
NAME: Tamith-Kes
RANK: None
SPECIES: Datomirian human/ Hapan
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Green
SKIN: White

(+) Tamith is a skilled fighter trained in teras kasi and the use of a force pike.
(+) An amazing pilot.
(+) A skilled athlete
(+) Speaks Huttese, basic, and twi'lek but only the spoken language.
(+) She knows a great deal about hutt culture.
(-) Uses a jetpack but is very clumsy in it's use.
(-) Tamith is very stubborn.
(-) She often lets her anger and determination drive her.
(-) She is easily frustrated.

Tamith may look like a young girl but she is experienced and strongly built. She is almost never seen without her Dathomiri armor, a green scale denoting her status as a warrior. Her long red hair is often tied in braids. Her face and body are painted green or blue if she expects battle.

Tamith was born on Dathomir and was raised as a warrior. She trained daily and learned how to tend to her clan’s rancor. When she was twelve years old her clan was wiped out by an unknown force and Tamith and a few other children were rounded up and sold as slaves. The only thing she had of her people was a tooth from her rancor.
Over the next few years she changed hands frequently picking up skills here or there. Thankfully none of her masters were particularly cruel or lecherous. On her 14th birthday she was given to Olthogo the old a hutt living on Nar Shadaa. Tamith was wary of the hutt as she knew them by reputation but Olthogo wasn’t very interested. He gave her jobs and felt out what her skills were. She served as his herald and trained daily to keep herself in peak shape.
At the age of sixteen she was allowed to travel outside of the moon. She was assigned as a hand on one of Olthogo's smuggling freighters. She learned about how to operate a ship and even took the stick here and there. She was not very skilled in technical work, learning the bare minimum to accomplish the tasks given to her. Whenever she took control of the ship it was like a dream, second nature.
Her progress was reported to the hutt and he was most impressed, the slave was making herself useful. On her 20th birthday Olthogo offered her an opportunity. He would give her a ship and leave to do as she wished but she had to tithe 40% of her profit to him as well as pay the ship's lease. She accepted and took command of the Empress a beat up YX-1980 that Olthogo had mostly repaired. For her first flight she took a crew of Olthogo's men out with the understanding that she would replace them along the way.
It took her a few months but she found herself a crew. She travels from system to system hauling cargo and passengers as well as picking up bounties along the way. She prefers to keep her cargo legal though she has been known to run spice back to Olthogo as a gift for his generosity. Tamith has rules she lives by, she will not enslave or participate in trafficking, she will uphold her brand of justice, she will not harm innocents.
Unbeknownst to Tamith she is not entirely of Dathomir. Her ancestor was half Dathomiri and half Hapan. Tenel-Ka Djo was a Jedi and also the queen mother of Hapes. Through the years Tamith's connection was lost. She is sensitive to the force (probably why she excels at piloting.) She has never encountered the Jedi or the Sith and thinks of the force as little more than parlor tricks. She prefers physical things she can hold and have.

The Empress a YX-1980 freighter with two forward guns and an adequate hyperdrive. The ship is fast and agile. Tamith had the ship painted emerald green with an image of a rancor beside the cockpit.

TEK-KEK (First officer/ Mechanic)
Tamith found Tek on Tatooine, she had hired him to fix her ship and in the process he had found a tracking beacon placed by a bounty hunter. She was in desperate need of a mechanic and someone who wasn't a techniphobe like her. Tek agreed on the condition that he be given a space t work. Tamith converted the starboard engine room into a quarters and workshop. Over time she grew to trust Tek with her life and she promoted him to first officer, valuing his input. Tamith can mostly ounderstand Jawa trade but sometimes has trouble keeping up so Tek translates on a datapad.

Zekkis (Gunner)
Zekkis was hired to kill Tamith. He is a weapons specialist and thought she would be an easy mark since she doesn't use blasters. She used her tactical mind and her jetpack to gain the advantage. Rather than kill him she offered him a place on her ship at a fair wage.He accepted and now he mans the ships guns as well as providing her cover on the ground should she need it but she rarely asks.

ASHA'VUNU (Herald)
Tamith bought Asha on Ryloth. Tamith despises slavery and so once they were on the ship she offered the girl a choice, her freedom where she would be given a small amount of credits to start a life on any world she chose or to join the crew. Tamith was in need of someone elegant who could talk in more delicate situations where Tamith was severely lacking. Knowing that if she were to go off on her own she would most likely be caught and sold again. She agreed and is now paid a wage. She stays in the crew bunk with Tamith and Zekkis.

R9-VX (Astromech and slicer)
R9 is an astromech bought and programmed by Tek. It is the ship's primary navigation though Tek is able to do it in a pinch. It is able to help Tamith gain access to places she would normally be barred from due to her lack of technical skill.

CJ (Gambler/Haggler)
CJ's debt to Olthogo was given to Tamith as the hutt thought he would be useful to her. Tamith refused to accept the debt seeing it as a form of slavery instead offering him a berth on the ship. He is often finding the fanciest bar or casino on any world knowing that should he screw up and accrue a sizable debt or get the Empress into trouble he would have to deal with Tamith.
