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Taozin Hunter (Kezeroth)

South Va'art
Mrrew stood in a small clearing on the jungle moon of Va'art, looking up at the sky. This was, in fact, the same clearing they'd useed last time Mrrew went to hunt Taozin. Very similer circumstances, as well; both were needed dead with the hide intact as possible. Last time they'd shot it in the eye with a lightning gun... Heh. Last time, his hunting partner was a mandalorian. This time? A fething Gen'dai. He'd never met him before, but something about his name sounded faintly familiar. Prehaps he was something important. The Togorian shrugged. If it mattered, he'd figure it out. What mattered now is whether or not he was a decent hunter. Taozin may not be as deadly as Terentateks, but they're massive and carniviorous, with a poisonus bite and the ability to fire webbing out of it's mouth. They're dangerous in their own right. Hopefully his partner knew that, and wouldn't get himself killed.

But first he'd have to arrive...

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Kezeroth would have to be careful how he hunted with [member="Mrrew"] he knew who he was, he had never forgotten. Hhe snickered thinking about the akward feeling they would both get if Kezeroth had not of brought his Dark-Devil Helmet made of duranium and covered in Maalraa bones, Its Visage was creepy and the prostectic hair that reached down from the back of it made Kezeroth look something other then Gen'Dai, Questions would be asked and doubts given about who he was. His Transport landed beside [member="Mrrew"]'s ship, it was a unmarked AEG-77 Vigo . The same ship the Blacksun used to transport and smuggle goods, of course Kezeroth was not in the Black Sun and it had been stolen from some smugglars back on Coruscant in the Lower Levels. Piloted by mostly droids and Kezeroth himself, The back hatch lowered and the Gen'Dai walked out. Standing 8'5ft in height and walking down with a weighty thump he had his SithSword strapped on his back and held Standard Proton Carbine in his hands, Down on his belt was a standard Curved Lightsaber. The Gen'Dai was covered in some Armorweave and wore Grey robes on top of them.

" Are you Ready? Togorian." he said examining the Sentient Cat.
Well. This was interesting. This guy was fething bigger then he was. Mrrew had literally only ever met one other sentient in the galaxy taller then he wawss... And that was a giant worm. That ate dragon brains. Literally ate dragon brains. This was sure ot be interesting. He wasn't exactly sure what he was... the horns looked fake, buit he couldn't be sure. Not that it particularly mattered - what matetred was if he was a decetn hunter. If not, he was going to be eaten by a giant centipede.

"When you are." The Togorian took his Chiru rifle from the sling on the back of his bandoleir. "Have you hunted Taozin before?"

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
The Gen'Dai Stared into the Forrest and smiled under his helmet. " No... Not with a Rifle." He cocked the Rifle and secured the ammo into the weapon. Slinging the Weapon on his shoulder and walked forward headed towards the Jungle itself. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, He wanted his Hide and he wanted to pay and then leave with his prize. He could barely stand keeping his own friends close and now he was with [member="Mrrew"] hunting with him.

" Taozin or not, Keep your wits..." he said aloud, Spoken like a true hunter and yet he was not one atleast by trade, Relying on his Force Powers to pick up something was useless he could not feel anything, He was force to stick with his Instinctive abilities.
Not with a rifle? Hm. Mrrew glanced back to [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"], looking his armor up and down. He still seemed eerily familiar. Had he seen him before? He shrugged. Probably on a holonet talk show, or something. People who fight animals known fo rkilling entire settlements tend to gather some fame. And anyone who joins the Beast Hunter's Guild usually fits that bill. Mrrew nodded at his tempeorairy hunting partner, and started on to the forests. His ears flicked constantly for the slightest sound that indicated where his prey may be. This was one of the times that he was glad he didn't use the Force. There were several hunters in the Guild who did- and they would all be entirely useless on this hunt. They tended to rely on it, which could easily get them killed. Ecspecially hunting the things Mrerw hunted; Leviathons, Terentateks, Taozins. The Togorian shook his head slightly as they walked through the growing gloom of the forest, returning his thoughts back to listening for any sing of the Taozin. Shouldn't be too hard to find...
Id had been awhile sence Kezeroth had been out in the Wild. His Sensory acuity was relied on more in this place, The Forrest was teeming with life, from insects, Mammals and Larger Animals, withing a 200m radius he could feel their heartbeats and movements but could not pinpoint their exact location. Though his awareness would help him greatly against a surprise attack he took note of the Togorians tension. Kezeroth kept walking straight, he did not look around like [member="Mrrew"] did nor did he walk with his gun up. It was odd to watch and im sure it worried the Togorian some.

