Tanya Winters
Faction: Eternal Empire
Height: 5'6
Weight:114 pounds
Eyes: Light Brown
Age: 34
Force Sensitive: No
Brave: She's a very brave and fearless woman that will put others lives above her ownPure Heart: As close to pure as a person can get and believes fiercely in the ideals of equality and doing the right things all the time.
A Great Shoot: Skilled with a blaster
Trust Issues: She has difficulty with trusting others and opening herself up.
Idealist: Hopelessly she sometimes fails to see the reality of situations.
Born and raised on Zakuul she was raised to remember how great her people had been in the past all they had accomplished. Her parents had been advisors to the immortal emperor a source of great pride in the family. Her early childhood was spent learning about the other planets in the galaxy and their cultures, her parents had envisioned her becoming some sort of banker that would travel around. But her heart had always remained with Zakuul.WIP