NAME: Talon Vosra
FACTION: The Jedi Order
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Zelosian
AGE: 37
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
EYES: Emerald green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
Languages: Zelosian, Basic,
FACTION: The Jedi Order
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Zelosian
AGE: 37
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
EYES: Emerald green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
Languages: Zelosian, Basic,
D20 scale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
++Strong in the force: Talon has great potential in his growth as a Force user and is quick to sense and focus on the force.
++Dual Lightsaber Combat: He excels with the use of Dual Lightsabers.
+/- Horticulturalist/botanist: Talon has a natural affinity with plants and fungi and is adept at growing and caring for most plant life.
- Completely blind in the darkness: Like all of his species Talon cannot see at all in the dark one day he hopes to learn to use force sight but currently he has to lean on his other senses at night.
- Impulsive: Talon is given to acting before fully thinking things through and even without thinking at all.
- Fear of the dark: His natural night blindness has given Talon a mild to moderate fear of the dark. He grows apprehensive and nervous when subjected to his fear.
Dual Light sabers:
Dual Light sabers:

Form I: 1
Form II: 1
Form III: 7/b]
Form IV: 1
Form V: 1
Form VI: 8
Form VII: 1
Darklight Explorer Armor
Yellow blade, 1.5 meters long custom hilt, Corsuca gen
Blue Blade, 1.4 meters long standard hilt,
Utility belt: 3 grenades, Ambassador Pistol, three blank data cards, 2 security code cylinders, small tool kit.
Form I: 1
Form II: 1
Form III: 7/b]
Form IV: 1
Form V: 1
Form VI: 8
Form VII: 1
Darklight Explorer Armor
Yellow blade, 1.5 meters long custom hilt, Corsuca gen
Blue Blade, 1.4 meters long standard hilt,
Utility belt: 3 grenades, Ambassador Pistol, three blank data cards, 2 security code cylinders, small tool kit.
Stealth-X and Starlight-class light freighter
Talon is young and impulsive but he can also be very calculating if he doesn’t let his emotions cloud his judgment. He is seldom angry which is a flaw for a Sith and relies mostly on other emotions such as hate, ambition, and passion. Talon has a strong mind but lacks in experience. He has a voracious appetite for learning and has already begun amassing a decent library on various subjects including; Force manifestations, Force relics, botany, molecular biology, force locations, military tactics, and Droid and starship schematics/ maintenance books.
My story? Huh, you would ask that wouldn't you? Well where to begin? For starters I guess I should tell you where I'm from. I was born in a small town named Kyrund beside the Great Zelosian sea. My father the was at one time a Jedi hopeful but he wasn't strong enough in the basics to make it as a padawan. He left and moved back to Zelos II where he met my mother and raised me.
My father was a smart man, well plant, and knew soon after I was born that I would be strong in the force, but he had never gotten rid of his tendency for attachments and wouldn't let me go to the scattered Jedi.
As I grew up he did his best to guide me, but as you may have guessed already, I was an impulsive child. Over and over we would butt heads on one thing or another and after my 15th year I ran away.
I hopped the first shuttle and soon ended up on Skye or Marat V to some. I was lost obviously and alone but I was determined to make it. I hid my fears like many young males behind humor, and I often used it to get by. it wasn't long before I was noticed by one of the native S'kyrti, a woman named Myr'ri.
She was much older and was quite the bard as they called her. She noticed me sneaking down the back alleys to sleep and offered to take me in. I started working in her droid repair shop and she provided 3 square and a rack to sleep on. Maybe three weeks later she came to talk to me. She was serious for once and not in the mood to swap jabs like our usual custom. She told me a secret, a secret that I've kept until now. She was a Disciple of Twilight. I had never heard of them before obviously, but she offered to teach me if I swore to protect the innocent and follow the Disciples teachings. I agreed of course and soon we were training.