" Why the Tension? My Ally. Their are worse things in this Forrest then Taozin." he said plainly but smiled under his helmet, The worse danger was him. When he finished his sentence the Gen'Dai slowed down slightly he had picked something up, it was close but after couple seconds he started to walk again, Something was watching them but for now he would let it think it had the advantage.

Lol I feel like the one guy at the end of a horror movie that dosen't realize the guy he thought was a cop or something during the entire movie is really a serial kliler.

Mrrew glanced back slightly at [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]'s question. He didn't catch the subtle hint hidden in it. "Being prepared can save your life. Walking through a forest filled with dangerous animals and thinking you're perfectly safe is a quick way to get killed." Which was exactly what it seemed like his partner was doing. He shrugged. Looks like his hunting partner would be the bait. Mrrew turned back around, continuing his slow walk. He hadn't picked up the approaching creature, yet, of course. It wasn't close enough to make any noise. As soon as it was, however, he would be ready. Unless the Gen'Dai killed it first that is. Or him.

" For the moment, We.." Kezeroth suddenly stopped mid sentence and picked him Proton Rifle to Arms, He felt something move. His Head turned quick and he looked around, the prostectic hair flung around as he moved. " Its here..." he muttered and stood still, The sound that same to his ears was interesting. A most slow crawl towards them till finally he heard a Hiss like noise and Kezeroth froze for a moment. Where.. Where was it? he thought. Not being able to use it force abilities bothered him. His awarness alone was enough to have him keep up with a Jedi Knight's enhanced reflexes but it just showed how much Kezeroth relied on his Force sense abilities.

A White Flash came at [member="Mrrew"] and Kezeroth both, Webbing. " Move!" he shouted and rolled to the left landing back in a position that was a kneel. They were under attack!

Mrrew's ears flicked suddenly, a moment before [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] warned him it was nearby. This was different then the last time they'd hunted Taozin. Last time, it simply burst out of the foliage and tattacked them. This one was smarter. The Togorian aimed his rifle towards the noise, just as his hunting partner yelled for him to move. The Togorian practically dived aside, not paarticularly looking forward to being wrapped up in webbing like a spider snack. However, he was less prepared then Kexeroth. Rather then a combat roll, he simply landed on his stomach a few meters away. Which meant he was an easy target.

The massive head of a centipeded the size of a freighter appeared in the foliage, hissing loud enough to block out the birdsong coming from the canopy. It's massive head twitched suddenly, giving the only warning before another white blur fired from it's mouth towards Kezeroth- the one thing standing between it and what it hoped to make it's prey.

(Sorry for the short post)
" Haha! You Karking Hunk of Meat! That all you got!" he shouted at the Taozin and Dashed to the side, His Body augmented by the Force afforded him smooth graceful movements and at the most were questionable. Kezeroth gnashed his teeth under his helmet, he wanted to blast the creature with Force Lightning so bad... To watch it fry, But he could not drawing his Sith Sword Kezeroth swung it about in flurry that cut the Webbing easy, Its Blade was Sharper than anything he knew and had no doubt it would maybe cause some question but in the moment of combat he need not worry. Some webbing managed to get on the Gen'Dai but he did not care, With his other Hand he grabbed his Proton Rifle and started to spray at aimed at the creatures Face and all the while laughing at the same time!

" Haha! Hah!"

Well. This guy was fething insane. Mrrew quickly reached for his rifle while [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] started his display of grace and insanity. For a second, instinct told him to shoot the thing that was hacking at the Taozin's webbing like a particularly angry axe murderer might. However, he quickly brushed that away. A moment before the Gen'dai unloade dhis proton rifle on the thing's face, several damaging it's eyes, a dart whizzed by his shoulder- digging itself deep into the creature's right compound eye. Normally he'd use a deadlier weapon when not required to capture the creature, but he'd brought his tranqulizing Chiru rifle out of habit. It was easier to kill something once it was dead, anyway. Then again, he doubted this would be a hard hunt either way....

("Kezeroth the Hateful" "Kezeroth the Malevolent" how about "Kereroth the batpoodoo insane?" XD)
Snickering Kezeroth quickly realesed a medium power cell and reloaded, Now Aiming well at the creatures face he unloaded again. He had no clue how long the Dart would take to bring the Taozin down but he was not gonna take chances. Plasma shots sprayed all over the Taozins body and face, With a grin the Gen'Dai Watched as the creature shrieked and wiggled around in pain. Looking over at [member="Mrrew"] briefly he checked if the cat was still alive and then pivoted toward a tree. He had been in the open for while and staying in one spot was just not good.

