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Approved Armor Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor Mk. II

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Manufacturer: Malsheem Armament Factories - Manufacture, First United Astral Engineering - Design
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average




  • Classification: Multipurpose Combat Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Weaponized Cold: Low
    • Weaponized Heat: High
    • Weaponized Acid | Corrosives: Average
    • Sonic: Average
    • Tensor: None
    • Electromagnetic | Ion | Electronic Disruption: High
    • Mental Attacks: High


  • Fire Dancer: The Taral-type Sith trooper armor is rated to withstand heat and energy weapons of various types (up to and including disruptors, particle beams, and other powerful weapon archetypes) via an all-encompassing array of miniaturized energy shield projectors that are embedded within the construction, Ostrine reinforcement, energy sinks, a composite armorweave bodyglove, and yet more defensive systems.
  • Kinetic Warfare: Achieved through a gammaplast-beskar armor construction and an array of miniaturized intrinsic energy shield projectors, the Taral-type Sith trooper armor has excellent resistance against slugthrowers, vibroblades, and other kinetic threats. The armor also protects against raw kinetic force (or blunt impact) via an integrated shear thickening fluid and an ablative inertial dampener.
  • Low Profile: The armor has a greatly-diminished observation profile owing to its camouflage and polymer coatings, while the D-baffling system renders it nearly dead silent. Both of these systems lower the overall signature of the armor, but they do not offer true stealth capability or invisibility. Instead, they serve to make the suit and its wearer more difficult to distinguish from the surrounding environment and harder to detect.
  • Enhanced Warrior: Achieved via energized and reactive polymer materials incorporated into the body glove, the armor gives the wearer a fourfold strength enhancement. In addition, the Ghost Link allows the wearer to control virtually all of the armor's functions and attached subsystems via mental command. Further mental enhancement comes from the armor itself, which heightens and accelerates the user’s thought processes by supplementing them with processing power of the onboard computers. Thus, the armor enhances the user both physically and mentally.

  • Tensor: Although the armor is optimized to mitigate damage from most forms of energy-based assaults, tensor weapons are indeed the exception. In firing compressed tractor beam waves, they can bypass most of the defenses and affect the wearer’s body at a cellular level, with the potential to cause severe injury or outright death.
  • Deep Freeze: While the armor is rated to protect the wearer from all environments (including arctic planets the likes of Hoth and Ilum), it unfortunately does not grade well in terms of defense against cold-based weaponry. That is to say that the biting, freezing power of cryogenic weapon systems is far more penetrating than that presented by cold environments. Thus, wearers are advised to rely on other means of protection should they come to face these weapons.
  • Intercept or Mitigate: Unfortunately, the armor can not utilize its miniaturized intrinsic shield trajectory array simultaneously with the electro-active interception weapon. The implications means that wearers (or the onboard defensive intelligence) must choose between intercepting incoming threats or mitigating them via the intrinsic shields. An incorrect choice in such a circumstance could result in harmful outcomes.
  • Surface Damage: While the armor’s equipped Dream Sight possesses an extremely advanced surface-integrated passive reception array, any direct damage to the surface of the armor may diminish the effectiveness of the system due to the destruction of a number of passive micro-sensors. This can result in blind spots in the passive reception array.
  • Shield Projector Fragility: The Taral-type Sith trooper armor is a high-tech platform that depends in large part on its electronics for its defensive prowess and lethality. Thus, should its electronics be overloaded, disabled, or impaired, the armor’s ability to protect its wearer will suffer in turn. In such a case, the miniaturized intrinsic shield projector array might suffer malfunction. Since this system is a linchpin to the armor’s resistance against disruptors (the armor plating by itself is unable to adequately defend against this weapon type as solid materials can not be proofed against disruptors), these weapon will likely pose an especially mortal threat to the wearer in the event of system failure.

A product of Malsheem’s continued investment into the protection and enhancement of its soldiery, the latest generation of the Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor makes use of the most advanced technology available to the Kainate, with particular emphasis on survivability, lethality, awareness, environmental adaptability, and versatility. In this regard, the Mk. II variant of the Taral-type armor benefits directly from the design processes and philosophies found in many First United Astral Engineering-produced armors, while benefiting from the ultra-advanced automated production plants on the Malsheem and other Kainate manufacturing facilities to ensure robust build quality.

In terms of survivability, the Taral-type makes use of Echani shield suit technology to integrate miniaturized shield projectors directly into the armor. The armor is constructed from high-grade gammaplast electroplated with beskar seized from Moridinae during the Kainate occupation. To shield against heat, the construction is reinforced with ostrine. In all, these protective measures afford excellent resistance against virtually all types of energy, kinetic, and heat-based weapons, with secondary resistance to corrosives, electromagnetic discharges, and lightsabers. A helmet-integrated Force Mask offers good resistance against mental attacks, but the armor remains vulnerable to direct manifestations of the Force. Finally, the armor is resistant to hacking and outside tampering, as many of its subsystems feature robust quantum encryption and the armor itself has a dedicated threat-prevention suite.

Encompassing awareness, the Taral-type includes a full sensor suite with nodes across the entire armor, giving the operator full, omnidirectional perception at virtually all times. The Ghost Link further enhances this by connecting the wearer’s brain directly to the armor’s systems. From here, the wearer’s physical brain is supplemented and enhanced by the processing power in the armor’s computers, offering a number of potent mental enhancements.

For lethality, the armor has hardpoints in the gauntlets which can be equipped with gauntlet weapons. The boots and gloves include kinetite shockwave projectors, amplifying the user’s physical strikes with powerful shockwaves. Weapons can also be stored on the magnetic attachment strips.

The armor is a highly modular, versatile design, which can be customized in various loadouts for different role requirements. Its gauntlet hardpoints and back-mounted utility hardpoint enhance this capability. In addition, the armors are constructed by scanning the physical profile of the intended wearer and producing a suit fitted exactly for their size. In this way, no two Taral-type armors are exactly alike.

Rated as an all-environment armor, the Taral-type is capable of withstanding high-pressure deep ocean waters, intense blizzards in sub-zero temperatures, the vacuum of space, searing hot volcanic fields, exotic atmospheres, and yet more biomes. As the suit is completely sealed and climate-controlled, it can maintain a comfortable internal climate to its wearers chosen temperature and humidity.

Aesthetically, each suit has the symbol of the Kainate on both pauldrons by default. Though these can be removed. The armor also comes in two distinct patterns: Aurek and Besh. Ranks are not displayed visibility to frustrate the targeting of officers. Standard colors include red and black, though these naturally change as the armor’s adaptive camouflage system shifts colors to match the surrounding environment

All in all, with the intensifying campaign against the Galactic Alliance, the manufacturing prowess of the Kainate was brought fully to bear to equip its forces with the new, updated Taral-type armor. It is hoped that the armor will solidify Kainate infantry as the most lethal and formidable Sith troopers within the Sith Empire.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update the Kainate trooper armor.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Kainate
Model: Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor Mk. II
Modular: Yes
Material: See Body
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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