Everyday I practiced the Cloak of Shadows technique and I learned to hide in the force. She was patient with me and my impulsive behavior, but she warned me often of the dangers of negative emotions. For months we trained after work and she helped me learn the importance of life. She taught me that i had a duty to the weak and innocent. I devoured it all so eagerly but nothing could prepare me for what was coming next.
After maybe two years the unthinkable happened we had gone to try and sabotage a group of pirates that had landed nearby. They were harassing the villagers everyday and of course someone had to do something. Myr'ri and I went cloaked and boarded their ship but to out surprise they took off in a hurry with us on board. I tried to hide with her but I simply couldn't hold the cloak like she could and my strength failed at he worst time. We had blasters but when the pirates saw me I froze. Myr'ri rather than let me get killed came to my rescue, but, she didn't make it. The pirates were too much and she fell wounded and dying into my weary arms. I couldn't take it. In a fit of rage I lashed out and began firing at the pirates until they finally overpowered me. I was beaten and locked up, then they did what all good pirates do they sold me.
I was sold to a rich man in Imperial space and for another year he forced me to do various task, however the rich man had enemies and the inevitable happened, he was killed. I found my self free again but lost as ever. I was afraid and lonely, as you may imagine, but mot for long.
It wasn't long before I was found by another person, a Sith. He told me he could teach me to be powerful and that he could give me purpose direction. I wasn't keen but then that word that Myr'ri taught me came, duty. He asked if Imperial citizens were less deserving of protection than the rest of the galaxy? I couldn't disagree. How could I? It was settled and I was soon sent off to Zoist for training.
My first Master Dranok Lussk taught me the basics as well as Lightsaber combat but soon he disappeared. Next I taught my self for a while, as I helped subjugate worlds. Then I learned from the decrepit Whippid @[member="Velok"] and finally found a place as a Commando. All the while I had deluded myself that I was protecting the innocent, that is until Metalorn.
On Metalorn I fought the Jedi invaders and witnessed the purity of the Jedi Grand Master @[member="Ben Watts"] and the determination of his comrades. My faith was shaken. How could these Jedi be the warmongers I had been lead to believe they were when everything I saw in Watts screamed benevolence.
I clung to my path for a time stubbornly trying to convince myself it was the right thing to do. The imperial citizens still deserved a protector, right?
I left for Rhen Var to try and make sense of it all. and spent a long time training in more neutral ground. When I finally came back the war had escalated to the point of breaking and soon the Empire was primed to fall.
Over Korriban on the ship Acerbatis I stood my ground alongside my men, but my heart wasn't in the fight any more. I was tired of watching people die for nothing and discharged my troops. Everyone of them I sent home and to ensure their escape I fought The Jedi Master @Illea E'ron.
The fight would likely have been much different had my heart been in the fight, but as soon as my men were ready to leave I forced a distraction and ran.
Once again I found myself lost and alone. So I returned to the Jedi ruins on Rhen Var. I meditated for a long time and finally Myr'ri's influence kicked in and I realized how wrong I had been. I saw clearly for the first time in years and decided to do what was right and turn myself in. I flew to Coruscant and walked to the Jedi Temple. They accepted my surrender and rather than kill me, like I expected, like I deserved they gave me a chance. A chance at what? Redemption.
It was slow at first and my passions and impulsiveness remained a problem, but slowly I began to change. I help on several worlds and even helped train others. I made a few friends. @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], a former enemy, @[member="Rianna Organa"], who gave me a brief healing lesson, and @[member="Kira Liadain"], who replaced Myr'ri as my verbal jousting partner.
Soon I was put on trial and allowed to be a full Jedi Knight. I decided to dedicate my self to teaching and helping younlings, while fighting the Darkness that was my greatest regret. With time I received the great privilege of being made an Instructor at the academy on Ossus, where I now reside almost full time. With @[member="Kira Liadain"]'s help I began to gravitate toward being a Jedi Investigator and hope to do the job justice.
