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Approved Ranged Weapon Tane-Class Variable Artillery Piece (F/I/M/S/T)

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

(Lorenzo Mauro)​
  • Modularity:
    • This artillery piece can swap out its ordinance for different types.
    • This artillery piece can be removed from its self-propelled format to be mounted in vehicles weighted heavy and up.
  • Material:
  • This artillery piece has five different firing loadouts. The weapon platform can swap to different ordinance loadouts at any time. However, it is advised that they not be swapped out during the middle of a hostile conflict, unless you are sure you won't need that cannon for the next three to five minutes.
    • F - Firestorm. This loadout uses thermobaric burst missiles which ignite the surrounding atmosphere at the point of impact to generate a brief but high-intensity firestorm.
      • This loadout option is similar to the Shells option requiring a reload after each shot, but without the chemical combustion agent.
    • I - Ion Cannon. This loadout turns the weapon into an ion cannon capable of disabling enemy electronics and shields at the point of impact.
      • This loadout uses an internal gas cylinder that has to be refilled after twenty shots, and a large power cell that is inserted into the back of the weapon like a shell and has the capability of firing ten ion blasts.
    • M - Mass-Driver. This loadout uses plasma-driven 'slugs' that fire in an arc which releases high-kinetic energy at the point of impact.
      • This loadout uses a plasma cylinder capable of firing twenty-five times before needing to be swapped out. However, like the Shell and Firestorm loadouts it needs a 'slug' to be placed in the chamber after each subsequent salvo.
    • S - Shell. The most common form of this piece uses traditional high-explosive artillery shells propelled via chemical combustion in an arc. Exploding in an area of effect upon impact.
      • This loadout uses a high-explosive baradium-filled shell with a chemical combustion agent loaded behind it to propel it, similar to slugthrowers.
    • T - Turbolaser. This loadout uses traditional turbolaser technology of energy cells and gas cylinders to create a large beam of destructive energy.
      • This loadout uses an internal gas cylinder that has to be refilled after twenty shots, and a large power cell that is inserted into the back of the weapon like a shell and has the capability of firing five blasts.
  • This artillery piece is equipped with both the FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network and the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix.
    • The Reactive Targeting Matrix reduces the need for large artillery crews by taking the mantle of adjusting fire and tracking targets. This system can be disabled for a more traditional artillery experience but is not recommended.
    • The Tractor Guidance Network was added to increase the effectiveness of certain loadout options, specifically, the turbolaser and ion loadouts. In the olden days of artillery, these types were direct fire only, integrating the network allowed them to become indirect fire, increasing their usefulness exponentially. They of course can still be used in a direct-fire capacity when needed.
      • Both technologies are powered via a small internal Hybrid Antimatter Power Unit (HAPU).
  • This artillery piece is equipped with two small repulsorlift engines allowing it to be moved around more easily. These engines are powered by the HAPU but are turned off once placed in position.
  • Variable Ordinance: The Tane-Class VAP has many different ordinances at its disposal for various types of artillery barrages.
  • Direct and Indirect Fire: The Tane-Class VAP can fire its ordinances either in a direct fire mode, allowing it to be more similar to an anti-vehicle platform. Or in an indirect fire mode like traditional artillery. Additionally, thanks to its tractor guidance network it can use types of ordinances that would traditionally be direct fire only in an indirect fire way.
  • Target Identification and Tracking: Thanks to its reactive targeting matrix, the Tane-Class VAP can identify targets and track them even if moving between cover. This increases indirect fire accuracy exponentially.
  • Low Defendability: Other than the 10mm armor shield at the front, this weapon has zero defensive capability. It must rely solely on being far enough away from the main battlefield and friendly infantry.
  • Variable Ordinance: While this weapon has multiple ordinances, the ability to switch comes at the cost of minutes on the battlefield. This is why commanders are urged to stick to one type of ordinance per weapon per engagement unless they know they have the time.
"Do you know why we use artillery?"
"It's because it's a weapon that not only destroys fortifications, vehicles, and personnel, it also destroys morale."
"And morale is too valuable a commodity to lose during a siege."
-Major General Erwin Rorsch
on sieging a city with a creeping artillery barrage.
The Tane-Class Variable Artillery Piece is named after the invulnerable General and Grandmaster Teckla Tane Teckla Tane of the Imperial Crusaders. Not only does it capture the beautifully destructive nature of her Crusaders, but also the variety of their expertise. The Tane-Class is meant to lean into that variable nature and provide artillery batteries with much-needed variety. The Tane has five different ordinance loadout options. Firestorm, ion, mass-driver, shell, and turbolaser; the options can be shortened to the acronym of FIMST.

Seeing the need for an updated artillery platform, Karl Von Strauss along with several army command higher-ups created the Tane for the modern battlefield. It is meant to phase out older artillery platforms such as the Tathel C22, and the Sagittarius mass-drivers. This design is also modular in the fact that it can be mounted in larger, heavier vehicles while still maintaining its variable ability. The design is streamlined to only need 2 soldiers minimum to operate it, a loader and a gunner; although, 3-4 is the preferred number of operators, one or two loaders, a gunner, and a commander.

The Tane is designed to be both an indirect fire weapon and a direct fire weapon, the former being the most commonly used way. Because of the introduction of the two FAE systems, the tractor guidance network and the reactive targeting matrix, this is more than likely the most accurate indirect artillery for a military to be fielded. Because of these technologies, it is more versatile than the SPHAs of yesteryear allowing for traditionally direct-fire weapons to be able to arc like traditional artillery.

Switching from one type of ordinance to the next can be a pain, especially if you are swapping from an energy or laser-based option to a 'slug' throwing option. Going from turbolaser to ion is a breeze because all that needs to be changed is the energy cell that is loaded. However switching from ion to mass-driver is a bit longer, first the gas cylinder of tibanna gas has to be removed for the plasma for the plasma-driven driver round, and then the breach of the platform needs to be switched to one capable of firing/igniting the 'slugs.' A trained engineering crew can perform the swap in about 3-4 minutes, the actual artillery crews are less proficient and can manage a swap in 5-7 minutes.

Ultimately the Tane is the next evolutionary step for the future of self-propelled artillery and for the weapons of the Empire to come.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an artillery piece
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Tane-Class Variable Artillery Piece (Firestorm, Ion, Mass-Driver, Shell, Turbolaser)
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: See Above
Ammunition Type: Firestorm - Thermobaric Burst Missile | Ion - Energy Cells, Gas Cylinder | Mass-Driver - Plasma-Driven Slug | Shell - Standard High Explosive Artillery Shells | Turbolaser - Power Cell, Gas Cylinder
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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