Tanith Alde
Your Highness
NAME: Tanith Alde
FACTION: Independent
SPECIES: Human (Aldeeranian)
AGE: 27
SEX: Transgender Female
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 150-ish lbs
EYES: Inconsistent - Usually Green or Yellow
HAIR: Platinum Blonde
SKIN: Very Light
+ Fairness = Tanith believes that all people have value. She approaches situations with as open a mindset as possible, and attempts to solve problems to the benefit of everyone involved.
+ Gratitude = Tanith believes in valuing the way others contribute to her life, and vice versa.
+ Teamwork = Tanith excels in positions where she can work with others. Loyal and self-sacrificing, she will trade her personal desires for the greater good of the team.
~ Force Potential = Tanith exhibits the potential to use the force, and could be trained into Jedi, or a Sith, or something else entirely.
- Emotional = Though a good person at heart, Tanith exhibits poor control of her emotions. Willing to give in to joy just as readily as despair, depending on how a task plays out.
- Anxious = Perhaps her strongest emotional trait, Tanith is anxious. She fears the future, the past, herself. She tries desperately to find a place to belong, though even once she's found it she struggles with her identity within that group.
- Awkward = The strange mixture of luxury, isolation and poverty that made up Tanith's upbringing has lead to a feeling of being out of place in many situations. Her desire to please and fit in can lead her toward bad decisions, with the intention of finding a place to belong to.
- Trusting = Lacking strong role models to take after, or a solid circle of friends to rely on, Tanith is quick to trust and take shelter in those that show her even faked kindness.
- Overzealous = Once a 'part' of a group, Tanith can become overzealous in supporting their cause, out of a desire to 'fit in' and impress others
Tanith is a tall woman with a pale complexion, and a swimmer's build. Despite her origins, Tanith tends toward utilitarian garments, though when the opportunity presents itself she's more than happy to dress up. Her hair, which varies between a platinum blonde and outright white depending on how much sun she's gotten is usually worn open, though kept relatively short.
Tanith was born of an exiled branch of House Alde that'd established a small merchant empire enterprise across Corellia. Though the reason for that exile are now hundreds of years in the past, Tanith's family still clings to their noble tradition and claim of peerage, adorning themselves with titles of Lady, Lord and the like. As the 4th child born to the Lady Alde, there were few expectations placed on Tanith. Her older siblings were given preferential access to education, corporate positions and the like, with Tanith largely left to pursue her own interests.
Those interests unfortunately tended to bring her into contact with the 'lower classes', something her 'Noble' parents did not approve of in the slightest. After one too many nights sneaking out of the family estate, and a rather unfortunate ransom, Tanith found her freedoms evaporating. Her life, which had gone from absent the love of her family yet free, to a veritable prison sentence. It proved too much for the young woman to bear. In the isolation of her own chambers, her loneliness grew to fear, fear grew to hatred. And hatred lead to her lashing out against the servants, the droids, and eventually her own family. Silence turned to words as emotions grew more heated and eventually? They proved too much for the untempered youth to handle. Though she is hazy on the details, she cannot forget the feeling of power that surged through her as she tore down the golden tapestries, sent precious crystal furnishing and antiques from before the family's exile flying through the grand hall with only her will alone. What she remembers the most though is the crushing emptiness she felt when she was 'free' once more, now bereft of everything she'd known. Alone and on the streets.
She remembers those first nights, struggling to find shelter in a world that simply did not care for her. Reaching out to try and find friends that had long vanished when her money had stopped flowing into their hands. Tanith had thought herself alone before, now the realization had dawned, she was truly on her own.