I also was offered another opportunity which I eagerly accepted, but that i won't go into just yet. I looked forward to seeing the darkness cleaned from the galaxy at the time, but I didn't realize then that the brightest light tended to cast the darkest shadows. I watched helpless as the order I pledged myself to slowly collapse into a bureaucratic shell of itself. (To be continued....)
FORCE POWERS: (1-10 scale, 1 being knows it exist 10 being effortless use)
Force speed: 7
Force cloak: 9
Force stealth: 9
Force sight: 8
Force empathy:5
Talon is young and impulsive but he can also be very calculating if he doesn’t let his emotions cloud his judgment. He is seldom angry which is a flaw for a Sith and relies mostly on other emotions such as hate, ambition, and passion. Talon has a strong mind but lacks in experience. He has a voracious appetite for learning and has already begun amassing a decent library on various subjects including; Force manifestations, Force relics, botany, molecular biology, force locations, military tactics, and Droid and starship schematics/ maintenance books.
My story? Huh, you would ask that wouldn't you? Well where to begin? For starters I guess I should tell you where I'm from. I was born in a small town named Kyrund beside the Great Zelosian sea. My father the was at one time a Jedi hopeful but he wasn't strong enough in the basics to make it as a padawan. He left and moved back to Zelos II where he met my mother and raised me.
My father was a smart man, well plant, and knew soon after I was born that I would be strong in the force, but he had never gotten rid of his tendency for attachments and wouldn't let me go to the scattered Jedi.
As I grew up he did his best to guide me, but as you may have guessed already, I was an impulsive child. Over and over we would butt heads on one thing or another and after my 15th year I ran away.
I hopped the first shuttle and soon ended up on Skye or Marat V to some. I was lost obviously and alone but I was determined to make it. I hid my fears like many young males behind humor, and I often used it to get by. it wasn't long before I was noticed by one of the native S'kyrti, a woman named Myr'ri.
She was much older and was quite the bard as they called her. She noticed me sneaking down the back alleys to sleep and offered to take me in. I started working in her droid repair shop and she provided 3 square and a rack to sleep on. Maybe three weeks later she came to talk to me. She was serious for once and not in the mood to swap jabs like our usual custom. She told me a secret, a secret that I've kept until now. She was a Disciple of Twilight. I had never heard of them before obviously, but she offered to teach me if I swore to protect the innocent and follow the Disciples teachings. I agreed of course and soon we were training.
Everyday I practiced the Cloak of Shadows technique and I learned to hide in the force. She was patient with me and my impulsive behavior, but she warned me often of the dangers of negative emotions. For months we trained after work and she helped me learn the importance of life. She taught me that i had a duty to the weak and innocent. I devoured it all so eagerly but nothing could prepare me for what was coming next.
After maybe two years the unthinkable happened we had gone to try and sabotage a group of pirates that had landed nearby. They were harassing the villagers everyday and of course someone had to do something. Myr'ri and I went cloaked and boarded their ship but to out surprise they took off in a hurry with us on board. I tried to hide with her but I simply couldn't hold the cloak like she could and my strength failed at he worst time. We had blasters but when the pirates saw me I froze. Myr'ri rather than let me get killed came to my rescue, but, she didn't make it. The pirates were too much and she fell wounded and dying into my weary arms. I couldn't take it. In a fit of rage I lashed out and began firing at the pirates until they finally overpowered me. I was beaten and locked up, then they did what all good pirates do they sold me.
I was sold to a rich man in Imperial space and for another year he forced me to do various task, however the rich man had enemies and the inevitable happened, he was killed. I found my self free again but lost as ever. I was afraid and lonely, as you may imagine, but mot for long.
It wasn't long before I was found by another person, a Sith. He told me he could teach me to be powerful and that he could give me purpose direction. I wasn't keen but then that word that Myr'ri taught me came, duty. He asked if Imperial citizens were less deserving of protection than the rest of the galaxy? I couldn't disagree. How could I? It was settled and I was soon sent off to Zoist for training.
