Name: Tandrea Emionthine
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Andolith
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Stalk Eyes: Blue
Height: 9'5"
Length (tail included): 5'14"
Weight: 2,120 Lbs.
Skin: Pink
Force Sensitive: No
Stalk eyes
Botanical Intellegence
Physical Strength
Harsh Environments
Bad Temper
Tandrea is a naturally friendly being. She enjoys helping others, and will defend them with her life. When angered, she can still keep a level head, but tends to be more violent. When talking to others of her kind, she will be a bit more professional.
Tandrea is the single child of Zemander and Hindraas Emionthine. She grew up on Tera Lush, in one of the many over-populated metropolis cities. Her father was a soldier, and her mother was a scientist. Throughout her life, all Tandrea wanted to do was fight alongside her father. Being female, however, caused many around her to simply address her dream as a child's fantasy. Her mother made her study Botanical Science. Though she excelled at it, she was still drawn to combat. So, she trained herself in secret for many years. When she became old enough to leave Tera Lush, she did so. With the weight of constant ridicule lifted from her shoulders, Tandrea could finally do what she loved. Though she is not a Jedi, Tandrea tries to live and act the way they do by helping and protecting innocent people. She found Naboo to be a beautiful place as well as peaceful, and continues to reside there.