" Damned Insect!" he growled.


short posts be short =)
While the Gen'dai reloaded, two more darts whizzedy him, slamming into the taozin's mouth anbd another in it's right compound eye. It snapped for what could pass as viciously at the Gen'dai, but it was much too slow. The tranquilzer combined with the severe injuries were taking effect. The Taozin let out a ptifiul shriek as [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] unloaded on it again, trying in vain to move backwards and retreat into the trees. It was defenceless now.
The Taozin was his now.. It was weak and posed almost no threat. " Move in.." Kezeroth said and dropped his Proton Rifle and let it swing on his shoulder, Holding his blade in the other hand Kezeroth headed toward the Beast in a pace that was described prowling, Theyre was no where for it to go! The Gen'DAi could feel the Massive creatures heart beat faintly. " Hah! Your hide will be greatly accept Mr.Taozin!" He spoke to it as he got closer. It was in a Tree after all and lets just say those trees are pretty high. Gripping his sword tighter and squating slightly the Gen'Dai darted off in a sprint, when he got close to the Tree to leaped in the air and started to climb toward the Taozin.

... Mrrew blinked at the Gen'dai as he started talking to the Taozin, before leaping at it like some kind of demented Nexu. He was getting teh creeping feeling that his hunting partner escaped from an asylum. Maybe that's where he'd seen him before? On a wanted poster? Hmm. The Togorian lwoered his rifle, just watching while [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] pretty much mauled the carnivorous creature fifty times bigger then he was.
Nearing close to the massive Taozin the Gen'Dai Leaped on to the best position he could as it started to back up, with an underhand grip he drew back his sword and threw the thing at the creatures face. The Sword would tare the Taozin apart on the outside and Kezeroth would snicker slightly before hopping closer to the creature. With a Growl and some Force Augmented blows Kezeroth started punching the fearful creature with his armor weave gloves. Eventually the Taozin slipped and in an attempt to escape fell the treeline to the floor with a loud thud and eerie shriek.

The Taozin was already becoming oggy from the powerful tranqulizer. [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]'s strikes were all that was needed to take it down. And rip apart it's face. Did anyone do plastic surgery on centipedes? Hm. Mrrew casually slowly his rifle while the Gen'dai completely murdered the bug, watching him carefully. He still wasn't sure how stable his hunting partner was.... Probably a serial killer or something. Definitely a lunatic.
" Haha! A good Hunt..." he muttered under his breath and stared at [member="Mrrew"] general direction. He wondered if the big togorians knew him now but was not really worried. Sliding down the tree Kezeroth suddenly let go and landed down next to the taozin, his walk was strong and he searched for Sithword. It would be the one thing he would want back from the Taozin, Though he wanted the Hide of the Taozin his Sithsword was something more important to him mentally. " Togorian! Whats your opinion on me? Do I hunt Well?" he asked smiling under his helmet. While waiting for a Response Kezeroth grabbed his sword and ripped it out of the creatures face.


( Holiday delays :p )
(All's good, I had them as well. :p)

His opinion of [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]? Well, he was a lunatic. Mrrew glanced at the Taozin corpse, mutilated head and all. He still wasn't sure who or what his hunting partner was- he'd stopped tyring to figure it out halfway through the hunt. But whoever he was, he was certainly uesful to have around. And, lunatic or not, he'd probably be a good addition to the Guild... If he could decimate Terentatkes the way he did Taozins. Mrrew had a feeling he could. "Plenty well enough..." Mrrew lwoered his rifle, even though he had barely used it the entire hunt. However he didn't want to put it back in his sling... The man stil lamde him uneasy.
The job was basicly done and oddly enough the Gen'Dai had some fun killing the beast, his mind drifted to more hunts he could do and he shaked his head slightly.
- It would be fun indeed- he thought to himself before asking [member="Mrrew"] " Your Guild... Do they hunt other Sentients?" Kezeroth sheathed his sword on his back and crossed his arms. ​" Ive been needing to get into the bounty hunting business for sometime, I didn't like coming here but i enjoyed this hunt." he nodded at the Togorian. " When i get back to my ship ill Transfer over the credits.." he turned to the dead taozin and inspected it well.


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