The Shadow

There was something here, a reason why she continued to stalk the streets of the city-planet, avoiding attracting unwanted attention to herself in the process; but what? Every time she was called upon by those that needed her services, she always found her way back to this exact location; like a starting point, like she was called by some disembodied voice.
But there was no disembodied voice, it was the other her, that darker aspect that forcibly brought her against the will of the lesser of the two; the pacified her. Though her mind continuously splintered and fractured, the two halves would never meet, could not meet; as in the theory that matter, two objects, cannot occupy the same space simultaneously. Two halves warring over control, neither side knowing of the other.
It was during one of those creeping visions, one nightmare after another that caustically visited her, that she lost her connection to remain unseen, and hazardously stumbled upon a group of men who were employed to clear the street urchins from the public eye. By habit, she reached down for her lightsaber, grasping only nothingness as she locked her eyes on them. She stashed her weapons, as was her routine when revisiting, and now stood unarmed; by material standards.
The Collectors, as they were known by the street rabble, began to circle her; and her mind altered, the dark half slinking behind the controls, bringing it's luggage packed with ghoulish intentions. Her brown eyes changed, turning crimson, filled with bloodlusted hatred. She would not be collected and returned, she would not see that cubic home, with blinking lights and ominous noises, again; she would kill to preserve her freedom.
One by one, those hidden daggers, those bone-created serrated claws slowly emerging from her fingers; overflowing saliva from a snarling mouth dripped droplets on the surfaced road, as she waited for that sign.