Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tamsin Graves


Tamsin Graves

Height4′10″ (1.47m)
Weight90lb (40.8 kg)
Force SensitiveYes


She comes off very quiet and unassuming, with her short stature she can easily fade away into the background of a crowd. Her eyes are dark black her most notable trait and if you stair at them long enough you can see a faint orange ring around the irises. She can also stair with out blinking for very long periods of time. She generally dresses in what ever clothing she can scrounge up she doesn't a have a particular fashion or style.


Tamsin is quiet and stand offish more out of survival then actually how she wants to be. If your quiet and obedient then you survive for another day one that might be better then today. Her life in it's current state is all about surviving and not getting punished for mistakes. She isn't free to have her own dreams and beliefs. This does not mean she doesn't dream. She dreams one day of being free and being able to learn everything the Galaxy has to offer.

Underneath the the facade that hides herself from the world she is apart of, she is a dreamer and someone who loves learning. Behind the mask she is someone who isn't a afraid to stand up for herself. She wants to be a fighter and fight back but doesn't know how nor does she think she has the power to do so. She beleives in something more then being a slave she just doesn't know how to achieve that.

Underneath that there is a something attached to her soul that can give her that power but like everyone else in her life it too wants something in return. It won't tell her what it is but she has a sick feeling it is something dark and sinaster.

Sleeping | Mechanical Things | The Stars | Science | Board Games | Cool Weather | Apples | Gardening | Outdoors | Rain | Night Time | Learning New Things | Inventing | Winning | Tattoos | Dancing | Puzzles | Brain teasers | Ice Roses | Ice Sculptures | Cave Exploring | History | Legends & Myths | Having Fun | Freedom

Being Bored | People Taking Her Things | People lying to her | Slavery | Germaphobes | Crying | Whining | Arrogant people | Not Knowing Her Parents | Being Enslaved | Oatmeal

Adaptable | Adventurous | Brilliant | Capable | Clever | Confident | Contemplative | Creative | Curious | Energetic | Freethinking | Fun-loving | Hardworking | Imaginative | Independent | Individualistic | Intelligent | Intuitive | Meticulous | Observant | Passionate | Perceptive | Perfectionist | Playful | Resourceful | Sentimental | Skillful | Witty

Argumentative | Arrogant | Bizarre | Calculating | Callous | Cold | Compulsive | Crafty | Criminal | Cynical | Deceitful | Devious | Disturbing | Erratic | Fraudulent | Greedy | Impulsive | Mawkish | Meddlesome | Nihilistic | Obsessive | Opinionated | Opportunistic | Possessive | Quirky | Reactionary | Ruined | Scheming | Secretive | Superstitious | Treacherous | Troublesome | Vindictive


Mechanical Inclined - Can intuitively figure out how machines work. Take them apart and put them back together.

Science Nut - She likes to learn how the world around her works and eats up knowledge in the sciences.

Twin Soul - She isn't aware of it but something or someone has bound itself to her soul and under extreme stress or emotional distress it can manifest and it is powerful.


Bad Omen - The Twin soul can be a blessing or a curse but it is far from wholesome and it has a hunger all it's own.

Vertically Challenged - She is short don't ask her to get stuff off the top shelf for you. Also gets stepped on a lot.

Has Pour Sense of Direction - Can't read a map for her life or gps, gets lost a lot.


A history mostly unknown to her. She has no memory of who her parents were, she has been a slave for as long as she can remember. She was brought to Tatooine when she was around five and sold to a Hutt named Blougah. Blougah used her mostly as gopher for several of his business dealings and to clean out out the smaller cages of his personal zoo. It was in his zoo she met the zookeeper who had a bunch of technology to keep the animals inline. He taught her about them and how to fix the equipment if it broke. This grew love for machicines and how they work.

It was not any easy or good life just a few moments of happiness. Blougah didn't care if she lived or died so put her in some very dire situations with out care but she managed to survive. She learned not to question his authority or the beatings would be severe. The best policy was to keep quiet and not question the orders given. Also if you were quiet enough you had more of a chance of being overlooked. This was life and this was all she knew, her whole life.

Now Eighteen, Blougah decided to put her up for auction feeling he could make credits off of her now that she was no longer a child.


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