that the Queen Mother was pregnant until months after Tallia was actually born. The queen had an elder daughter at the time who was just growing into maturity, and she didn't see any need for the child to live in her shadow as a princess of Hapes. The Queen Mother kept Tallia's existence as a relative secret from those outside her loyal inner circle of allies in the government. At age three, the Queen Mother sent Tallia to stay with her father on Coruscant hoping that she would get to have a normal childhood. Her father took good care of her as she continued to grow. They lived together in a lavish apartment among the clouds and Kendral had servants to take care of all the needs of the young girl. She had a very normal childhood away from queens and royalty and politics. Her father had always told her to keep her identity and who her mother was a secret to keep her safe. She didn't fully understand what it meant to be a princess, but she found the idea captivating.
She continued to grow, and at the age of six she caught the attention of a Jedi, who sensed her innate connection to the Force. Her father regrettably agreed to let him take Tallia to be trained as a Jedi Knight. Tallia trained in the ways of the Jedi Order for eight years. She studied within the walls of the Tython Enclave and learned how to control the force and allow it to guide her. She eventually begun the process of becoming a Padawan. Her skills progressed immensely, but she found herself unable to gain control of her emotions as she felt a Jedi should. Caught up in the Great War between The Republic and the Sith Empire, she grew to openly hate the Sith for the devastation wrought by their Empire.
Her exploits as Padawan tested her connection to the Force and her talents as a Jedi. She crafted a lightsaber on Ilum, formed bonds with her young peers, and undertook war relief missions on behalf of the Republic. At a young age, she had begun to train in the art of war, and soon she was participating in campaigns such as The Liberation of Ossus and The Assault on Korriban. After the war was won, she was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight at only 16 years old. She also took on the responsibility of training a Padawan, Valx Raizod, though she ultimately found him too much to handle and he left the Order.
Her bond with the Jedi Order was weakened due to the stress of the Great War's aftermath. There was a division among the Jedi regarding their increased role in the Republic's political administration. She agreed there should be a separation between the two entities, but ultimately the issue was never resolved because of the quick rise of The One Sith and their conquest of the Republic's capital of Coruscant.
Tallia Farn had been largely absent from the galaxy for six standard years. After the Invasion of Coruscant, she was taken prisoner by the Sith Order and tortured for information on the Jedi and the Republic. Though she put up a fight as best she could, her body and mind eventually succumbed to the ruthess methods of the Sith interrogators. Weeks of the torture passed before her organs began to fail and any hope of rescue was dashed. When the Sith had extracted all they desired from her, her weak body was disposed of.
Without hope, the only thing that kept her blood pumping was her basic animalistic rage. She eventually dragged herself out of the trash pits of Raxus Prime, holding on to the last glimmer of sanity in her corrupted mind. Tallia spent five years traveling the Unknown Region trying to reconnect with the light-side of the force, but she couldn't draw on the peace and tranquility she'd once found comfort in. Instead, she had to turn to the dark-side as a source to draw upon. After recovering physically and only somewhat mentally, Tallia turned to bounty hunting and private investigation in the Outer Rim to give herself purpose.
With her condition, she knew she didn't belong in the Jedi Order anymore. The dark-side was too deeply rooted inside of her. She doubted any healer could mend her wounds. Over time Tallia grew bitter against the Jedi. She blamed them for the torture she had suffered at the hands of the Sith, and she felt that they were weak for losing Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. Satisfied with her new self, and gradually coming to terms with her inner demons, Tallia Farn returned to Known Space to put her mind at peace, and to have her vengeance quenched.
Tallia had fallen to the dark-side in her years of isolation. She had only further degraded since her torture at the hands of the One Sith and now wandered the galaxy aimlessly, forgotten by all. It was not until she re-encountered one of her friends from the Jedi Order, Joshua DragonsFlame, that she was awoken. In her madness, she tried to kill him and release the memories that he had surfaced within her. However, he was eventually able to coax her old self out of the husk she had become. Horrified at how far she'd fallen, she begged him to allow her a second chance by using his training in the White Current to erase her memories. Reluctantly, he agreed and wiped her mind, clearing the past and allowing her a chance at rebirth. She hoped that given a chance to reinvent herself, she would be able to defeat the darkness inside her when it resurfaced.