Location: Vanquor, Unknown Forrest
Delilah wasn't exactly a warrior, well, not in the traditional sense. She always prided herself as being a fleet officers, a tactical combatant more than anything else. Regardless, running around in Beskar armor with all of these gadgets was....unconventional for her to say the least. Star had set up targets for her to try and tag using her armor's built in weapon systems, but truth be told Delilah was struggling to even deploy those. The armor itself wasn't exactly built for her specifications, and to make matters worse she swore that the targeting algorithm wasn't functional on this suit in the slightest. No matter how carefully she aimed, it seemed she was always a half inch off the target, something that was starting to get on her nerves.
Standing atop a fallen tree log several feet off the ground, Delilah set her sights on the small target set up only ten meters away from her. Raising her arm, she took aim, trying to nudge her sights to the side and ensure she would hit the center of the target rather than clipping it like she had for the last few goes now. Feeling she had a shot lined up, she fired, using the wrist controls to loose the bolt down range; and was rewarded with another miss, this one widely off target. Grunting, she dropped her arm, swinging it downward to vent her frustrations, only for disaster to occur. The cord launcher deployed from her wrist gauntlet now, wrapping around Delilah's legs and moving up her hips, startling the former captain as she tried to step out of it, only to tumble off the side of the log. A shout began to stir from her throat, as she could see the ground racing up at her, only to come to a jarring halt as something caught her before she hit the ground; as she now dangled back and forth, a good five feet off the ground. Her arms were trapped at her side, the cord launcher having snagged on part of the tree up ahead, though the Echani now dangled helplessly from her new position. Wonderful.
All she could do now, was hope when Star came to find her, that the Twi'lek would be able to cut her down. She...did have to come looking for her eventually, right?
Stardust Solus Skirae