My first Master Dranok Lussk taught me the basics as well as Lightsaber combat but soon he disappeared. Next I taught my self for a while, as I helped subjugate worlds. Then I learned from the decrepit Whippid @[member="Velok"] and finally found a place as a Commando. All the while I had deluded myself that I was protecting the innocent, that is until Metalorn.
On Metalorn I fought the Jedi invaders and witnessed the purity of the Jedi Grand Master @[member="Ben Watts"] and the determination of his comrades. My faith was shaken. How could these Jedi be the warmongers I had been lead to believe they were when everything I saw in Watts screamed benevolence.
I clung to my path for a time stubbornly trying to convince myself it was the right thing to do. The imperial citizens still deserved a protector, right?
I left for Rhen Var to try and make sense of it all. and spent a long time training in more neutral ground. When I finally came back the war had escalated to the point of breaking and soon the Empire was primed to fall.
Over Korriban on the ship Acerbatis I stood my ground alongside my men, but my heart wasn't in the fight any more. I was tired of watching people die for nothing and discharged my troops. Everyone of them I sent home and to ensure their escape I fought The Jedi Master @Illea E'ron.
The fight would likely have been much different had my heart been in the fight, but as soon as my men were ready to leave I forced a distraction and ran.
Once again I found myself lost and alone. So I returned to the Jedi ruins on Rhen Var. I meditated for a long time and finally Myr'ri's influence kicked in and I realized how wrong I had been. I saw clearly for the first time in years and decided to do what was right and turn myself in. I flew to Coruscant and walked to the Jedi Temple. They accepted my surrender and rather than kill me, like I expected, like I deserved they gave me a chance. A chance at what? Redemption.
It was slow at first and my passions and impulsiveness remained a problem, but slowly I began to change. I help on several worlds and even helped train others. I made a few friends. @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], a former enemy, @[member="Rianna Organa"], who gave me a brief healing lesson, and @[member="Kira Liadain"], who replaced Myr'ri as my verbal jousting partner.
Soon I was put on trial and allowed to be a full Jedi Knight. I decided to dedicate my self to teaching and helping younlings, while fighting the Darkness that was my greatest regret. With time I received the great privilege of being made an Instructor at the academy on Ossus, where I now reside almost full time. With @[member="Kira Liadain"]'s help I began to gravitate toward being a Jedi Investigator and hope to do the job justice.
I also was offered another opportunity which I eagerly accepted, but that i won't go into just yet. I looked forward to seeing the darkness cleaned from the galaxy at the time, but I didn't realize then that the brightest light tended to cast the darkest shadows. I watched helpless as the order I pledged myself to slowly collapse into a bureaucratic shell of itself. (To be continued....)
FORCE POWERS: (1-10 scale, 1 being knows it exist 10 being effortless use)
Force speed: 7
Force cloak: 9
Force stealth: 9
Force sight: 8
Force empathy:5
Neutral Powers:
Breath control / Breath control: 6
Force Body / Force Body: 8
Force Listening: 5
Breath control / Breath control: 6
Force Body / Force Body: 8
Force Listening: 5
Force Whirlwind / Force_Whirlwind / Telekinesis: 5
Tapas: 5
Tapas: 5
Light Side:
Hibernation trance / Hibernation trance: 3
Mind Trick: 4
Force drain: 4
Hibernation trance / Hibernation trance: 3
Mind Trick: 4
Force drain: 4
Force wound / Choking_powers / Telekinesis: 8
Force choke / Choking_powers / Telekinesisvariation of Force Grip: 7
Force choke / Choking_powers / Telekinesisvariation of Force Grip: 7
Force powers applied to lightsaber combat:
Dun Möchöch / Dun Möch: 9
Saber Throw: 8
Telekinetic lightsaber combat: 3
Out of Darkness
Korriban Invasion
Charros IV Skirmish (incomplete)
Helping black sun (incomplete)
Fire and Ice (incomplete)
Hunting the Duros (Incomplete)
Meeting a Master
Others lost.
[Talon is a table top character and any questions or concerns can be tossed my way via PM or here and I will work it out.]